The Dutch guest on our plate is Gouda cheese.

Gouda is a type of hard cheese. In general, it is considered Dutch, since it received its name in honor of the town of the same name, where it was invented back in the 13th century. It is made from cow's milk and mainly with the addition of seasonings, herbs and pepper. The cheese mass is a pleasant yellow color, riddled with thousands of small holes.

We do not recommend that bodybuilders, fitness models and adherents of athletic gymnastics consume it, since it is a fairly fatty product - the content percentage is 50%. In this regard, its taste is delicate with a nutty tint. Although, depending on the time of ripening, its taste is filled with sharpness and vigor

The product ripening time is usually from one to six months. But to obtain sharper and spicy shades, it can be kept for nine months. The hottest brand of Gouda is “Dutch Master,” which is aged for a full year.

Gouda cheese is produced in many countries, since the name is not protected, like for example Reblochon or Danablue. However, the export of this culinary delight makes a significant contribution to the country's economy. After all, preserved traditions and leisurely maturation in ancient Dutch cheese factories are simply incomparable with accelerated mass production in modern factories. Like most cheeses, its shape is a circle with beveled edges. Previously, manufacturers produced heads weighing at least 12 kilograms. Now the mass of the cheese wheel is 4.5 kilograms.

The process for making this Dutch delicacy hasn’t changed much. Izysk is prepared from pasteurized cow's milk with the addition of rennet. Holes appear in it as a result of the work of lactic acid bacteria. And then, as usual, salting and pressing. The cheese wheels are covered with a hard crust, and the mass acquires its own taste and aroma, which in turn also depends on the variety of this product.

Gouda is distinguished:

  1. smoked,
  2. low fat,
  3. immature,
  4. lightly salted,
  5. with nettles.
  6. peasant.

This food pairs wonderfully with dark beer or Riesling, and can also be consumed as a separate dish. This Dutch miracle, like any other cheese, should be stored away from foods with strong odors, such as smoked meats, fish, onions, etc. Because it instantly absorbs aromas that are inappropriate for it. The dairy shelf is the best location for Gouda if you want to enjoy its rich flavor and aroma.

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