Pancreatic Juice

Pancreatic juice is the secretion of the pancreas, secreted by its acini into the duodenum. Ensures the digestion of food, breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simple components, which are subsequently absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls.

Pancreatic juice contains the following components (mg/l): + Bile acids + Pancreatic secretion + Mucus, which protects delicate intestinal hairs from mechanical damage and coagulates the liquid food colloid complex, forming semi-liquid chyme and moving it through the digestive tract. This juice is almost colorless, viscous, sour, bitter in taste, which is explained by the content of the lipase enzyme. The content of the amylase enzyme is about 30% of the total volume of the enzyme content of pancreatic juice, but sometimes it exceeds this figure. Pancreatin is conditional