Olga Freimut's beauty secret: the perfect breakfast for beauty

Olga Freimut is the terror of Ukrainian restaurants, who knows what an ideal establishment should be. Naturally, her public work requires her to look perfect always and everywhere. What beauty secret does Olga Freimut have - read in our material.

The famous presenter Olga Freimut is very demanding about her appearance: on the one hand, she is obliged by her profession, on the other, by her personal position and ideas regarding female appearance. However, there was a period in Olga’s life when she wanted to fight extra pounds, and nothing worked for her. Neither fitness, nor diets, nor the ban on eating after six could save me. After a long search for “why this happens,” it turned out that the reason for this situation is the lack of breakfast in the diet.

“My day began with lunch. I always systematically skipped breakfast, and as it turned out, this was the reason that the weight lines did not want to go away under any torture,” admits Freimut.

When the star found out why she couldn’t lose weight, she firmly decided to change her diet by including breakfast. “Now I always have breakfast, no matter what,” Olga shares.

According to Freimut, in order to have an ideal figure, you need to have a hearty breakfast without restraining your appetite. The first thing Olga eats in the morning is yogurt and fruit. At the same time, there should be 4 varieties of fruit. If desired, you can make a fruit salad from them.

Next, the famous presenter eats toast with an egg (in place of the egg there can also be cheese or chicken). This part of breakfast is important to fill the body with essential nutrients and also give strength for the whole day.

As a morning drink, Olga drinks coffee, which she loves very much. “I can’t imagine my morning without coffee. It gives me energy and strength,” says Freimuth.

Interestingly, the presenter drinks orange or tangerine juice as a snack between breakfast and lunch.


To be honest, many people neglect breakfast: some don’t have enough time, some are afraid of gaining weight, others are simply lazy. Although in fact, breakfast is an obligatory part of a normal diet.

The thing is that when you sleep, the body continues to undergo processes that require a large amount of energy. And when you wake up in the morning, he simply has no reserves left. Breakfast is the meal that will restore the body's strength and enable it to function normally throughout the day. All the food you eat for breakfast won’t turn into fat deposits—don’t worry. It will be used to restore wasted energy.

Another reason to eat breakfast is that when you wake up, your metabolism is slow, and to boost it, you need to eat. If this is not done in the morning, the exchange will continue to “slow down” throughout the day, giving you extra pounds or preventing you from losing them. Therefore, if you want to be slim and beautiful, have breakfast.

The best breakfast foods are oatmeal, muesli, dairy products, toast, eggs, cheese and fruit.

The word “breakfast” dates back to the times when dinner was the most important part of the day: they prepared for it and, as a rule, dinner had the most food on the table. The remaining food was left “for tomorrow.” This is where the name came from.