How to get sexy legs: inner thigh workout

We all want to have a beautiful, fit and seductive figure. However, to achieve this goal, you need to exercise regularly and eat right. In this article, we'll talk about how to work your inner thighs using three effective exercises.

Hips are one of the most difficult body parts to train. They are difficult to exercise, and, as a rule, are not worked out enough when doing cardio and exercises for the buttocks and thighs. In order for the inner thigh to be worked out, it needs to be given sufficient attention. In this article, we have collected three exercises that will help you work on this area at home.

Exercise 1: Deep Squats

This exercise will help work the inner thighs, as well as the buttocks and abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise, you need to spread your legs as wide as possible, your feet should “look” to the sides. Stand so that you can maintain your balance. If you can't find balance, place your hands on the wall.

Slowly, while in this position, perform squats. You need to squat so deep that your thighs form one continuous line. If you feel insecure, stick to the wall. Hold the position for 15 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 15 reps. On the last rep, hold at the bottom for 30 seconds. Don't allow yourself to get up despite the highest point of tension: you have to endure it.

Exercise 2: Rolls

This exercise will help work the inner thighs, as well as the buttocks and abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise, you need to spread your legs as wide as possible. If you find this exercise difficult, pick up dumbbells to increase the load.

Squat down on your right leg. Make sure that your knee does not create a sharp angle, as this can harm the joints. Smoothly “roll” onto your left leg. However, you cannot return to the starting position, despite the fact that at some stage you will want to get up and take a break. Perform 4 sets of 20 full cycle rolls.

Exercise 3: Side Leg Raise

This exercise will help you work your inner thighs and side abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your side and rest on your elbow. The legs should be extended and crossed at the foot.

Lift your top leg up without spreading it apart, and then slowly lower it down. Repeat this exercise 15 times on each side. Do not forget that during the exercise you need to focus on muscle tension, and not on the speed of execution.


Working out your inner thighs will help you achieve a beautiful, toned figure. However, to achieve the desired result, you need to exercise regularly and eat right. We hope that these exercises will help you work your inner thighs and achieve the desired result.