Exercises for the buttocks in the gym.

Elastic, voluminous and sculpted buttocks are a dream that seems unattainable to many women. However, for men, competent development of the gluteal muscles often becomes a turning point, because this area, as a rule, is not given much attention in manuals and manuals. In fact, solving this problem is quite possible for every athlete who has sufficient will and perseverance and correctly combines diet, cardio exercise and constant strength training. In this review, we will look at the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym, which you can successfully add to your training plan.

Exercises for the buttocks in the gym.

Squats with an additional load with wide feet.

A very effective movement that also involves the inner thigh (since the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles always work together, they also need to be worked together). The legs are spread wide, the feet are directed forward and slightly turned to the sides. We install the barbell in the upper back (women can use dumbbells). Keeping your body and head straight, without bending your back, slowly squat down, reaching a level where your thighs are parallel to the floor. Feeling the tension in your buttocks, slowly return to the starting position. When attempting barbell squats for the first time, you need to be careful. It is advisable to have a partner for backup and not immediately take on a gigantic weight.

Single leg squats.

Squat on one leg with a load.

An exercise whose effectiveness for the gluteal muscles is simply impossible not to feel immediately. The execution differs from what is described above in the following way: behind the practitioner there is a bench about forty centimeters high, onto which one of the legs is placed. A squat, while maintaining all the fundamental points as in a regular squat, is performed with the second leg. Then the legs change. Naturally, with this method of squatting, less weight should be used than with the usual classic one. This option is also good because it is available for implementation not only in the gym, but also at home or on the street...

Lunges with additional load.

With a barbell on your shoulders or dumbbells in each hand, stand straight, shoulders back, head straight. We take a big step with one foot, while leaving the other in place. We lower ourselves until the thigh of the active leg forms a right angle with the lower leg, and the knee of the second almost touches the floor. We fix this position for a while and slowly return to the starting position. We do the same with the second leg. The number of lunges performed with both legs should be the same.

Leg press on a bench press machine.

Leg press on a bench press machine

Lying with your back and pelvis on the simulator, place your feet on the platform. It is better to start with the position of the feet at the base of the platform; over time, this position can be changed, in which case different muscle bundles will be involved. We hold our hands on the special handles on the sides of the machine and slowly bend our legs without spreading our hips to the sides. After full bending, slowly straighten your knees and fix the load for a while at the top point. After this, we slowly repeat the entire sequence of movements again.

Pull your legs back up.

Bringing the leg back up.

A very popular and simple exercise for the buttocks. We stand on all fours with a slightly arched back. Raise one of the legs so that the foot is approximately at head level. After this, we move the leg even further, to an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body. We try to fix the leg in this position for some time. Lower the leg and repeat everything with the second leg. As an additional load, they use weighted cuffs with studs, put on your ankles, a dumbbell clamped under the knee, rubber shock absorbers, spring expanders and other options... Also in the arsenal of a modern gym there is an appropriate simulator for working out this movement...

Bringing your legs together overcoming resistance.

Reduction of legs.

Another exercise for the gym, which allows, in addition to the gluteal muscles, to also work out the muscle groups of the athlete’s inner thigh. To perform it, you need a special simulator, the so-called “abductor”. The technique is very simple: you just need to bring your legs together, overcoming the resistance of the simulator applied to the inner thighs. Your back must be kept straight and pressed against the back of the machine. Despite the simple technique, leg reduction is very effective and popular not only among women, but also among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, and even among professional bodybuilders.

Consistency is the path to results.

This article discusses the main sets of movements, the implementation of which will help to form beautiful and elastic buttocks. But it must be remembered that strength loads on certain muscle groups, applied in isolation, will never be fully effective. They must be combined with diet and cardio exercises. And most importantly: forget about miracles, you don’t need to expect amazing results after several workouts. Only their methodical, constant repetition will be effective, and with perseverance and systematic movement towards your goal, the exercises described here will help you achieve progress and a qualitative increase in muscle mass.