How to make abs: the best exercises for the abdomen

A flat stomach and six-pack abs, like Victoria’s Secret models, sounds so tempting... But to achieve such a result, you need to work in the gym for several hours a day, and of course, we don’t have that kind of time. This is where quick but effective interval training comes to the rescue. Today we have an amazing ab complex on the menu!

Women, unlike men, find it much more difficult to build up abdominal muscles due to the structure of adipose tissue. The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas, since according to nature’s idea, fat in this place should protect the fetus during pregnancy and the woman’s internal organs. But with a great desire, nothing is impossible!

How to pump up abs on your stomach

If you want to achieve visible results, be prepared that you will have to “sweat” at least 3-4 times a week for 2 months, and reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Few of us have enough time for a full workout, so for the abs we have selected complex but fast fat-burning interval training.

So, just 10 exercises in 10 minutes, and you are on your way to a perfect tummy!

In fact, belly fat is not only unsightly, it is also very dangerous. Obesity in the abdominal area is called abdominal obesity. With this type of obesity, it is not subcutaneous fat that predominates, but internal fat, which fills the space between the internal organs. It actively “interferes” with the processes occurring in the body, reduces the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, thus increasing the risk of diabetes.

We hope that this information will become an additional incentive for you to exercise and eat properly, especially after the New Year. Yes, for us too.