Is it possible to tan in winter?


Holy eye of the day, a yearning giant!
I myself carried your flame captive in my chest,
Permeated with vision like a white diamond,
In the crimson darkness of the nascent universe.

The Sun is the star closest to the Earth, on which nuclear reactions occur, releasing a huge, according to earthly terms, amount of energy. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is +6000°C, and in the depths of the ball it reaches +40,000,000°C. Spots periodically appear on the surface of the Sun, which appear almost black through a light filter against this more than light background. The spots correspond to locations of strong magnetic fields. Their temperature is +4500°C. In the upper layer of the solar atmosphere (chromosphere), flashes of nuclear matter occur - prominences.

Electrically charged particles are transmitted from the Sun into the Earth's atmosphere, causing changes in the Earth's magnetic field (magnetic storms). The cycle of solar activity and, consequently, the alternation of magnetic storms on earth is 27 days. In addition, every 11 years (sometimes with disruption of the rhythm), solar activity especially increases, and astronomers declare the “year of the restless Sun.” Most of the earth's tragedies and disasters, especially those related to health, happen in such years.

The distance to the Earth (150 million km) sunlight travels in 8 minutes. Outside the visible spectrum are infrared (heat) and ultraviolet rays. Attempts to create an “artificial sun”, at least in the laboratory, have so far been crowned with success only in the works of science fiction writers. A quartz lamp, under which you can also sunbathe, is a pitiful and unsafe surrogate for the universal luminary. Without the Sun, life on Earth could not have arisen, but the Earth's atmosphere reflects, traps and scatters most of the sun's rays. When there are too many of them, life is also impossible.

What is sun tanning?

Tanning is the skin's reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays, which are destructive to all living things and invisible to humans, are retained by the earth’s atmosphere, especially by its ozone layer (which, to our general alarm, has recently become quite thin).

Only a small portion of the rays reach the earth's surface. But even from this small part the human body protects itself by accumulating pigment - melanin - in the skin cells. We haven’t understood anything yet, haven’t felt anything, but in the outer layer of skin the fight for our lives has already begun. The more pigment, the more difficult it is for the rays to penetrate the subcutaneous layers in order to produce their destructive effect - causing the breakdown of protein molecules and, consequently, the death of the tissues themselves. After 6-10 hours, redness appears on the skin - erythema. After 3-5 days, erythema turns into pigmentation due to the accumulation of melanin in the skin. Moderate tanning increases the protective properties of the skin.

Why do some people tan faster than others?

The ability to synthesize melanin in greater or lesser quantities is an individual property of the body; it is given from birth and is inherited. That’s why brunettes tan better than blondes, and residents of tropical countries don’t have to sunbathe at all.

Who are albinos?

These are living organisms that are naturally completely devoid of pigment. Albino people have pink skin and completely white hair. Even their eyes have a pinkish tint, because the blood capillaries are visible in them through the colorless iris. Albinos are unable to sunbathe and suffer terribly from sunburn in the summer. Born in the tropics, they are doomed to die from the sun unless they move to a country with a temperate climate. Fortunately, full albinos are more common among animals (for example, among rats, mice, rabbits).

What determines the intensity of tanning?

The most important thing for tanning is the height of the sun above the horizon (hence, the latitude of the area, time of year and day). The tan is stronger, the more transparent the atmosphere and the more sunlight is reflected from the surface of the earth. Climbers in the mountains, especially in snowy areas, wear gloves and sunglasses, put 5-6 layers of gauze on their faces and smear their faces with thick sunscreen every day. But despite all these measures, in alpine camps they always determine by their tan who has descended from the peak and who is still preparing for the ascent.

A day spent in the mountains (even in the Crimea, where the atmospheric layer is a kilometer thinner than above sea level) provides the opportunity to tan better than several days of monotonous and sometimes painful lying on the beach.

The protective function of the skin decreases with long-term use of certain medications (sulfonamides, quinine, arsenic, iron, etc.). Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays always increases in the spring.

Experts strongly recommend starting sunbathing only after talking with your doctor. Very good. But we would add that in our tense times, a person should especially listen to the voice of nature and constantly study himself, become a doctor for himself. The Spanish philosopher B. Gracian (1601-1658) said: “It is stupid to appeal to Hippocrates for health after forty.”

Why is the Crimean sun dangerous?

Even slave traders of past centuries punished slaves transported across the ocean by leaving them tied up on the deck in the sun.

