Hygiene Individual

Individual hygiene - see Personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene is compliance with the rules and measures to care for your body and keep it clean. Personal hygiene includes:

  1. Skin hygiene - regular body washing, proper facial skin care, use of cosmetics.

  2. Oral hygiene - brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, caring for your gums, visiting the dentist.

  3. Hair hygiene - washing, combing, cutting, masks and hair balms.

  4. Hand hygiene - washing hands with soap after visiting the toilet, before eating, after contact with animals and returning from the street.

  5. Foot hygiene - daily washing of feet, cutting nails, changing socks and shoes, caring for feet.

  6. Underwear hygiene - regular change of underwear.

  7. Hygiene during physical activity - thoroughly washing the body after exercise.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the key to good health and well-being. This is an important element of a healthy lifestyle.