Speech therapy

Speech therapy (from ancient Greek λόγος - “word” and παιδεία - “education”) is a field of defectology that studies speech disorders and methods for overcoming them.

Speech therapy deals with the research, diagnosis, correction and prevention of speech disorders in children and adults. The competence of a speech therapist includes work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation (dyslalia, rhinolalia, etc.), voice disorders (dysphonia, aphonia), tempo and rhythm of speech (stuttering, bradilalia, tachylalia), lexical and grammatical structure of speech, and coherent speech.

Speech therapy assistance is provided to children and adults suffering from speech disorders of organic and functional origin. The tasks of a speech therapist include not only direct correctional work, but also counseling parents and teachers, and the prevention of speech disorders.

Speech therapy: study and correction of speech disorders

Speech therapy is a science that studies various forms of speech disorders and develops methods for their prevention and correction. It is an integral part of defectology, which studies the general patterns of development of children with various physical and mental disabilities. Speech defects, such as stuttering, burr, hoarseness, nasal sound, can be caused by improper speech education or congenital damage and diseases of the speech apparatus. Therefore, a speech therapist (teacher who corrects speech) and a doctor usually carry out treatment together.

Correction of speech defects begins in early childhood in order to develop correct speech in the child by the time he enters school. In the Soviet Union, speech therapy assistance to the population is provided in an organized manner. Preparatory groups have been created in kindergartens to prepare children for school, in which much attention is paid to speech development. Special kindergartens and schools, speech therapy centers and hospitals have been organized for children with speech defects.

Sometimes it is possible to rid a child of tongue-tiedness using only speech therapy exercises. At open classes in the hospital, parents are introduced to simple speech therapy exercises so that they can practice with their child at home. It should be remembered that the earlier the correction of a child’s speech begins, the better the results.

However, speech therapy problems are not limited only to childhood. Adults may also experience speech disorders, which can be caused by injuries, strokes, illnesses, and other factors. Speech therapy assistance for adults includes the diagnosis and correction of speech disorders, as well as work on the development of communication skills.

In conclusion, speech therapy plays an important role in society in helping children and adults overcome speech problems and achieve more effective communication. It is an important element of defectology and continues to develop to meet the needs of people in correcting speech disorders.


Speech therapy is a direction in pedagogy that deals with the correction of speech disorders in children and adults. This term appeared in the 50s of the last century thanks to the Belgian psychiatrist Louis Legrand, who called members of his team of speech therapists and aphasiologists with similar words. He was convinced that if someone has problems with the speech apparatus, they can also be corrected with the help of special training and activities. A little later, French doctors who studied speech development disorders proposed a method for scientific research, which was called speech therapy. Some experts still use this term.

The fundamentals of speech therapy are based on data from psychology, neuropathology and special pedagogy. But the methodology itself has a narrower focus. This is a specialized area of ​​correctional pedagogy that is focused on overcoming speech disorders. Speech disorders constitute a significant part of a number of neurological and psychiatric diseases. They can also occur due to the destruction of neurons or a stroke. However, speech therapy classes are conducted not only in such cases, but in order to correct certain intellectual disorders, as well as achieve mental retardation. Unlike oligophrenia, which is primarily on the list of options for intellectual disability (debility, imbecility), speech therapy is aimed at improving brain function. And with persistent and comprehensive assistance, good results can be achieved. Speech therapy classes are usually aimed at launching speech from the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, forming simple words, phrases, sentences (independent speaking, writing) and developing already formed speech (producing sounds, correcting grammar, vocabulary (vocabulary)). The main task of a speech therapist is the rehabilitation of the speech organs, which in Down syndrome are observed until the end of school years, when formed speech appears. It is always characterized by a low rate of development and a large volume of multiple violations in the pronunciation of words. Speech defects are accompanied by impaired phonemic hearing and mental retardation, respectively, dysfunction of hand motor skills. Children with this pathology