The natives of sunny countries even today recognize visitors by their ineradicable habit of sunbathing.

The summer beaches of the southern coast of Crimea are seen yellow from an airplane - from the countless number of human bodies under the sun. Yes, most vacationers understand summer holidays in Crimea as a happy opportunity to spend a vacation (or the entire period of a sanatorium stay) on the beach - lying in the sun, playing cards, leafing through a magazine, sipping beer. When they return, they must brag to their colleagues and “report” to their relatives. How? Of course, tan!

It is unlikely that in our time anyone does not know that excessive exposure to the open sun is harmful and dangerous. The smallest of troubles is simply getting sunburned and then having to hide in the shadows for several days. The biggest one is to get a malignant neoplasm, the possibility of which is especially high for people with age spots on the skin (moles) and generally higher for blondes, especially for those who have already been burnt to the point of blisters.

In between these extremes lies a long, sad list of ailments that can be caused by an insatiable thirst for tanning. This is an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, arrhythmia, headache and weakness that does not go away even after resting in the shade. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially diseases of the nervous system, destruction of red blood cells and hemoglobin may occur. Finally, as recently established, excess ultraviolet rays cause a weakening of the immune system, which manifests itself gradually - diseases that he had never heard of before suddenly begin to stick to a tan lover. Medical staff of sanatoriums often have to observe vacationers who hope to “fry” bronchitis and tonsillitis acquired in rainy cities under the Crimean sun, and instead of recovery they switch to bed rest.

Being under the sun without a hat is harmful for everyone, and for older people and those prone to hypertension, it is extremely dangerous. Overheating of the head can lead to sunstroke and even stroke. Fortunately, the Turkish industry has supplied us with enough individual sun umbrellas, so now the beaches should look colorful from an airplane.

How long do doctors recommend exposure to the sun?

Total solar exposure, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, should not exceed 60 MEA (“minimum erythemal dose”) per year. In practice, the duration of exposure to direct rays of the Sun is initially 5-10 minutes. and gradually increases to 40-50 minutes. in a day. During the vacation period, you cannot cross the line between the health that the Sun gives and the diseases with which it punishes those who spend too much time under its direct rays.

What are the benefits of tanning?

Once one of the authors of this book taught biology at a Yalta school. I remember in the fifth grade there was a new student from some northern city. The boy was shorter than the others, bow-legged, with a thick belly and a large head. Newcomers, and even newcomers, were not very welcome in Yalta, but they treated this with respect. “I had the English disease,” he said on the day they met. And if you say “rickets”, then, I suppose, they would tease you!

Why English? Probably because of its constant, classic English fogs.

Everyone needs the sun! Under the sun, vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol in the human and animal bodies. When there is not enough sun, children are prescribed fish oil to artificially saturate them with this vitamin, which primarily regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the bones. Alas, fish oil does not always help, and softened bones bend under the weight of the body.

They knew about the need for the sun in Ancient Egypt. According to Herodotus, the Egyptians built special terraces for sun exposure, similar to modern solariums. Later a proverb was born: “Where there is rarely sunshine, there is often a doctor.”

With solar “starvation,” resistance to disease, physical endurance and mental performance decrease, the course of chronic diseases is aggravated, the strength of tooth enamel decreases, and the regeneration (recovery after fractures) of bone tissue deteriorates. In children, in addition, growth and development slow down.

Residents of industrial cities with a polluted atmosphere, through which it is difficult for the rays of the sun to penetrate, are susceptible to these troubles, especially in the northern regions and, especially at the end of winter. There, to partially compensate for the solar deficiency, doctors recommend irradiation with quartz lamps.

How does the sun affect the human body?

Heliotherapy is sun treatment. This is a powerful means of prevention and healing. Under the sun's rays, overall performance, resistance to colds, infections, and adverse external factors increases.

The infrared rays of the sun have a predominantly thermal effect, penetrating into the body to a depth of 4 cm.

Visible rays are perceived by the retina of the eyes, increasing vitality. The general color scheme of the Crimean summer contrasts the gray “landscape” of industrial cities with all the colors of the rainbow:

The RED ball of the rising Sun in the early fresh morning causes a surge of optimism and hope, gradually coloring the coast. ORANGE-YELLOW tones of warmth and joy. Various GREEN shades of subtropical vegetation create a feeling of comfort. The endless BLUE sea and clear BLUE sky calm the soul. PURPLE evening tones with golden lights and the famous lunar path connecting the shore with the endless expanses of space call for harmony with the Universe.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays penetrate to a depth of only 1 mm, but cause a variety of reactions in the tissues of the body. Blood viscosity decreases, cholesterol levels decrease, which is important for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Immunity increases, tissue respiration increases, metabolic processes improve. UV rays have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria, promote the synthesis of protein, vitamin D, enzymes, and hormones.

