I want to be slim! 10 categorical “nos” on the way to losing weight

I want to be slim! 10 categorical “nos” on the way to losing weight

If anyone wants to start losing weight, now is the time. I’m sure many people have gained weight over the winter, and after all, there is only a month left until the season of open clothing, when you especially want to be slim. Its time to begin!

Probably, as long as humanity exists, women will want to lose weight. But between a desire and its implementation, as you know, there is a long path, which, alas, not everyone manages to complete. After all, to do this, so much needs to be overcome, changed, rethought at once. But believe me, you can start small (the main thing is to start). For example, I have developed for myself the law of 10 “No!”, which perfectly helps to keep myself in shape.

  1. Say "No!" all diets and fasting.

It is better not to deny yourself all products, but to allow yourself everything, but little by little. It is better not to deprive yourself of nutrients, but to properly balance your diet. It is better not to starve, but to eat less.

  1. Say "No!" excessive appetite.

Increase the amount of vegetables and vegetable salads in your diet. Use separate power supply. Develop the habit of getting up from the table with a feeling of incomplete satiety. Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before meals.

  1. Say "No!" need to be sure to finish the portion.

Use dessert plates for meals. Eat slowly and in small pieces.

  1. Say "No!" desire to eat after seven.

It is better to adhere to this simple rule and not eat after seven.

  1. Say "No!" the habit of chewing something in between.

Take the fruit and be sure to cut it into small pieces. Slowly consume vitamins instead of calories.

  1. Say "No!" temptation to try all the dishes at the banquet.

Choose 2-3 dishes that you really want to try and try them. Discard the rest. Redirect your attention to emotional pleasures.

  1. Say "No!" all harmful and even unhealthy foods.

Don't buy unnecessary products that may tempt you.

  1. Say "No!" excessive physical activity.

Exercise regularly, but without exhaustion. Take it slow and enjoy it.

  1. Say "No!" everything that interferes with regular sex.

Sex is an exercise, burning calories and speeding up metabolism.

  1. Say "No!" the misconception “I’m fat – this is my destiny.”

Take care of yourself and you will be who you want!

If you can tell yourself these 10 “No!” You are definitely on the right path to losing weight. But don't relax, those "No!" you have to talk constantly. Then you will achieve amazing results!