How is the Belarusian handball team preparing for the upcoming competitions?

Did you know that in the arsenal of modern coaches, even for handball athletes, there are also specialized training training systems and complexes that improve speed-strength, physical, and tactical abilities? This article will tell you: with the help of what devices and devices the Belarusian handball team prepares its athletes for serious world-class tournaments...

Training simulator for the handball team.

The simulator is designed to teach handball players how to play.

The gates of the simulator (see picture) are divided into 50X50 cm squares, each of which is numbered. The upper and lower corner squares are made of textolite, mounted on shock absorbers and equipped with electrical sensors that make contact upon impact with a force of 150 g and above. Electric lamps are mounted in these squares, two in each. One lamp is programming (on the left), the second is signal.

The gates are controlled automatically by an electronic-mechanical system or using a remote control unit. The system includes an electric buzzer that is automatically activated when the ball hits a predetermined corner of the goal. Information about a hit can also come from a signal lamp connected in parallel to the buzzer. The duration of both the sound and light signals is easily changed using an electric time relay.

The system provides four options for turning on programming lamps for setting a motor task (throw); if necessary, they can be simplified or complicated. In accordance with the programs, the light bulbs were lit in different corners for different durations - from 2 to 5 s. During this time, an athlete from the main team of the Belarusian national team had to hit the target with the ball, performing one or another throw from a predetermined place. The programs are designed for loads of varying intensity - from low to maximum. During the training process, the task was made more difficult by reducing the duration of the programming lamps, i.e., increasing the speed of the throw, changing the angle of the body position in relation to the goal, increasing the distance to the goal. In training, shots on goal were made using the flow method.

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