Is it possible to sunbathe through window glass?

You can sunbathe, but you can't sunbathe. Mineral glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays. If the house is warm, then even in winter you can try to sunbathe through an open window. There are eccentrics who specifically replace window glass with plexiglass (organic glass). It's always summer for them!

Is it possible to sunbathe with clothes on?

Light-colored fabric (natural silk, crepe de Chine, cotton voile) transmits 30-60% of ultraviolet rays. Less than 10% of rays pass through linen, staple, satin, and dark-dyed cotton fabrics, and from 30 to 77% pass through synthetic clothing. In general, in the summer they tan through their clothes. Therefore, if before lunch you had an excursion along a sunny route, then after lunch on the beach it is better not to leave your “fungus”!

Is it possible to sunbathe in the shade?

The sun's rays are scattered in the atmosphere and reflected from white cumulus clouds (up to 50%), from sand and pebble beaches (28-33%), from lawn grass (26%), from the sea surface. Therefore, the tan “sticks” to those who are in the shade, but outdoors and not far from a sunlit place. This is how it is recommended to sunbathe in the first 2-3 days of your stay on the Black Sea coast.

Does tanning stick in cloudy weather?

Ultraviolet rays penetrate clouds, so bright sunshine is not necessary for tanning. Of course, such a tan requires a longer vacation.

At what age can you take sunbathing?

Children's skin is much more sensitive to the sun than adults' skin. In addition, children love to splash in the water and then have to warm up under the sun for a long time. Therefore, from 11 to 16 o’clock it is better not to bring them to the beach at all. But since this rule is usually not observed and loving adults, for the sake of their own convenience, adjust the children's regime to their own, then it is necessary, at least, to strictly monitor the baby - after bathing, wipe him off and strictly hide him under the awning. Just remember that small children can get sunburned even under an awning, and children under one year old should not be taken out into the open sun at all. Sunburns received by a child (note, due to the fault of the parents) can have an unpredictable effect on his health even in adulthood.

What time of day is the best time to tan?

The best tan is in the morning, before 10-11 o'clock, when there is still little water vapor in the air, and there is no real heat. Then, until 16-17, you should hide in the shade.

It is best to come to the beach early in the morning. This kind, harmless sun, cool and clear sea, deserted beach, seagulls on the pier and on the rocks, the whole waking up world creates your mood, drives away winter fatigue and unnecessary thoughts. True, to get up early you have to go to bed early, but it’s a pity for the evening! So, get some sleep after lunch.

Susceptibility to UV rays is increased in fair-skinned women during “critical days”, with diseases of the thyroid gland, deficiency of iodine, calcium, and vitamins.

Remember! Uncontrolled exposure to the sun leads to the formation of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin.

Who shouldn't sunbathe?

People with acute diseases and bleeding, with circulatory failure of II and III degrees, with angina pectoris, and bronchial asthma should not be exposed to the open sun. In addition, there are people with increased skin sensitivity to sunlight. The sun burns them so much that in a short time it causes skin diseases. People with malignant and even benign tumors should not sunbathe.


• Sunbathing in a clear sky is taken in the morning until 11 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4 p.m. The rest of the time it is recommended to stay in the shade of a lattice awning or umbrella.

• On the beach you should wear a light hat and protect your eyes with dark glasses. Sunbathing is done while lying down, with the head in the shade.

• Don't sleep on the beach! It is necessary to change the position of the body to evenly distribute the tan.

• You should not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy meal.

• It is necessary to monitor your health! If you experience burning skin or headaches, stop sunbathing.

How to treat sunburn?

If you do get “burnt” (severe redness and soreness appear), you should stop sunbathing for 2-3 days and wipe your skin with alcohol and cologne.

What is sunstroke?

Sudden weakness, a feeling of weakness, headache, and nausea appear. It is necessary to move the victim to the shade, free him from clothing, put cold compresses with ice on the head and heart, or simply pour cold water on him.

Is staying on the beach acceptable for people prone to sun allergies?

