Anti-puffiness massage

Massage for puffy eyes is a common method of combating puffiness. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed in specialized institutions or independently at home. For the procedure to be as effective as possible, it is important to familiarize yourself with its features.


Puffiness under the eyes occurs for various reasons, which include abuse of bad habits, stress, disturbed sleep patterns, insufficient rest and others. Proper procedure will help quickly eliminate swollen eyes without side effects.

What effect does lymphomassage have?

The effectiveness of massage is due to stimulation of the outflow of lymph and fluid from the eye area. The procedure is the most effective for combating bags and puffiness under the eyes, helps fight blockage of blood vessels and removes accumulated toxic substances from the body.


Daily massage helps:

  1. improving regenerative abilities;
  2. preventing the formation of wrinkles;
  3. increasing the elasticity of the dermis;
  4. eliminating existing wrinkles and folds;
  5. relieving tension from the optic nerves;
  6. maintaining the tone of the skin and muscles on the face;
  7. eliminating puffiness, bruises, bags under the eyes.

Contraindicated for whom

Lymphatic drainage massage is contraindicated for:

  1. eye diseases of a viral and infectious nature;
  2. presence of damage to the skin (wounds, burns);
  3. allergic swelling;
  4. oncological pathologies.

Types of massage

Each type of massage is performed differently using special cosmetics that are selected based on the problem. It is important to know which lines in the eye area need to be pressed to stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage is one of the most relevant types for people in adulthood, as it is considered the best method of facial care.


Finger movements should be carried out along the lines along which blood and lymph circulate, which explains the name and effectiveness of the massage. This type of procedure helps:

  1. improve blood microcirculation;
  2. has a lifting effect;
  3. fight a swollen face;
  4. get rid of puffiness under the eyes (all methods are described here
  5. restore healthy skin color.
Manual It is considered the simplest and most relevant way to do it yourself. It is better to have the first procedures carried out by a specialist - this will allow you to learn the intricacies of implementation. Then you can perform the massage yourself at home, which is especially important if it is not possible to regularly visit beauty salons. This massage was used in ancient Japan. It does not have any contraindications and does not require special equipment.
Hardware In modern cosmetic clinics, there are several main ways to improve lymph flow to eliminate puffiness in the eye area:
  1. microcurrent treatment;
  2. electrophoresis;
  3. radiofrequency exposure.

Also in some clinics there are procedures using vibration glasses, which fit tightly to the skin, having a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Hardware exposure is more effective than manual exposure, but has more contraindications. Before undertaking this procedure, it is important to consult with your doctor.

Performing manual massage

Regular lymphatic drainage massage at home should be carried out according to a certain scheme.

  1. First you need to remove any makeup from your skin.
  2. For massage you can use special cosmetic creams. Olive oil, preheated in a water bath to room temperature, is also suitable.
  3. Visually outline the line along which the massaging movements will be carried out.
  4. Using three fingers, press on the lower and upper eyelids (2-3 times).
  5. Using tapping movements from the outer edge of the eyelid, move the fingertips to the inner edge (in a circle) - simultaneously on both eyes.
  6. Place the tip of your finger on the outer edge of the eyelid and sway your fingers to the inner edge.
  7. Use the pad of your middle finger to press 10 times near the nasolacrimal edge (start at the top, end at the bottom).
  8. You need to massage for 10 minutes until the cream or oil is completely absorbed into the skin.
  9. After the massage, you need to carry out a contrast wash (cold, then warm water).

Vacuum massage

To carry out the massage, use a special nozzle or jar with a diameter of about 11 mm. This allows you to create a vacuum, which increases the pressure in the desired area and improves blood circulation. The procedure stimulates cellular metabolism and saturates the dermis with oxygen. Elimination of congestion is also observed.


  1. apply special cosmetics to the cleansed dermis;
  2. To avoid sprains, fix the required area of ​​skin with your finger;
  3. start fixing the jar and creating a vacuum better at the corner of the eye;
  4. pass the jar along the lower and then upper eyelid;
  5. a positive therapeutic effect appears after 2 procedures.

Decongestant massages

There are several basic techniques for performing massage against swelling.

