Massage scheme with a cellulite brush

Dry massage increases blood circulation, saves from cellulite, increases skin turgor, and slows down the aging process. This type of massage has many benefits, but if there are contraindications, it can be harmful.

What is cellulite and its localization on the body - it is important to find out before the massage

GLD (gynoid lipodystrophy) or cellulite is a pathological change in the density of subcutaneous adipose tissue and fiber. Due to the fact that fat under the skin is distributed unevenly, compactions and tubercles are formed, which are popularly called “orange peel”.

The main cause of cellulite is hormonal imbalance. Estrogen is a female sex hormone, due to excess or deficiency of which metabolism is disrupted and cellulite appears. This is mostly a female problem that occurs even in thin people. That is, you don’t have to be overweight for cellulite to appear.

Types of Cellulite:

Type of cellulite Characteristic
Solid GLD The main difference is small lumps under the skin, which become more or less noticeable when the body moves. This type is considered natural and occurs mostly in everyone, especially young girls and athletes.
Flaccid cellulite It occurs more often in women and some men after 40-45 years of age, with a sedentary lifestyle, when the muscles become flaccid and the skin sagging. At the same time, fatty seals are soft and flaccid.
Edematous cellulite (edematous) Edematous GLD occurs due to health problems, impaired metabolism and water-salt imbalance. To determine this type of pathology, you need to press firmly on the skin (on the arm, leg, thigh) with your fingers; if at first a dent remains, this indicates excessive fluid. In this case, you do not need to do massages, but consult a doctor, take diuretics and normalize your metabolism.
Mixed type This is cellulite in various types. It occurs mainly in those who have several extra pounds and do not watch their diet. In this case, soft cellulite appears on the arms, swollen and flaccid on the buttocks and thighs.


Dry massage can be performed at all stages. It is easier to get rid of cellulite when it just begins to develop.

There are 4 stages of development of gynoid lipodystrophy:

Stage of development Short description
First or initial stage It is characterized by the appearance of an “orange peel”, but it is visible only if you tightly squeeze a fold of skin in a problem area - the buttock, leg, thigh, abdomen. You can get rid of early cellulite if you watch your diet and give up fatty foods, alcohol, and sweets. You need to control the dosage of food and under no circumstances overeat.
Second stage of development Fat deposits thicken under the skin. They can be felt upon palpation. Due to these seals, blood circulation is impaired. During the second stage, the intracellular nutrition of the cells is disrupted, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis becomes sluggish and flabby. The main method of control is mechanical action on the lumps, which are broken up through various types of massages.
Third stage At this stage, subcutaneous deposits are noticeable in any position of the body. In addition to the aesthetic problem, the third stage is harmful to health due to constantly impaired metabolism and blood flow.
Fourth stage Pathological changes in tissues and disruption of their functioning. In appearance, the skin looks flabby, lumpy, with a characteristic cyanosis. People with stage 4 cellulite often have problems with excess weight, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and shortness of breath may occur when walking due to lack of oxygen.


Cellulite can be localized anywhere on the human body. Most often it can be found on the buttocks, outer and inner thighs, sides and abdomen. It can also be on the arms, neck and chin.

The benefits of dry massage

Brushing or dry massage is done using a dry wooden brush. This method of massage has many advantages, due to which it is popular for all stages and types of cellulite:

  1. Dry massage breaks down fat deposits and the harder the brush, the more intense the “orange peel” disappears.
  2. Drybrushing helps rid soft tissues of excess moisture, thereby improving intracellular work and increasing blood flow.
  3. Brushing helps exfoliate dead epidermal cells, thereby unclogging pores and removing toxins.

Dry massage with a brush helps against cellulite and also exfoliates

Improves blood circulation, strengthens capillary walls and prevents the development of varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other pathologies of the vascular system. Prevents stretch marks during pregnancy, when their appearance increases by 50%.


Before a massage, in order not to harm your health, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

It is prohibited to do anti-cellulite massage with a brush in the following cases:

  1. If the skin is naturally thin and prone to damage and redness, then using a hard brush can cause scratches or microcracks, which, if complicated, lead to infection and rotting.
  2. For dermatological diseases that are accompanied by dryness and damage to the skin, for example, psoriasis or eczema.
  3. Increased body temperature and blood pressure. With hypertension, you need to dilate the blood vessels so as not to strain the heart, and with a massage (any massage, not just anti-cellulite), the blood will accelerate and the walls of the blood vessels will warm up, which can increase the pressure even more.
  4. After the 3rd stage of varicose veins, the skin should not be disturbed, because the vessels are close and can be damaged, causing bleeding or the development of a trophic ulcer.
  5. If there is hyperpigmentation and a large number of moles or nevi, it is recommended to abandon this method of combating cellulite.

