Extension of arms on a block

Extension of arms on a block - one of the isolated exercises that has a simply stunning effect on “your triceps.” The exercise involves you in your work as much as possible the entire triceps array, but still the main emphasis of the impact falls on its external part - perfectly forms the so-called “horseshoe».

Established bodybuilders typically use this exercise to warm up their elbows for later, more intense training.

Extension of arms on a triceps block can be performed:

  1. Overhand or underhand grip.
  2. Standing or sitting.
  3. With a straight neck or a curved one.

Also very often in bodybuilding, instead of a bar at the end of a block, they use ropes with knots or specialized handles. This block device option allows you to perform triceps row not only with two, but also with one hand.

Keep your back and shoulders straight and vertical throughout the exercise. When squeezing, exhale, when bending, inhale. None cheating! It's better to take a lighter weight, but do it purely.

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