For some reason fats in our everyday life they have not a very good reputation. A huge variety of diets for weight loss are based on limiting the intake of fats into our body, and very often in hazardous to health person quantities. This negative reputation of fats was formed from the widespread opinion about their harmful effects on our body and especially their direct relationship with excess weight. What is this - fiction or truth? Let's figure it out!
Fats in the human body, like proteins and carbohydrates, serve us source of energy. People engaged in serious physical labor also need to compensate for expended energy. easiest way (although it’s not a fact that it’s healthier) with fatty foods. Anyway fats include:
- I) cell walls,
- II) intracellular formations,
- III) and nervous tissue.
Another task of fats is delivery to the tissues of our body. fat-soluble vitamins and other useful biologically active substances special purpose.
Having an excess amount of fat, the body stores it in reserve as a reserve fuel for itself. In addition, fats have reduced thermal conductivity and save our body from hypothermia. Animal fats are included in the main diet of the peoples of the North, but what is most amazing is that they have practically no symptoms of obesity. Consequently, not all fats are harmful to our body and cause excess weight. In fact, some types of fats (the so-called "healthy fats" or "special purpose fats") are even vital to our body for its normal functioning.
As always, the main dilemma of people is that we really do not know anything about the importance for us and our body of consuming all organic substances and nutrients without exception.
Due to their increased calorie content (1 g of fat gives 9.3 Kcal), fats are main source of energy in our body. It is impossible to even imagine most biological processes in the body without their direct participation, for example, maintaining the necessary composition of the blood, as well as cell membranes, transmission of nerve impulses and production hormones. Without fat, digestibility of the whole spectrum vitamins, macro and microelements, for example, vitamins groups: A, D, E and K, is almost reduced to zero. Even if you eat an exorbitant portion of vegetables, but do not season them with vegetable oil, you can consider that you have wasted a whole set of vitamins and minerals. Being just fat-soluble, they will not bring any benefit to the body at all, and after some time, they will simply be eliminated.
In an excessive fight against cholesterol, which is harmful to the walls of blood vessels, you may lose beneficial lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol cells), increasing the content of triglycerides, which creates a well-founded risk of cardiovascular disease. This may also lead to the appearance gout and probability of formation gallstones. As you can see, fats in our body (especially special ones) have a lot of different functions and purposes. Consequently, a radical, thoughtless fight against them can backfire on you.
* Lipoproteins are complex structural compounds whose molecules are built from lipids, as well as proteins, interconnected through hydrophobic and electrostatic bilateral interactions. Lipoproteins are divided into free (independent), or soluble in water, and structural (insoluble).
It is important to understand: diets with fat levels below 20% cause our body to feel hungry and unsatisfied, thereby causing it to overeat at every meal. While fats cause sensation satiety, stimulating the production of a specific hormone that slows down the rate of digestion of our food, due to which a person eats less, and therefore consumes much fewer calories.
Simply put, when consumed correctly, fats can become your irreplaceable helpers and loyal allies in the irreconcilable war against excess weight.
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