If you are hypersensitive to the Sun, it is better to be on the beach only in the early morning. The use of special sunscreens is indicated. On such creams, lotions, and gels, the sun protection factor is indicated - SPF. The higher its value (10, 12, 18, 40), the more effective the protection against UV rays. For example, if a cream is labeled SPF10, then under the protection of this cream you can stay in the open sun 10 times longer than usual. Sunscreens are applied to the skin 15-30 minutes before sunbathing.

Is it possible to tan in winter?

By December, direct solar radiation weakens by more than half compared to July. The amount of ultraviolet rays scattered in the air decreases even more sharply, among which safe, longer wavelengths predominate in winter. In January, the radiation is slightly higher than in December (with equally clear skies).

It is almost impossible to get “erythema” in winter. However, it is possible to get a good, dense tan, especially in Crimea, where the winter sun is five times more active than, say, in Moscow. For winter sun treatment, special pavilions with foam beds or, better, individual cabins covered with plastic film are arranged.

A beautiful winter tan is healthy and safe. It can be considered a real success, for which it is worth coming to the resort in the off-season!

Mineral waters, clean sea water and therapeutic mud are the main components for treatment at one of the resorts in the Krasnodar region. You can get medical treatment and spend your holiday in Dzhemet in the single Anapa booking center here. Enjoy your holiday!

From the book by V.V. Ezhov, D.N. Tarasenko “Secrets of Crimean health”, “Business-Inform”, 2002, Simferopol

As an activist of the Federation of Hardening and Sports Winter Swimming, I can say from my own experience - it’s possible! You can even get burned in the winter sun, as the snow cover reflects ultraviolet radiation! For those who do not swim in ice holes and who are weakly trained, there is also a way out of the situation - skiing in swimsuits and swimming trunks! Because under physical activity you don’t feel the cold at all; if you start to feel the cold, you just run faster. :))))) In the bright sun, after a kilometer or two on skis, it really gets hot even in a swimsuit.


Of course, you can tan in winter too. But, as a rule, in winter it’s cold, and you don’t want to take off your clothes. Then you can sunbathe in the solarium. You can also easily tan in the mountains, but then you need to choose warm countries and not too high mountains so that you can wander there in a swimsuit. Or go to a resort in a warm country in winter and return with a tan


Yes, of course, it is possible to tan in winter. Ultraviolet radiation does not disappear anywhere, it is much softer due to the small angle of the Sun. And it is reflected many times by the snow. It's just cold outside in winter. And glass, for the most part, does not transmit the ultraviolet spectrum.

You can’t just tan in winter; this requires special conditions. You can tan in winter if: 1 You sunbathe in a solarium. 2 Set up windows in your home so that sunlight is focused where you are. And in rare moments of sunshine you need to lie in this place. 3 If during winter you are somewhere near the equator. 4 You are on a spaceship, not on Earth. Looking at the sun through the porthole, you will probably tan. 5 It is possible that you will still get a tan if you light a candle or a fire and keep the bare parts of your body at such a distance from the flame that it is slightly hot.

Yes you can) Use a self-tanner or solarium. By the way, solarium in winter increases the level of vitamin D in the body, and accordingly reduces the likelihood of colds.

The friendly sun greets you in different parts of the planet. Do you like tanning? So, don’t miss the opportunity to get it at some winter resort, where the brightness of the luminary increases several times, reflecting from the whiteness of the snow cover. But winter tanning has its own nuances that you need to remember so as not to harm your skin and your health.

Features of the winter sun

At first glance, in winter there is no need to worry about the effect of the sun on your skin and take care of its protection. But the light emitted by a star is quite insidious at any time of the year, and especially in winter. Including in winter resorts, where you may have gone more than once to relax with your family and get a boost of energy from skiing.

The penetrating characteristics of ultraviolet radiation and solar radiation vary depending on the reflective surface. In places where there is a lot of snow cover or ice crust, selective reflection occurs, which allows most of the short-wave UV rays and almost all thermal radiation to affect the skin and the body as a whole.

Winter sun is most intense due to the strong reflectivity of snow and ice. To understand why radiation in the mountains is more dangerous, remember that intense tanning is achieved using ultraviolet rays, which cause slight redness due to changes in the upper layers of the skin. Afterwards, the redness subsides and a darker shade appears. It, in turn, manifests itself due to the oxidation of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline to melanin, a natural skin pigment. In the case of infrared radiation, the skin is seriously damaged, which contributes to severe redness and inflammation of the epidermis. In the absence of appropriate protection, you risk experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, swelling of the skin, increased body temperature, burns, poor health, nausea, and headaches. And all this, despite the fact that you are not in a hot resort, but in a cold climate!

