Animal and vegetable fats that are beneficial for our body.

If you came into the world of bodybuilding and fitness not for a day or a month, but decided to seriously change your entire lifestyle, if body-building for you - not a temporary hobby, but a life credo, then you must approach the issue of rationality of your diet very seriously. For nutrition – this is 60% success in this sport! You can stay in the gym for days and nights, and still not get desired result, but why? – due to poor nutrition!

In order to eliminate gaps in your knowledge, we continue to introduce you to what we eat and how to do it correctly and healthy. Last time we studied unhealthy fats, and today it’s time to talk about healthy fats

There are much more of these fats than harmful ones. They, like the latter, come to our dinner table from the world of flora and fauna: they come in both animal origin and vegetable. However, despite the initial apparent similarity, if you completely stop consuming:

  1. I) visceral fat,
  2. II) margarine,
  3. III) soft butter

and instead of these foods you use:

  1. I) olive,
  2. II) corn,
  3. III) sunflower,
  4. IV) or any other vegetable oil,

then you will provide in full your body with incredibly healthy monounsaturated fats. This is explained by the fact that this kind animal and vegetable fats lower the level of “bad” cholesterol and accordingly increase the level of “good” cholesterol, which, on the other hand, significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, as well as all kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy fats are found in abundance in:
  1. a) olive oil,
  2. b) the olives themselves,
  3. c) avocado,
  4. d) peanut butter,
  5. d) seeds,
  6. f) most raw nuts.

Omega 3 fats.

This - polyunsaturated fats, mainly of animal origin, which extremely useful. They are mainly contained in oily fish, as well as in caviar. They are also found in much smaller quantities in vegetable oils And nuts. Our body does not produce them itself. Not long ago, scientists found that systematic consumption of fatty fish is an excellent prevention of cancer. By the way, among the peoples of the Far North, whose diet mainly consists of such fatty fish, oncology, obesity and cardiovascular diseases are at the bottom of the list of diseases.

Omega 3 fats benefit not only the heart, but also the brain. By including them in your monthly diet, you can mitigate the course of a whole range of diseases of the nervous system - from mental depression to PMS (premenstrual syndrome). All that's enough for this is eat fatty fish approximately 2-4 times a week, which on average is: 10-15 g daily.

Omega 6 fats. This is another type of polyunsaturated fat found in all vegetable oils. It is also present in soy products, such as tofu. Such fats are useful when consumed in moderation, but it is not worth increasing their amount in the daily diet, since we already consume them in sufficient quantities. It is recommended that the amount of them in your diet be approximately equal to (or slightly less than) the amount of Omega 3 fats consumed.

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