Drinks Made from Vegetables, Berries and Fruits

Drinks are an integral part of our daily life. They help quench your thirst, refresh yourself and get essential nutrients. Currently, more and more people are striving for a healthy lifestyle, including through proper nutrition. And one of the ways to achieve this goal is to drink drinks made from vegetables, berries and fruits.

The word "drink" is of Russian origin and appeared in our language at the beginning of the last century. It originally referred to non-alcoholic liquids that were filling and nutritious. In Russian cuisine you can find many original drinks that have no analogues in other national cuisines. Among them are sbiten, kvass, honey, fruit drinks, water, forest teas and brines. Some of them were used as drinks to pour over dishes, others - as independent drinks that warmed in winter or refreshed in summer.

One of the drink options is drinks made from vegetables. Carrots, for example, have been used in cooking for several centuries and are an indispensable vegetable. In the old days, carrots were considered a delicacy for gnomes, and it was believed that if you left a bowl of steamed carrots in the forest, the gnomes would leave a bar of gold in place as a sign of gratitude. Carrot juice has many beneficial properties and is recommended for improving heart function, strengthening vision, as well as for colds and lack of milk in nursing mothers.

To prepare a carrot drink, you need to boil and cool one and a half glasses of water. Then the carrots (preferably carotel) should be thoroughly peeled and grated on a fine grater. The resulting juice should be mixed with water and seasoned to taste with salt, lemon juice and honey. The finished drink can be decorated with finely chopped dill.

You can also make a drink from carrots and cabbage brine. To do this, you need to grate the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and mix it with sauerkraut brine, cooled boiled water, finely chopped garlic and green onions. You can season the drink with salt and sugar to taste.

Another interesting option is a drink made from carrots and celery. To prepare it, boil and cool a glass of water. Then the carrots and celery, thoroughly washed, are grated with a fine grater. The resulting juices are mixed and diluted with chilled boiled water. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice or honey to add flavor.

Besides carrots, there are many other vegetables that can be used to make drinks. For example, beets are a rich source of antioxidants and can be used to make beet juice. Also popular is a drink made from cucumbers, which refreshes and moisturizes the body.

Let's move on to drinks made from berries and fruits. Berry and fruit drinks are a delicious and healthy way to get vitamins and antioxidants. You can make drinks from berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, as well as fruits such as apples, pears, oranges and grapefruits.

To prepare a berry or fruit drink, you need to peel and cut the berries or fruits. Then they should be put in a blender and crushed to a puree. Next, you can add a little water or ice to achieve the desired consistency of the drink. If desired, you can also add sugar or honey for added sweetness.

One of the popular berry drinks is strawberry smoothie. To prepare it, you need to mix fresh strawberries, yogurt or milk, ice and a little honey or sugar to taste. All ingredients are placed in a blender and blended until smooth.

These are just some examples of drinks made from vegetables, berries and fruits. The options are many and you can experiment with different ingredients and combinations to get a drink that suits your preferences and needs. Don't forget that fresh and high-quality ingredients are the basis for a tasty and nutritious drink.