Affordable equipment - a manual expander and its benefits

Among the whole range of simulators for developing arm strength, to this day there remains practically the only suitable and quite affordable option. Namely, the use of expanders, that is, exercise equipment that operates due to the resistance of its structural elements, in other words, a spring, a spiral or a piece of rubber. They began to use such devices a long time ago, but they received real recognition only from the beginning of the last century - with the development of wrestling as an international sports discipline. The question immediately arises: why have such shells become popular only now?

The answer is simple - only a manual expander, the benefits of which have been confirmed by modern physiotherapists, using technologies that use an electromagnetic pulse to transmit a signal to the muscles, has experimentally proven its undeniable effectiveness. And the results obtained clearly show that the effect of exercise machines using the force of their own resistance is no less than when using traditional equipment that uses gravity - barbells, dumbbells or weights.

Arm wrestlers also made a significant contribution to the popularization of this apparatus as an independent exercise machine, or rather their urgent need for effective exercises to achieve harmonious development of arm muscles. At the same time, arm wrestling, as a traumatic sport, places certain demands on strengthening the ligaments of the joints, which bear a huge, albeit short-term, explosive load.

When choosing a manual expander, you should remember its specific useful purpose - for example, such a projectile for the wrist extensor is not suitable for climbers. However, let us remember the so-called tunnel syndrome - a disease of pianists, computer scientists and those who are in one way or another associated with monotonous work with tension in the muscles of the hand and forearm. Almost the only option in the treatment of such an ailment is the use of this projectile with a load on the extensors of the fingers; in most cases, this type is an ordinary rubber band, similar to those used to fasten banknotes.

The main benefit and main positive effect, in my opinion, is that due to a large number of repetitions you have to develop endurance and thereby strengthen the entire body as a whole. In terms of mountaineering, when taking breaks from training, it is useful to maintain tone with the help of these equipment. In arm wrestling, this is generally an irreplaceable thing; in tennis, it is quite convenient to develop your grip without interfering with others. For deadlifts, it is recommended to train with a hand apparatus as an additional, strengthening exercise. In many sports, this simulator is required when training at least four times a week, otherwise all the skills will be wasted.

Well, and finally... Having strong hands and a strong grip does not mean being a real man! The same can be said about your muscles. A voluminous, sculpted body will not add masculinity to you if you are not able to properly “break into a redneck offender.” Therefore, in addition to working on your appearance and muscles, do not forget to sometimes hit a punching bag and compete with your sparring partner in a duel. Read more about this here: an excellent site about all the martial arts of the World, the secrets of the special services and much more. With such knowledge, any enemy will be tough for you. In general, we recommend it!

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