
Anxiety is a condition that every person experiences occasionally. But when anxiety becomes pervasive and dominant in one's life, it can become a serious problem known as an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder is one of the most common types of mental disorders that affect people of all ages and social groups. Anxiety can come in many forms, such as generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias.

Generalized anxiety is a condition in which a person constantly worries about various things, be it work, health, relationships, finances or other problems. This condition can lead to severe tension, anxiety, irritability, fatigue and sleep disturbances.

Social anxiety is a fear of social situations where a person feels awkward and afraid of being the center of attention. This condition can lead to avoidance of social contacts, feelings of inadequacy and depression.

Panic attacks are sudden attacks of intense anxiety that can occur at any time. They are accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, dizziness and a feeling of suffocation.

Phobias are fears of certain objects, situations or actions. For example, phobia of heights, enclosed spaces, spiders, bats, etc. Phobias can lead to avoidance of certain situations or objects, which can seriously affect quality of life.

Anxiety disorders can have a variety of causes, including genetic factors, adverse life events, chronic stress, and certain medical conditions. Treatment for anxiety disorders may include psychotherapy, medications, or a combination of both.

If you feel that anxiety is beginning to dominate your life and interfere with its normal functioning, consult a specialist. Anxiety should not go unnoticed and unaddressed, so as not to lead to serious consequences for health and quality of life.

Anxiety: what is it and how to overcome it?

Anxiety disorders are a broad class of mental illnesses with manifestations ranging from panic attacks to social anxiety. These include “normal” anxiety and insomnia, as well as severe depression or OCD. The main cause of anxiety is disruption of the brain and nervous system. Other common causes are illnesses and injuries, especially those related to the brain.

_Signs and symptoms of anxiety:_

Abnormalities in breathing and heart rate Sweating, trembling Convulsions, fainting Numbness and tingling throughout the body or in some parts of the body Pain in the stomach or hypochondrium Visual and hearing impairment Headaches Dry mouth and others The above symptoms are accompanied by intense or increasing anxiety, fatigue, stress or anxiety. Please note that signs may be mild or severe, persistent or transient. Sometimes there are

Anxiety is a polysemantic concept and is used in psychology to describe various phenomena. According to TSB: “Anxiety is understood as an undifferentiated feeling that arises in a situation of uncertain danger. The central clinical manifestation of generalized anxiety disorder is poor prediction of the future and perception of any situation as threatening. ... (J.E. Bier. P.H. Hayward, L.J. Kamin, A. Freeman, 1953) distinguish 5 types of mental response to stress: activating, asthenic, anxious, demobilizing and sensitive. Increased anxiety can be observed not only in