The birth of a child is a magical and joyful event for every woman. But at the same time, thoughts about the upcoming birth often cause anxiety and fear of pain. Where do these fears come from and is it really that painful to give birth?
The fear of labor pain is based on stories from friends about their own painful childbirth, books and films, where the process of childbirth is often depicted very dramatically. But in fact, the physiology of the female body is such that childbirth was originally conceived by nature as a natural and relatively painless process.
Research shows that true severe pain occurs only in the very last stage of labor - during pushing. And the duration of this painful period usually ranges from 15 minutes to 4 hours.
The main reason for increased pain during childbirth is spasm of the uterine muscles caused by fear and tension. The stronger the fear, the stronger the spasm and pain. Therefore, the key to facilitating childbirth is to get rid of fear through proper psychological and physical preparation for childbirth.
There are many techniques that allow you to tune in to natural childbirth and make childbirth easy: breathing and relaxation exercises, auto-training, yoga, swimming and others. The main thing is to believe that childbirth can take place without suffering and pain. Then fear and tension will recede, and the birth of a child will truly become a joyful and long-awaited event!