
Adolescence: features of physiology and health

Adolescence is a period in a person’s life that falls between 12-13 and 16-18 years. During this period, significant changes occur in the physiology and health of adolescents associated with the onset of maturation and functioning of the gonads.

The main signs of physiological maturation are the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the growth of pubic and axillary hair, the development of mammary glands in girls and changes in the voice in boys. Also during this period, weight gain occurs; adolescents can gain an average of 3 to 5 kg per year.

One of the main manifestations of adolescence is rapid growth. In adolescents, all body parts, tissues and organs grow and develop rapidly. However, the growth rate is not the same. The most noticeable thing is the increase in the length of the arms and legs. In boys, the torso elongates after the length of the arms, legs and pelvis in diameter reaches its maximum. Uneven growth of individual parts of the body can cause clumsiness, clumsiness, and angularity.

One of the main aspects of adolescent health is taking care of proper posture. Also during this period, functional disorders of various organs are observed. The so-called “youthful heart” is often observed, which is characterized by an increase in its size and the appearance of noise when listening. Increased blood pressure, palpitations, increased heart rate and shortness of breath are often observed.

An important aspect of adolescent health is proper breathing. The type of breathing from the age of 10 in boys is abdominal, in girls - thoracic and abdominal.

Adolescence is a period of significant physiological and psychological changes. It is important for teenagers to pay special attention to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, as well as take care of physical activity and posture. Parents and teachers also need to help teens adapt to changes in their lives and support them during this time.