Peroneus muscle

The peroneus muscle is one of the muscles of the lateral group of leg muscles, which starts from the fibula. The long peroneus (peroneus longus) and short peroneus (peroneus brevis) muscles pass along the lateral surface of the lower leg and are attached to the base of the 1st-11th metatarsal bones of the foot (major) and the tuberosity of the metatarsal bone (minor). These muscles flex the foot and elevate its lateral edge.

The tibialis minor muscle (Peroneal) is a muscle that belongs to the lateral group of muscles of the lower leg. It starts from the fibula and runs along the lateral side of the leg. Two major muscles, the tibialis longus and tibialis brevis, attach to the tuberosities of the metatarsal bones and the greater metatarsal bone, respectively.

The main function of the tibialis minor muscle is to flex the foot and raise its lateral edge. This is important for maintaining balance and stability when walking, running and other movements. The tibialis minor muscle also helps with activities such as squats, calf raises, and other exercises that require flexion of the foot.

In addition, the tibialis minor muscle is involved in the formation of gait and posture, and also plays an important role in maintaining the health of the foot and ankle joint. Its insufficient work can lead to pain in the legs, gait disturbances and other problems of the musculoskeletal system.

To maintain the health of the tibialis minor muscle, it is recommended to exercise regularly, pay attention to correct posture and not overload the foot. It is also important to watch your diet and consume enough protein, vitamins and minerals to maintain muscle mass.


The peroneus muscle belongs to a group of muscles that form the superficial lateral muscle group of the lower leg. It begins on the fibula and has two heads - long and short, which are attached to the anterior surface of the metatarsal bones of the foot. This is a muscle that is not usually welcomed, because its importance is forgotten by many novice athletes and athletes. We will learn how to use it and figure out why it is needed.

Muscle anatomy

Each long muscle tissue is divided into two parts, these are long and short muscles. Each of them runs along the entire lower leg and ends at the anterior tibial limb and a small tuberous metatarsal bone. The peculiarity of this muscle is that it consists of two heads connected by a medial extension. Each of them is responsible for different functions:

Long fibula. It is responsible for bending the foot and raising its outer edge. This muscle is also responsible for stabilizing the position of the foot when a person moves.

Short malobery. Responsible for turning the foot outward. It is also used when walking and running to move the feet to the sides. Thanks to this, a person makes even more even and uniform movements with his legs.

Muscle functions

The peroneus muscle plays an important role in the movement of the lower limbs. It is responsible for both turning the movements of the foot and stabilizing the position of the entire foot and legs in general. The fibula helps to bend the inside of the foot inward, as well as shift the bottom of the inside edge of the foot to the ground. This muscle is very important for running and walking, since it is the support and support for the legs that move during these actions. The legs are the support of our body, they support the entire mass and protect us from falling.