View Description
Japanese Eye massage for swelling is carried out by patting in a circular motion along the lymph towards the main nodes. Particular attention is paid to the edges of the eyes - light pressure is applied to them. The corners of the brow ridge are also involved.
Spot It is necessary to massage the areas near the temples, upper and lower eyelids, and the edges of the eyes. To do this, weak blows with fingertips and touches with circular movements are carried out on the necessary areas.
Using spoons The method is based on the use of spoons, which are passed through the lymphatic channels.
Pulse The procedure is performed using microcurrent. Stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation.
Cryomassage The procedure is carried out exclusively in beauty salons using a roller filled with liquid nitrogen, which is applied over the eyelid area. There is a narrowing and dilatation of blood vessels.
Spanish One of the newest and most effective techniques. The procedure is performed with the entire palm, and not just with the fingers, which provides a comprehensive effect and eliminates many diseases of the dermis.

For wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face form for many reasons. A correctly carried out procedure allows you to:

  1. improve cellular metabolism;
  2. stimulate collagen production;
  3. eliminate fatigue;
  4. speed up the process of removing toxins;
  5. smooth out the dermis.


  1. wash your face well without steaming;
  2. apply cream, heated oil;
  3. first make several circular movements with your fingers in the temple area (clockwise);
  4. use light tapping movements of your fingers to walk all over your face and return to the starting position (repeat no more than 4 times);
  5. press with your finger for a few seconds, first the upper, then the lower eyelid;
  6. perform a “boat” with your index finger, paying attention to the edges of the eyes;
  7. Press the outer edge of the eye 10 times with the pad of your middle finger;
  8. stroke the skin of the face, slightly stretching it, starting from the top, ending at the bottom;
  9. For positive results, about 10 procedures per month are sufficient.

What cosmetics to use for massage

Vegetable oils, ointments, gels and special creams are used for massage. The means are selected individually based on the goal. It is important that the massage product includes:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. collagen with elastin;
  3. medicinal herbs with anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory properties;
  4. seaweed extract, horse chestnut;
  5. caffeine;
  6. vitamin E

Ointments have all the necessary properties to combat swelling of the legs and treat hemorrhoids - they quickly improve blood microcirculation and vascular elasticity.

It is important to remember that such products must be carefully applied to the eyelid and in minimal quantities, since there is a high probability of harming the mucous membrane of the eye.

Using the massager

Massagers greatly simplify the process of massage and allow you to achieve maximum results by having a comprehensive effect on the dermis.

Gezatone iSee 208

The device has an acupuncture effect on the skin, improving its condition and restoring vision. It is a mask with rubberized sticks that begin to vibrate at the required points. The time of the procedure is selected independently. To achieve the desired result, 5 minutes every day is enough.

The use of the device is contraindicated in cases of low blood pressure, skin inflammation, and glaucoma.

Gezatone BREEZE


Available in the form of a mask that has a complex effect. Just 10 minutes of massage daily eliminates headaches, toothaches, bags under the eyes, and other skin problems.

Gezatone Mini lift Eyes m809


The device is distinguished by the presence of vibrating rollers, which allow you to massage both eyelids, eliminating spasms, wrinkles, swelling and circles. There is also a deeper saturation of the skin with the chosen cosmetic product, improved blood flow and metabolism.

Healthy eyes


The device consists of special glasses with massaging fingers that can gently affect the eye area. For a beneficial effect, five minutes of use daily is enough.

Eye Care Massager T-017


26 rollers of the mask carefully care for the dermis of the face. The device helps restore the health of the circulatory system and get rid of congestion. Therapeutic course – 1 month, 2 procedures daily.

Yamaguchi Axiom Eye


Not the cheapest mask, however, thanks to a huge range of modes, it provides the most effective results.

Vzor KZ 0009

The most budget device among the presented models. Produces a relaxing lung massage, improving blood circulation. The best remedy for combating swelling in people whose activities are associated with increased eye fatigue.

Fitstudio massage glasses


Chinese glasses with a small set of modes, have 22 massage fingers. Helps improve skin health and vision.

