How a raw food diet can change your life for the better. Victoria Boni's experience

A raw food diet is a fairly radical method of changing your life. However, according to those who have already tried it, it really works. Recently, model and presenter Victoria Bonya shared with the public her impressions of the month of raw food diet. What came of it - read in our material.

We wrote that a month ago Victoria Bonya decided to try for herself what a raw food diet is. It is worth immediately noting that her decision was not spontaneous, and Victoria prepared for it for quite a long time, preparing her body. The other day, the star shared her impressions of the past month of raw food diet on her Instagram.

“I can say unequivocally that this is truly the best gift to the body that I could give! My beloved loves meat, but looking at me and how my regime has changed, he is ready to try it too. The most difficult thing is to switch to such a lifestyle, but when you feel the result (my back hurt for six months, the pain went away on the fifth day; I used to sleep 9-10 hours and didn’t get enough sleep, today I sleep 6-7 and can’t sleep anymore, the influx of energy has become many times greater, consciousness and awareness of many things changes I see only advantages and not a single disadvantage, except for temporary weight loss,” Victoria writes on her Instagram. She also emphasized that she would definitely think about opening a restaurant for raw foodists in the south of France.

A raw food diet is a method of nutrition in which you can only eat raw foods that have not been heat-treated. Most often, vegetarians become raw foodists. The main motivation for switching to raw food is the belief that “a living organism needs living food.”

Reviews of the results of a raw food diet from people who have tried this diet on themselves are quite different. Some share that their well-being has improved, there is more energy in the body, and the amount of time they sleep at night for complete recovery has been reduced. Others complain of hair loss, joint pain and chronic weakness.

In fact, a raw food diet is a type of nutrition that you can’t just switch to. The body needs preparation, and the brain needs good motivation. After all, if you suddenly remove your usual diet and force the body to consume only raw food, it will be a huge stress for the body, not with the most pleasant consequences.

It is also worth noting that doctors are not supporters of this type of nutrition, emphasizing that the human body needs a balanced diet of plant and animal origin.