How to clean pores on the body

There is no inflammation, but the pores are clogged. It feels like my entire back is covered in bumps. There is some way to clean them at home. Or can’t you avoid visiting a cosmetologist? And why do they clog in the first place? Which care should you choose? Crap. write everything you know. Thanks a lot! experts

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wash more often, hard washcloth + scrub

If you use hair balm, then it is likely that it gets in large quantities on your back and chest, so it can brutally clog pores and even cause acne! Therefore, tilt your head forward when applying and rinsing off.
as a method of struggle, as they have already correctly said - a scrub, preferably with salt, it cleans the pores very well.

go to the bathhouse, and there smear yourself with thickened honey, and sweat. the skin will be velvet and rejuvenated.

Drink 250 ml of carrot juice per day, or 500 ml, whichever is more comfortable.
if the squeezer is good, then the juice output will be almost 1:1 from the same kilogram value, about 30% lower

Let someone give you a honey massage (at home).
And wash more harshly (but within reason).

use scrubs, they perfectly cleanse the skin and improve its structure.​;page=shop.browse&category_ > It is better to take natural ones, for example, based on sugar or sea salt.

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wash more often, hard washcloth + scrub

Do you play sports? I heard that when you play sports, your pores become clogged. In general, the beach helps a lot, although it is no longer in season) The problem must be looked for inside the body, some kind of balance is disturbed, which causes the pores to become clogged.

tar soap to help

the following helps: go to the bathhouse once a week, before entering the steam room, smear yourself with salt and honey (draws out water, softens the skin), then at the very end, scrub - ground coffee (but it must be pre-brewed so that the oils are released), add a little add half a teaspoon of olive oil, it does not clog the pores. but you need to go to the bathhouse regularly. It helps me a lot, my skin is soft. Well, we also need to reconsider our diet, less sweets, more fresh. vegetables and fruits!

+ when playing sports (which cleanses the skin very well, especially the face), you need to go to the bathhouse. and in general, to release all toxins, it is recommended to sweat for at least 5 minutes a day (light jogging, cycling) and drink 2 liters of clean water per day, not counting soups, juices, etc.

+ when playing sports (which cleanses the skin very well, especially the face), you need to go to the bathhouse. and in general, to release all toxins, it is recommended to sweat for at least 5 minutes a day (light jogging, cycling) and drink 2 liters of clean water per day, not counting soups, juices, etc.

So that the body can’t cope with something? You yourself try to drink 2 liters, not counting juice and soups. When you burst, let me know. You're crazy, sorry. What if the madam is not of large build? Or not very tall? No. You didn't take these little things into account.
And this is what I advise you.
1.Drink water in moderation. As much as you want.
2. Carrot juice, a freshly squeezed glass daily.
3. Personally, I’m too lazy to make masks and go somewhere to the bathhouse; I turn on boiling water in the shower. When it gets hot, the mirror fogs up - off. I sit down in the bath - this is the bathhouse at home. After this, only ventilate the bath.

Have you ever had an ultrasound of the genitourinary system? You need to drink one and a half liters of water in an hour. With my 48 kg, something didn’t burst, it’s surprising, right? and 2 liters per day is easy!

I drink 3 liters in 2 hours of training with a weight of 68 kg

I drink 3 liters in 2 hours of training with a weight of 68 kg

Have sex more often and preferably without condoms

Have sex more often and preferably without condoms

And catch a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases?

Have you ever had an ultrasound of the genitourinary system? You need to drink one and a half liters of water in an hour. With my 48 kg, something didn’t burst, it’s surprising, right? and 2 liters per day is easy!

There is a little trick, so as not to drink so much water, bring tea with you in a thermos and drink as much as you can before the ultrasound. The bladder will fill up faster)))

Have you ever had an ultrasound of the genitourinary system? You need to drink one and a half liters of water in an hour. With my 48 kg, something didn’t burst, it’s surprising, right? and 2 liters per day is easy!


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Baring your back in the warm season is a cute thing for a beautiful girl and a woman who takes care of herself. But clogged or wide pores can deprive you of pleasure... For some reason, attention is rarely paid to such a problem. But it is very relevant and requires a mandatory solution. It is necessary to choose the right way to return beautiful contours and smooth skin to your back, taking into account the reasons for the enlargement of pores and the appearance of black plugs in them. This is probably where we'll start.

What causes the pores on the back to deteriorate?

The mechanism for clogging pores is extremely simple. Traffic jams appear in them due to the accumulation of sebum. The speed with which these secretions are formed will determine whether blackness will appear on the back or not. For some, excess sebum quickly disappears, while for others it is necessary to eliminate it without special intervention. What can affect your skin condition? Below are the main factors causing the “defect”.

