Fitness For Bust

Fitness for bust

The shape and condition of the breasts bother any woman. This is especially true after breastfeeding or sudden weight loss.
As you know, the size of the mammary glands depends not only on the amount of milk, but also on the volume of fat cells. In this regard, when a woman loses weight, her breasts lose their shape.

For some reason, many people see the solution to the problem in plastic surgery. Despite the fact that surgery is a last resort, many women go to a surgeon because it is quick, while other methods require a lot of effort and time.

An equally “quick” solution is various medications, advertising of which is abundant in beauty magazines. And what is most surprising: although many people know of cases of negative consequences of their use, they still buy drugs, believing that the negative consequences are isolated cases.

A safer way is to eat right and exercise. Despite the fact that physical exercise will not help change the shape of the breast itself, it will seriously strengthen the pectoral muscles and, thereby, tighten the breasts and give them tone. In addition, if you strengthen your back muscles and open your shoulders, the result will be guaranteed.

Chest strengthening exercise

Take your starting position with your support on the floor and the ball. The hands are placed in line with the shoulder joints. The width is individual for each person and depends on the sensitivity of the tense pectoral muscles, but the arms should be wider than the shoulders. The chin does not fall onto the chest (Photo 1).

As you inhale, lower yourself down to a right angle at your elbow joints (Photo 2).

Then, as you exhale, rise up to the starting position, keeping your pelvis, legs and spine in line. Try not to arch in the lower back or “turn off” your elbows in the starting position. They must be kept clearly to the sides.

Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions and rest for 1-2 minutes. Stretch your pectoral muscles while you rest. To do this, sit on the ball, raise your arms up, slightly bending them at the elbows, turn your thumbs back and move your elbows as far back as possible, while trying to feel the stretch in the upper chest (Photo 3).

If you cannot repeat the exercise 10 times, then you are not yet ready for such training. Start with simpler options: push-ups from the table, from the floor from your knees, and others.

Good luck!