It is not recommended to start eye massage on your own without prior training or visiting a specialist. It is better to familiarize yourself with the features of manual massage in advance. If possible, it is better to purchase special devices for this procedure. They are more effective, but also have a number of contraindications.

Swelling under the eyes can be a consequence of lack of sleep and poor sleep, disturbances in the body's metabolic processes, a manifestation of fatigue and illness. To eliminate swelling and restore elasticity and firmness of the skin, lymphatic drainage massage techniques are used. A simple and effective procedure can be done both in salons and at home in the absence of contraindications.

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure aimed at activating and normalizing the movement of lymph. Disruption of lymph flow leads to blockage of blood vessels, which provokes the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, the appearance of swelling, edema, and pale skin. The mechanical effect on the skin improves lymph flow, eliminates constriction of blood vessels, resulting in the natural elimination of toxins, bruises and wrinkles, and swelling.


Regular massage will also help cope with insomnia and the effects of stress. After a massage around the eyes:

  1. Tissue regeneration improves;
  2. Collagen production increases;
  3. Metabolism at the cellular level accelerates;
  4. The severity of sagging of the upper eyelid decreases;
  5. Swelling of the eyelids decreases;
  6. Expression wrinkles disappear
  7. Bags and bruises under the eyes disappear;
  8. Improves skin color and condition;
  9. As a result of massage actions, the optic nerves relax, which leads to improved vision;
  10. Improves mood;
  11. Headache decreases.

If you massage not only the eye area, but the entire face, you can achieve a reduction in nasolabial folds and deep wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage massage allows you to get rid of sagging cheeks, puffiness of the face, and in combination with gymnastics, improve vision and make your eyes more expressive.

The mechanism of massage influence

The effectiveness of massage is explained by its effect on the subcutaneous muscles and skin. The first type of impact is neuro-reflex. During the sessions, nerve endings located in the skin, blood vessels and muscles are stimulated. Their irritation leads to the appearance of impulses going to the brain. They provoke activation of regeneration processes in tissues.

Humoral effects lead to the production of substances important for health: histamine and acetylcholine. They go into a free state, are quickly absorbed into the blood and spread to all organs and tissues. Histamine improves the condition of blood vessels and accelerates metabolic processes, and acetylcholine improves the functioning of the nervous system, vascular tone, muscle tissue, and internal organs.


Mechanical action eliminates congestion, improves breathing and skin condition, elasticity and firmness of muscle tissue.

Indications and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage of the eye area is recommended for:

  1. Chronic fatigue;
  2. Overwork;
  3. Sleep problems;
  4. Swelling, incl. after Botox and other cosmetic procedures;
  5. Dark circles under the eyes;
  6. Skin laxity;
  7. Age-related skin changes;
  8. Slow blood circulation.

Massage sessions are safe, but have several contraindications:

  1. Mental disorders;
  2. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  3. Skin disorders in the area of ​​treatment;
  4. Oncology.


If you have a cold, high blood pressure or elevated body temperature, you should consult a doctor before the session. Hardware lymphatic drainage massage used by cosmetologists in salons requires prior consultation with a dermatologist and ophthalmologist.

How often should I use it?

You can remove bags under the eyes using manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage. A simpler method is manual, available even for home use. Hardware requires not only special skills, but also expensive equipment.

Regardless of the type of massage, maintenance sessions can begin as early as 20-25 years of age. At this age, the first facial wrinkles appear, there is a gradual decrease in collagen production and a deterioration in the condition of the skin. The area around the eyes is the first to show age-related changes - this is due to the fact that it is rich in collagen fibers. They stretch easily, forming facial wrinkles.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage should be done daily until the desired result is achieved. Each session lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. Procedures are carried out in the morning. Maintenance massage sessions can be performed every 3-4 days.

Massage techniques and techniques

The main massage techniques for swelling are patting, stroking and deep massaging. It is necessary to start an anti-edema massage by cleansing the skin with micellar water, using scrubs, gels or facial washes. Then you can apply a moisturizing mask, serum or cosmetic oil.

Basic set of exercises

There are several massage techniques. The first includes a set of seven exercises. When working, all movements along the upper eyelid are from the inner corner to the outer. The lower eyelid is treated in the same way.


Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, make light movements on the outer corners of the eyes in a clockwise direction. For each eye - 10-12 repetitions. Using the same fingers, apply light pressure on the lower and upper eyelids, trying not to displace the skin. Do 5 repetitions. For the next exercise, you need to apply additional oil or cream to protect the skin from redness. Using the tips of 4 fingers, press first on the upper and then on the lower eyelid. Each press lasts about 15 seconds. After this, lightly tap with your fingertips for 3-5 seconds.

Next, place your index finger on the outer corner of the eye at the temple so that the nail faces the temple. The finger is turned - the nail is facing the nose. The movement should be slow and take 15 to 18 seconds. Move from the tear duct around the eye with the pads of your index fingers counterclockwise with medium pressure. Do 6-7 repetitions. Using the tip of your middle finger, press 10 times on the point near the tear duct, then move around the eye. Complete the exercise by pressing on the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose.

Using your fingertips, go around the entire area of ​​the orbicularis muscle, starting from the temple and the lower edge of the orbit, including the area above the eyebrow and the upper edge of the eye. Finish with light tapping movements.


The set of exercises is completed by washing with cold and warm water.

Tibetan lymphatic drainage complex

Close your eyes tightly for 2-3 seconds, relax your eye muscles. Open your eyelids, looking upward. Hold for about 60 seconds and relax. The next exercise is to keep your eyes closed and the tips of your index fingers to press on the eyeball. Repeat from 12 to 16 presses. Without opening your eyes, press your finger to your eyelid. The inner gaze is directed upward. The fingers imitate the movement of raising the eyelid. Repeat the exercise 8-11 times.

The ring fingers are placed on the inner corner of the eye. Slowly move the finger clockwise. Complete the exercise by blinking quickly for 30 seconds. The recommended number of repetitions is 6.

The last exercise - the middle fingers make 10 light pressures on the outer corner of the eye, pass along the lower eyelid and make 10 pressures at the bridge of the nose. After the complex, contrast washing is also recommended.

Massage with spoons

To carry out, you need ordinary tablespoons, which are pre-cooled. Apply any fatty cream to a cold device. The spoons are placed at the nasolacrimal groove and zigzag movements are made towards the temples. Press on the temple area several times, then move to the ears.


Each massage movement is repeated 3-5 times.

Taoist exercise

This simple exercise involves applying light pressure using just the pads of your fingers to the skin around your eyes, starting from the outer edges. You need to make a full 7-8 circles with your fingers. Stroking movements are made clockwise and counterclockwise with moderate pressure, and finished with light pats.

Morning anti-edema complex

The massage is fast and effective. It starts with identifying the main points:

  1. The first is located in the center of the dimple of the chin;
  2. The second is on the tubercle of the cheeks;
  3. The third is at a distance of two fingers above the eyebrows.


These points are worked out one by one so that the fingers draw a star on the face.

Press the tips of your middle fingers to the outer corners of your eyes and move to the bridge of your nose. Make light rubbing and tapping movements under the eyebrows, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Then work the area above the eyebrows, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And from there return to the inner corner of the eyes along the edge of the lower eyelid. All movements are performed with light pressure.

The exercises are repeated three times. After completion, it is recommended to apply parsley infusion to the eyelids - it will refresh the skin and fill it with essential nutrients.

Regular eye massage at home will reduce the number of wrinkles or prevent their appearance.

During the procedures, it is recommended to use a special eye cream and perform all movements very carefully. The skin around the eyes is sensitive, and careless pressure can cause bruising and bruising. The upper part of the eyelid can be treated with a stronger impact than the lower part. If performed correctly, the first results from the massage will be noticeable after 10-12 procedures.

Swelling often occurs in both women and men. Swelling can occur as a result of lack of sleep, drinking too much fluid before bed, kidney disease, and a number of other diseases.

If there are no serious health problems, then a special massage can help get rid of such an unpleasant drawback as swelling.

What information will you find out:

Carrying out a massage for swelling at home

Regular facial massage helps improve hemodynamics and lymph flow, stimulates cell activity and increases the tone of the facial muscles. Thanks to these properties, massage effectively eliminates swelling. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the time of day does not matter.

