Herzfeld-Bakalchuk Method

The Hertzfeld-Bakalchuk method (GBM) is a learning process based on a simple principle: each student has access to one and only one element of the system of reference knowledge for each new task.

The purpose of this method is to ensure that the entire class simultaneously understands the content of educational material by activating the mental activity of each student. Understanding each part of the educational material helps to strengthen interdisciplinary connections, maintains the integrity of the perception of the picture of the world, and most importantly, the student independently obtains knowledge and systematizes it. This is a method of recruiting one class of schoolchildren of approximately equal levels of development and talent in such a way that each group contains representatives of all typological groups. To do this, you can use a variety of psychological tests that reveal the level of intellectual development of the child.

The idea of ​​​​creating a method came from differential psychology specialist E.A. Klimov and teacher M.A. Bakalyuk - about working together in a real experimental project related to the development of reading and writing skills in kindergarten students. Thus the basic form of this theory was created.