Diet “for company” is more effective than solo diet

Achieving the desired body shape and getting rid of excess weight is a task that many people set for themselves. However, as experience shows, it is not always possible to accomplish it alone. Lack of motivation, stressful situations and habits can cause failure to fulfill plans. In this case, a group diet, or “diet for company,” can be a solution to the problem.

American psychologists from New York University conducted a study in which 141 overweight people participated. Volunteers were divided into three groups: some lost weight alone, others in a group, and others received a combined approach. The experiment revealed that those participants who lost weight in a group lost twice as much weight as those who dieted alone. The second best indicators were volunteers, to whom a combined approach was applied - both group and individual.

Why is a group diet more effective than a single diet? Firstly, group members support each other, exchange experiences, advice and are motivated to achieve a common goal. Secondly, the group creates conditions for social support, which is an important factor in the fight against excess weight. Finally, the pleasant communication and emotional support that group members receive helps cope with stress and reduces the likelihood of depression.

However, it is worth considering that choosing a group for joint weight loss is an important step. It should be made up of people with similar levels of motivation and goals, as well as similar lifestyles and diets. An ideal group for losing weight could be family or work colleagues who spend most of their time together.

Thus, a group diet, or “diet for company,” is an effective way to combat excess weight. It helps participants motivate each other, creates conditions for social support and reduces stress. However, choosing the right group is key to success. If you decide to try a diet in a group, choose like-minded people and achieve the desired result together.