Lymphatic drainage massage method

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed once every 2 days.

  1. Apply cream or special oil for massage to the skin of the face and neck;
  2. easily run along the neck with your fingertips from bottom to top;
  3. We make stroking movements, then rubbing, moving from the chin to the earlobes;
  4. move to the corners of the lips and massage the line leading to the temples;
  5. after that we move from the wings of the nose to the middle of the forehead, and then to the temples from the eyebrow line;
  6. massage the temples from bottom to top.



Acupressure and lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage is also known as Shiatsu massage. It is considered most effective against edema.

  1. Apply 3 fingers to the eyebrow line and press for 7 seconds;
  2. press in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes with two fingers, trying to make an upward movement;
  3. Using 2 fingers, press 3 times for no more than 3 seconds in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes.

Massage against puffiness under the eyes


Massage against puffiness under the eyes is very simple

Massage against puffiness under the eyes is very simple to perform and is done as follows.

  1. dip your fingertips in olive oil, then draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner;
  2. closing our eyelids, we make tapping movements on them;
  3. We hold our fingers on our eyelids and try to open our eyes;
  4. We keep our eyes closed and slightly pull our eyelids back with our fingers.

Massage against swelling on the cheekbones


Facial massage for the appearance of cheekbones

Massage with spoons

Massage using spoons will help eliminate swelling on the cheekbones. This type of massage also tightens the skin.

  1. take 2 metal spoons and cool them by immersing them in cold water, you can also keep the cutlery in a container with ice;
  2. Using chilled spoons, make light stroking touches, moving from the temples to the wings of the nose;
  3. If the spoons become warm, cool them again.

Massage for swelling with fingers

A massage for swelling on the cheekbones begins with applying a special cream to the skin. Massage movements are carried out only with your fingertips using light touches.

How to massage:

  1. We begin to massage by tapping with our fingers in the area around the eyes and on the cheekbones, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer;
  2. under the lower eyelid and on the cheekbones, tapping is repeated 2 times, massage until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

Anti-wrinkle massage technique


Anti-wrinkle massage

First, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic tonic, then apply the cream in a circular motion to the skin.

It is known that in beauty salons talc is used instead of cream for plastic massage. This is necessary if there is irritation or pigmentation on the skin.

After applying the cream, you need to sit for a while without doing anything so that the facial muscles completely relax. We warm our palms by frequently rubbing them together.

We perform massage movements with a frequency of 8–10 times. The procedure should not take more than 10-15 minutes. You can do a facial massage with your own hands every day for two weeks.

Cosmetic massage for wrinkles is carried out in stages: forehead, around the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin, cheeks.

Massage against vertical wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Place your fingers on the center of your forehead. We begin to press with the pads of our fingers on the skin, draw a line from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  2. then from the temples we move back to the center of the forehead, but without pressing. We repeat the massage movements 10 times.

Massage against wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. We place our index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose, the eyelids are closed. Alternating pressure, we move our fingertips from the bridge of the nose to the brow ridges. If there is swelling of the eyelids, massage will help remove accumulated moisture;
  2. if you periodically gently massage the area behind the lobes, you can prevent congestion - a common cause of the formation of bags under the eyes;
  3. press with equal force along the line leading from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the ear. We repeat the pressure along the line between the points in the corner of the eye and the upper tip of the ear.

Massage against the formation of nasolabial folds

Place 2 fingers in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and press several times.

Massage against wrinkles in the chin area:

  1. press with your thumbs in a circular motion in the chin area;
  2. make stroking movements from the middle of the chin to the ears;
  3. We support the chin with bent wrists so that the pads of the fingers are near the ears, and carefully massage the lower jaw from the sides and bottom with our fingers.

Anti-wrinkle cheek massage:

  1. We make light blows in the cheek area with the tips of four fingers;
  2. We make arched strokes towards the ears and neck;
  3. puff out your cheeks, stroke the skin of your cheeks in a circle from the corners of your mouth to your temples.

Video: facial massage with spoons for swelling - effect in a couple of days
