The process of honing the relief - Drying in bodybuilding.

The vast majority of people who regularly devote their free time to training in the gym have one goal - to achieve an ideal figure. After all, a person’s appearance has a very serious impact on his position in society and on the attitude of all the people around him. That is why millions of men and women put a lot of effort and time into achieving the desired results.

Bodybuilding is a sport whose key goal is to build an ideal body (body - body, building - to build). It is bodybuilding that, to one degree or another, is practiced by visitors to gyms and fitness clubs. Let's take a closer look at one of the most important aspects in this difficult task - “drying”.

Drying in bodybuilding is a term very familiar to every person who has been training in the gym for several years. In fact, this is a comprehensive change in the athlete’s diet and training in order to rid the muscles of accumulated excess subcutaneous fat. After all, the process of building muscle mass often gives a result that is far from the glorified ideals - your figure becomes larger and more massive, but the beautiful relief is hidden under the extra pounds of fat deposits hanging on all sides.

When should you start working on the terrain?

If you are a performing athlete, then this period is necessary before each competition in order to achieve ideal, flawless results. However, there are much fewer such people than ordinary average amateurs, and therefore we will pay more attention to drying specifically for non-professionals...

Traditionally, people try to lose excess weight by the summer. Taking into account the time required for this, they begin to “dry” at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring, and within the available two to three months, with due determination, you can cope with the task without any problems.

What is the essence of the process?

Drying in bodybuilding is the most difficult and crucial period. Many athletes find it very difficult to lose accumulated kilograms of subcutaneous fat, since this directly depends on the metabolism and characteristics of our body. Some of us easily get high-quality and detailed relief without putting much effort into it, but most of us have to work hard and for a long time for this.

The drying process involves a modified training program, restricting the body’s intake of food, and often additional intake of special medications (fat burners). Only by correctly combining these components can you achieve your goal.

Nutrition during drying.

Diet is needed not only for women - many men also limit themselves in food, and in order to get the ideal relief - you can’t do without it. In this regard, it is impossible to give an answer that will suit every athlete - after all, we all have individual characteristics of the body’s functioning and metabolism that should be taken into account. However, the most famous options are the following:

  1. Low carbohydrate diet. Lasts on average a month and a half. Its essence is a reduced intake of carbohydrates. The diet may look something like this: protein - 50-60%, fats - 10-20%, carbohydrates - the rest. It should be borne in mind that such a regime can easily affect your health and mood - many athletes feel increased fatigue, drowsiness, and decreased tone.
  2. Low-carbohydrate diet. A tougher version of the previous point. The amount of protein taken in food increases to approximately 80%, fat - up to 20%, and carbohydrates - decreases to a possible minimum. A very difficult option, used mainly only by professional athletes.
Training regimen at this stage:

In addition to proper nutrition, we must not forget about a special training program. Include aerobic exercise in every session in the gym, and they should last more than half an hour - after about this period of time, the fat burning process in the body is activated. Another great way to tone muscles is to keep the weights to a minimum, but still perform as many reps as possible.

Pharmacological support:

The vast majority of athletes, while developing relief, strive to speed up this process with the help of various drugs. There is a special name for this category of supplements - fat burners. Today, there are dozens and even hundreds of different options that differ from each other in their operating principles. Their cost is not that high, and many people can afford such a purchase.

Remember that drying for many people is a very difficult and complex process, and, of course, stress for the human body. So don't overdo it!

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