Doctors told how to adapt to autumn

The sharp cold snap last week provoked an exacerbation of many diseases. The number of patients in clinics has increased, primarily weather-dependent people. In people with chronic diseases, strong temperature changes caused exacerbation of diseases. According to doctors, a sudden change in weather is always stressful for the body.

It takes at least a week for a person to get used to the new temperature regime. A weakened body needs more time to adapt to new weather. Experts advise strengthening the immune system by consuming vitamin C. It is found in currants, oranges, and lemons. People taking medications are advised not to miss taking their medications. During the changing seasons, you should try not to overload the body, rest, play sports, and include grapes, plums, pears, and apples in your diet.

Forecasters promise that autumn in Ukraine will be warm and long. It will last four months, and only in September sharp temperature changes are possible.