How to take flaxseed oil to cleanse the intestines?

Flaxseed oil is practically safe for the intestines. It is suitable for children and adults, and the number of contraindications is minimal. But before you cleanse using vegetable oils, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction from the body. If possible, it is advisable to obtain a doctor's approval.

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Useful properties of the product

Not only oil is used in medicine. For some pathologies, it is allowed to add flour and plant seeds to food; medicinal decoctions are prepared on their basis. All this is thanks to the chemical composition of flax: it contains a number of microelements and vitamins that are beneficial to health.

Useful properties provide:

  1. protein;
  2. lignan;
  3. fluorine;
  4. fats;
  5. phytoestrogens;
  6. selenium;
  7. magnesium;
  8. calcium;
  9. polysaccharides.

Flaxseed oil is used to cleanse the intestines due to the presence of fatty acids, fiber and a special mucous component. These substances help separate feces from the intestinal walls and facilitate their rapid evacuation through the lumens of the rectum. Due to plant fibers, peristalsis is stimulated, the necessary pressure is exerted on the mucous membranes and excess water “leaves out”. Toxic components and waste are removed from the body along with feces.

Cleansing the intestines with flaxseed oil occurs more gently than during the use of an enema or special medications. The herbal remedy rarely causes metabolic disorders and does not have a negative effect on electrolyte balance. Oil not only removes toxins and wastes: it can rid a person of certain types of fungi without disturbing the natural intestinal microflora.

The effect of flax on the body

Various flax-based products are successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. The plant is included in many home medicine recipes and is used during the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Colon cleansing with flaxseed oil is often recommended by gastroenterologists.

Cleansing the body with oil helps:

  1. remove bad cholesterol;
  2. improve the digestion process;
  3. prevent the proliferation of fungus or parasites;
  4. speed up food digestion;
  5. facilitate the process of assimilation of products;
  6. remove toxic substances;
  7. prevent constipation;
  8. improve liver activity.

Cleansing with flaxseed oil helps fight inflammatory diseases of various parts of the intestines and stomach. Thanks to its enveloping properties, the product creates a thin protective film on the mucous membranes, which for some time protects the body from the development of the inflammatory process.

Possible harm

Despite the fact that the benefits of flaxseed oil are obvious, in some cases it can harm the body and cause some disorders when taken orally. The product may cause some side effects, which include:

  1. nausea; It is allowed to use only fresh product in its “pure” form.

    It is not recommended to expose it to high temperatures and overheat. If it is necessary to make the product warm, use only a water bath and low heat. The optimal warm-up time is no more than 20 minutes.

    How to choose a product

    A quality oil should be golden and smooth, with a pleasant vegetable oil. It is advisable to purchase the product in a dark glass container. There should be no visible impurities or cloudy sediment in it. You should also pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging.

    After purchasing the oil, you need to try it. A noticeable bitterness indicates low quality, and such a product cannot be used for therapeutic purposes. This can lead to an increase in bad cholesterol and will negate the entire beneficial effect.

    The average shelf life of oil is about a year. But after the bottle is opened, the product must be consumed within one month. The container is stored in a dark place at a temperature of 1-3 degrees. A refrigerator door is suitable for this.

    How to drink flaxseed oil to cleanse the body?

    It is advisable to discuss the dosage and method of use with your doctor - only a specialist can tell you how to properly cleanse the body with flaxseed oil. Based on the product, you can prepare various infusions and decoctions, but it is also possible to use it almost in its “pure” form.

    There are two options for drinking flaxseed oil to cleanse the intestines: Regular use of oil or an overdose is dangerous by reducing smooth muscles, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

    In very young children, the body is at the stage of formation, so problems with stool often arise. This is also caused by replacing the usual formula and introducing complementary foods. Flaxseed oil can be used for constipation from six months, but it is important to correctly observe the permissible doses:

    1. from 6 to 12 months: 2-3 drops;
    2. from 12 months to two years: teaspoon;
    3. from two to four years: 1 teaspoon up to three times a day.

    If allergic reactions occur, use is canceled.

    Flax oil has a distinct, specific taste that a child may not like. You can mix it with fruit or meat puree, honey and milk.


    Children should be given oil with caution: It is difficult to predict the reaction of the developing organism; even a small “overdose” can lead to gastrointestinal upset, since the product is a natural laxative. It is also advisable to avoid using this herbal product during long-term drug treatment using hormonal, cholesterol-lowering, antidepressants or birth control pills.

    Absolute contraindications in which cleaning is impossible include:

    1. flatulence; Experts also do not advise using flax for severe liver pathologies, how to properly cleanse the liver.

      Additional recommendations

      Knowledge alone about how to drink flaxseed oil to cleanse the intestines is not enough. To maximize the efficiency of the process, experts recommend following a number of simple rules:

      1. Stick to fractional meals: eat often, but in small portions - no more than 200 grams at a time.
      2. Eliminate foods high in carbohydrates from the menu.
      3. Increase fluid intake to three liters daily.
      4. Give up bad habits - smoking and alcoholic beverages.
      5. The diet should include foods that improve intestinal motility and help cleanse it. The list includes vegetables, fruits, fermented milk, chicken eggs and nuts.

      A day before taking flaxseed oil for constipation, it is better to give up meat products. The diet should be light, based on plant foods.