In winter, the influence of infrared radiation increases, which creates an additional danger both for the condition of the skin and for your general well-being. Peeling, eczema, and increased sensitivity of the epidermis can also be associated with increased exposure to infrared radiation from sunlight. Danger awaits you not only at ski resorts, but also in the nearest suburbs, if you are actively exposed to the sun, and even in the city if winter spoils you with sunny days.

How to organize the process of getting a tan in winter, precautions

There are several ways to tan in winter. The simplest is a visit to a professional solarium. However, this has nothing to do with natural solar radiation. The second method refers to tanning your face and hands, which happens quite naturally, since these are the parts of the body that darken the most when exposed to the sun in winter. But there are also more extreme options for getting a tan, which in essence are not much different from the classic one, except for the air temperature.

For example, if you live in a room with a balcony at a ski resort, then you can organize a sunbathing area right here. The light of the sun is warm enough that you can sit on the trestle bed in a swimsuit for a short time. You can expose your upper body to UV light while relaxing in an outdoor Jacuzzi. Of course, you won’t be able to completely undress in winter, so there’s no question of a perfectly even shade. But you can achieve a darker shade on the legs and upper body, exposing them alternately. You can do this in your garden plot, if you are sure that afterwards you will have somewhere to fully warm up.

If you consider yourself to be one of the people who are not afraid of the cold, you will not be afraid of tanning at air temperatures down to -10°C with active sun. The radiation sent by it will serve as a good source of heat. But be sure to keep a thermos with hot tea, a warm blanket and clothes on hand, and also provide yourself with quick access to a warm room where you can fully warm up. Use sunscreen before and after tanning.

If you make your choice in favor of a more affordable tan in a solarium, then you should pay more attention to fixing the shade in cold weather conditions and to some of the characteristics of your body in winter. Thus, a lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders can cause the tan that you have been working on for so long to quickly disappear.

Precautions when getting a tan in winter:

  1. if you decide to go naked to get a tan, you must be confident in your health - cold procedures are contraindicated for people with colds, inflammatory ailments and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  2. very sensitive skin reacts extremely negatively to active infrared radiation from the winter sun;
  3. under the intense influence of thermal radiation and UV radiation, many skin diseases are exacerbated, involving the expansion of capillaries in the subcutaneous layer;
  4. The eyes react very actively to light radiation, so be sure to buy good sunglasses for the winter;
  1. take care of adequate nutrition - a good tan is possible only in a healthy biological environment;
  2. when sunbathing in a cold climate, do not neglect thermal underwear, especially protect your head, feet and hands, as they are most often exposed to frostbite;
  3. tirelessly monitor your well-being - no matter how comfortable you are, be on alert so that you have time to warm up in time;
  4. do not sunbathe in winter if you feel unwell, are prone to colds, flu and ENT infections;
  5. to get a tan, you don’t need to stay in the cold for half an hour or an hour - just a few trips for 5-10 minutes for several days in a row, depending on your well-being and weather conditions.

Remember, we are talking about the case when the sun is really active throughout the day, and the frost on the street is practically not felt. The air humidity should be quite low, which is most often found at higher elevations in the mountains. With high humidity, even at average temperatures, you risk getting hypothermia of the surface tissues and internal organs.

Selecting cosmetics for winter tanning

Means of protection against UV radiation and solar radiation for the winter period should be the most effective. Focus on rich, nourishing textures, especially if your skin is very dry or prone to sensitivity. They should be based on natural oils, which will at the same time well moisturize, nourish the epidermis and help it cope with incoming long- and short-wave rays of sunlight. The degree of protection of each product should not be lower than 50 SPF. For the face, this figure can be safely increased by another 20 units.

But not only SPF protection is important - UVB filters should also be present in creams. This creates an additional barrier against the most dangerous radiation and radiation.

In winter, pay special attention to caring for the skin around the eyes and lips. Due to the activity of the sun, they, as the most sensitive areas, suffer greatly. The skin in these areas ages at an accelerated rate and, after active rest, new wrinkles may unexpectedly appear. To prevent this from happening, you can use an age cream with additional sun protection during the course.