  1. Genetic predisposition. You can't fight her. Only the consequences can be eliminated. The activity of the sebaceous glands, caused by bad heredity, is corrected, but within insignificant limits. The danger is that, for genetic reasons, not only unsightly plugs in the pores on the back can occur, but also quite significant inflammation.
  2. Hormonal dysfunction. Pollution and enlarged pores due to hormonal imbalance are most often a situational problem that occurs at a certain age. And, as is clear, we are talking about adolescence. After 18–20 years of age, the risk is lower. Adult women may also have problems with their hormones, but this usually does not affect the condition of their pores. Maybe only during menopause you will still have to face difficulties, but they usually don’t bother you anymore, since more serious negative symptoms appear.
  3. Emotional stress. The work of the glands, including the sebaceous glands, is directly related to the emotional sphere. Stress and anxiety cause the release of adrenaline and, accordingly, increased sebum production.
  4. Wearing poor quality clothes. More precisely, the clothes themselves may be of high quality, but if they are made of synthetic fabric that cannot “breathe,” the pores will become clogged with dirt. It is advisable to select a wardrobe made from natural or mixed fabrics, in which the proportion of natural raw materials is high.
  5. Lots of sugar and fat in food. Hot spices are also dangerous, because of which the back can also become covered with unpleasant plugs, and the pores become wide and clearly ugly. Improper nutrition disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so acne, acne, inflammation begin to appear on the back... Also nothing good.

As is clear, it is necessary to deal with pores depending on the cause. That is, adjust your diet, carefully plan your outfits, and even take sedatives if necessary. But the already damaged back has to be somehow put in order. Should I go to the salon?

In principle, if you put in just a little effort, you can get rid of unsightly clogged or wide pores on your own. There are many ways. And now let's talk about them.

Scrubs against clogged pores

Nothing better than scrubs for cleansing the pores on the back has yet been invented. There are many of them in ready-made form, and they are used extremely simply: first stand under a hot (within reasonable limits) shower, then treat your back with a scrub, massage and rinse. If irritation occurs, apply a light cream. Here, of course, you will have to use someone’s help, because it is quite difficult to scrub all the areas well on your own.

Home peeling is also possible. You can prepare an effective remedy using literally available ingredients. Here are the most successful recipes.

  1. Soda scrub for back. Take baking soda and kefir, mix well, and begin the procedure. Sometimes it is recommended to add soda to shower gel, for example. But kefir is still softer as a base.
  2. Salt scrub for clogged pores. This option is safer for the skin, but the resulting product is very short-lived. Still, salt (we mean sea salt here, not ordinary table salt) dissolves in any base almost instantly. For this reason, you need to add olive or citrus oil to a handful of sea salt, and then add it to the gel or kefir. It must be applied immediately after preparation so that such a homemade scrub does not lose its properties.
  3. Oatmeal peeling scrub. If anyone doesn’t know, oatmeal is a very effective ingredient for cleansing the skin. And it acts very gently, so there will be no scratches on your back. The simplest option is to soak a handful of flakes in water and immediately smear it on your back. Or, again, make a mixture with kefir, as an alternative - with yogurt.

It is enough to undergo such procedures 2-3 times a week. After 5-8 sessions, your back will become clear, and no black plugs will bother you anymore. But, of course, there will be one more problem - the pores will be open and, accordingly, wide. We will also try to cope with this scourge.

How to tighten pores on your back

In general, the most effective way to combat both pore pollution and their “openness” is to regularly visit a bathhouse or sauna. Yes, you can also steam at home. At least sometimes. In a regular shower or bath. But what if you need to narrow your pores as soon as possible? To do this, we will offer the following several recipes.

  1. Blue clay. An excellent method to forget about enlarged pores on the back is to make masks with clay. It is very simple: a little blue clay in powder form is diluted in warm water, and then the problem area, previously steamed, is covered with the mixture. When it dries, you can wash it off.
  2. Honey with sea salt. It’s also an excellent mask if the honey is liquid (you can use melted honey, but it’s not as effective). The prepared mixture is applied to the area where enlarged pores are particularly bothersome and washed off after drying.
  3. Egg white with lemon juice. For greater efficiency, it is better to take a couple of quail eggs. They are mixed with the juice of half a citrus fruit, and then everything is as in previous cases.
  4. Herbal decoctions. There are many recipes, but the most effective, perhaps, is a mixture of calendula, chamomile and sage. The finished decoction not only narrows the pores, but also inhibits the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, you can use this recipe for prevention.
  5. Salicylic acid. It helps to narrow and at the same time disinfect pores. Works well especially in combination with tea tree oil. 5 drops are enough because the component is very active.

There is no need to rush and experiment with all the recipes at once. All you have to do is try one first. If it doesn't fit, move on to the next one. But, of course, a lot depends on the ingredients at hand. And one more clarification - many of the named components are allergenic, so you should first test them, and only then use them to their fullest.

Prevention for a beautiful back

And finally, we’ll give you a few tips that will help you keep your back beautiful and your pores clean and narrow. These recommendations will definitely allow you to get a smooth back and not be shy about exposing it on occasion:

  1. a minimum of sweet, fatty and spicy: good for both skin and figure;
  2. when washing your hair, it is better to tilt your head forward so that shampoo or conditioner does not flow down your back;
  3. expose your back to the sun's rays more often: both natural and artificial in the solarium;
  4. When taking a bath, add sea salt to the water, not synthetic foam products;
  5. if you have the opportunity to wear an outfit with an open back, it is better to take advantage of it (let it breathe).

If you follow the advice and use the recipes presented here, the pores on your back will not bother you in the future. But if they still remain “dirty” and don’t want to “close up”, it’s worth going to the doctor. Or rather, to an endocrinologist. The situation is unlikely to threaten your health, but the doctor will prescribe some mild medications to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and check the functioning of the digestive system. Be that as it may, beauty is quite accessible. The desire to possess it is enough.

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