Minakova Method

What is the Minakov method? The Minakov method is a method of working the body to achieve deeper muscle development.

It was used by gymnasts of the Soviet Union as a more productive method of working out muscles. Quite often this method is used by athletes, including bodybuilders, who focus on muscle volume and weight without balancing the development of proportions and increasing intensity. As you know, muscles grow when, with an increase in the number of workouts, a person simultaneously increases the number of approaches to failure. If you do one approach at a time, the muscles will grow very, very slowly. Therefore, in order to lift the weight as quickly as possible, you need to perform sets one after another. However, the more sets you do in a row, the faster fatigue will set in and you will lose the achieved level of intensity. This technique avoids just such a situation. It consists of alternating relatively easy approaches (1-3 repetitions), which are performed until a certain fatigue sets in, and heavy approaches, which reduce irritation and restore the pulse. Heavy approaches are performed at a slow pace until fatigue appears.