Injury prevention in fitness and bodybuilding

Actively engaged sports, be prepared for injuries. As a rule, injuries are caused not by the physical exercises themselves, but by our incompetence, inability to correctly assess the state of your body, which, by the way, does everything possible to prevent injuries. When the load on the bones, muscles and tendons increases, calcium is sent to the bone cells, which protects and protects the limbs from fractures. It is very important that the degree of load does not exceed permissible limits, and that there is a sufficient amount of calcium in the body.

  1. Prevention of sports injuries
  2. Prevention of musculoskeletal injuries
  3. Concussion
  4. Conclusion

Prevention of sports injuries

Overtraining syndrome

Another key rule, important for everyone - both for eminent professional athletes and for “yellow-mouthed” amateur beginners. Exercise intensity needs to be increased gradually and with very great caution. Also, for anyone, even the most experienced athlete, there is a risk overtrain.

Overtraining syndrome It is not an injury in the full sense of the word, although some trainers believe that it is caused by microtrauma of muscle fibers.

Overtraining syndrome occurs if you haven't heeded the message of gradualism and haven't given your body at least two days a week to recover, or if you enthusiastically take on an activity while completely untrained. It is characterized by acute pain in the muscle, sometimes it even seems that the internal organs located in this area hurt. The muscles are tense, respond with pain to pressure, and a local (the damaged muscle is hot) or even a general increase in temperature may be observed.

Mild overtraining only entails discomfort in the area of ​​the worked muscle, which goes away on its own, but severe overtraining forces you to take drastic measures: giving up training for a week. You can study just stretching and walking. In addition, you will need a sports balm to rub the damaged muscle. Such a balm could be, for example, “star” in a mixture of one to two with Vaseline. Contrast showers, superficial massage with a hard mitten or a wooden roller massager help very well. Drink more water, take vitamins.


A bruise, familiar to everyone since childhood, is a complex injury that entails destruction of small blood vessels, bleeding under the skin (hematoma), may or may not be swollen and painful. Any bruise is fraught with injury to the periosteum, therefore, if severe pain in the bruised area does not go away within 24 hours, you need to consult a traumatologist. Two to three hours after a bruise, the affected area should be cooled and then rubbed with an ointment that increases blood circulation and has a local anesthetic effect. A warm, pressure compress can be applied to a large, severe bruise.

A typical sports injury of “moderate severity” requires skipping the next workout and replacing it with home physical therapy. Be especially careful about knee bruises. On the knee, a bruise can be small, but a bruise can be serious, so with any knee bruise, go to the doctor and get x-ray.


They call wounds any skin disorder - from scratches to more serious tissue damage. Make sure you have at least some kind of dressing material (sterile bandage, plaster) during training. was on hand. In case of serious injuries, do not self-medicate!

Prevention of musculoskeletal injuries


The second most common injury is stretching. And the best prevention of injuries and damage to muscles and tendons is nothing more than warming up and warming up.

A sprain is characterized by severe pain, swelling in the area of ​​injury, and deformation (due to swelling) of the joint. Sometimes a sprain requires long-term treatment with physical therapy.

For the first five to six hours, sprains are treated with ice (cold). The injured joint needs to be immobilized (immobilized with a bandage) and cooled to avoid severe swelling. After 2 - 3 hours, when the overall picture is clear, you can apply sports gels or creams. On the second day, you can treat the joint with warm baths, compresses, rubbing and massage.

Absolute leader in sprains - the ankle joint, which has a nasty habit of “turning in”. Most often, ankle injuries occur in overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffer from flat feet, and do not have special sports shoes. If you have all of the above characteristics, train only in ankle braces and after specialized warm-up (given below).

Lie horizontally on the floor and stretch your legs; count to 6.

  1. Slowly, bend your leg at the knee joint without lifting your heel from the plane of the floor.
  2. Try to reach your chest with your knee without using your hands, as much as possible. Don't strain yourself too much, this is a warm-up.
  3. Straighten your leg so that your thigh and shin form a straight line.
  4. Slowly begin to lower your leg and keep it suspended at a distance approximately equal to the length of your shin.
  5. Slowly lower your heel to the floor.
  6. Straighten your leg and extend it in front of you again.

The above complex must be performed 5-6 times on each leg. This complex is specifically focused on progressively increasing the load on the cardiovascular system, provides an abundant flow of blood to the legs, and also warms up and stretches the muscles.


Doctors consider it a permanent dislocation. displacement of the articular ends of bones, causing disruption of the motor function of the joint. A dislocation can be recognized by the unnatural position of the limb, which sticks out at an anatomically incorrect angle. A dislocation is a serious injury, and resetting dislocations is not an easy task. So first aid for yourself or another will come down to cooling the affected joint (a serious mistake is immediately applying a heating compress) and getting the victim to the doctor as soon as possible. The dislocation can be corrected within two days; later this becomes impossible without surgical intervention. During delivery, the injured joint should be gently supported to avoid pain and aggravation of the injury.


Bone damage called a fracture. A fracture or crack in a bone is easily diagnosed by very strong, sharp pain. In case of a fracture, the damaged bone is fixed with a splint and a bandage (the limb is bandaged to a stick or something similar), the wounds, if any, are treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied, after which (without cooling) the victim is transported to the emergency room.


A concussion can occur when head injury. During a concussion, communication between individual areas of the brain is temporarily disrupted. A concussion can be accompanied by loss of consciousness lasting from just a few seconds to even several hours. Further symptoms: nausea, vomiting, headache, brief memory loss, fatigue, drowsiness, weakness. Typically, these symptoms disappear within two weeks after the injury, but some manifestations can persist for up to six months.

First aid for a severe head injury and loss of consciousness is to put the victim on his back, you can turn his head to the side, while stretching his arms down along the body and immediately consult a doctor.


As you already understood from all of the above: prevention of sports injuries in fitness and bodybuilding, as indeed in other strength disciplines, mainly falls on our shoulders. Always comply safety regulations, use special shoes and other protective elements, never start training without a serious warm-up and warm-up, approach training responsibly - never indulge and do not let others do it - exercises with weights are not as safe as it seems at first glance. Take care of yourself!

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