After one procedure there will be no result, that is, the skin will become softer and more tender, but cellulite and volume will not go away. You need to do massages regularly, 2-4 times a week. It is important to eat right and, if possible, exercise at least a little to keep your muscles toned.

Side effects

Dry massage with a cellulite brush has some contraindications, which you must first familiarize yourself with:

  1. Redness of the skin, burning and itching occurs in those with delicate skin. It is recommended to change the brush to a softer one and reduce the intensity of pressure during the procedure.
  2. The appearance of a vascular pattern on the skin “speaks” of the fragility of the capillaries, which burst during massage.
  3. Bruises can appear after a massage for two reasons. The first is improper massage without following the massage lines, and the second is a violation of blood flow, in which case it is necessary to be examined by doctors.
  4. Inflammation or rotting of the skin can occur as a result of brushing if it is contraindicated. Microcracks can also occur on the top layer of the skin due to incorrect or sudden movements. If an infection occurs, the inflammatory process begins.

If one of the described phenomena occurs, it is necessary to stop massage procedures or contact a specialist for advice on how to properly massage without damaging the skin.

Preparing for a massage session

There are no special rules for preparing for massage; you need to master the technique so as not to injure the skin. Do not bathe or steam your skin beforehand, and you also do not need to exfoliate. The drier the skin, the more dead and keratinized epidermal cells exfoliate.


After the massage, you need to drink clean water with lemon or a smoothie made from cucumber, lemon juice and herbs. This will help speed up your metabolism and flush out toxins through your open pores. You also need to take a shower (without scrub, so as not to injure the skin) and lubricate your body with moisturizing cream or milk.

At the preparatory stage, you need to examine the area of ​​skin that will be massaged for wounds, abrasions and other damage. Also, you should not do a massage if you feel unwell, weak, or have an elevated body temperature.

Dry brushing technique and scheme

Dry massage with a cellulite brush is carried out using several techniques - circular or straight movements. It is important to bypass the area of ​​the lymph nodes and move the brush along the course of the lymph from the limbs to the heart. Do not massage (especially with hard bristles) the chest and inner thighs.

Beginners are advised to use a soft or medium-hard brush to avoid damaging the skin due to inexperience. When performing the procedure, you should not stretch the skin. Everyone chooses the pressing force of the brush for themselves, but it is important to choose the “golden mean” so as not to scratch the skin or iron it because there will be no result.

For fat deposits on the abdomen

In the abdominal area, the massage is done in a circular motion around the navel. There is no need to touch the chest so as not to injure it. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. You can combine dry massage with vacuum massage (using cans for anti-cellulite massage). But both procedures are contraindicated on the same day. You can alternate them every other day.


The appearance of redness and tingling is a natural process. Such phenomena indicate acceleration of blood circulation. If a rash or severe itching appears, you need to reduce the intensity of the massage or change the brush.

"Orange peel" on the thighs

Dry massage with a cellulite brush increases turgor and reduces the “orange peel” effect. Hips and buttocks are the most problematic part, where 95% of women have cellulite. It is better to massage yourself with a brush with a long handle so that it is easy to reach while standing. If someone is helping, then you need to lie on your stomach and relax.

On the outer part of the thigh, the bristles should be drawn from bottom to top, that is, from the knee. You can massage the buttocks in a circular motion. The average session time is 7 minutes. You need to focus on the condition of your skin. When it turns red, the massage should be completed so as not to harm the small blood vessels.


The thighs can be massaged with a hand brush. It is round or oval in shape, small, with a comfortable handle. With its help, you can carry out procedures before the shower every evening. With brushing you won't need a scrub, as the skin will already be soft and smooth.

For problem areas on the back

Often fat accumulates in the neck, sides and lower back, especially on the sides. It is better to do the procedure lying down so that someone can help. On the neck, the brush should be drawn from the edge of the hair to the area of ​​the shoulder blades from top to bottom, towards the heart. On the sides, on the contrary, upward (again, towards the heart).

In the lumbar area, use a medium-hard brush and perform circular movements to improve blood flow and break up subcutaneous fat deposits.

For cellulite locations on the upper arms

Flaccid cellulite most often forms on the upper arms, which occurs in everyone with age (even jocks). You need to massage with a small brush of medium hardness in the direction from the elbow to the shoulder joint.


Movements should be medium with light pressure. It is not convenient to massage yourself in this area, so you can ask someone for help.

How to use a drainage brush?

Dry massage with a cellulite brush is carried out by several types of brushes, which differ in the size, shape and quality of the bristles.

There are several types based on quality:

  1. brushes with natural bristles using boar hair or bamboo or cactus fibers;
  2. with nylon bristles - these are synthetic brushes that are stiffer in structure;
  3. Japanese brushes are brushes made of natural bristles (palm fiber is most often used).

Massage with a drainage brush is performed on dry skin. After the massage, the bristles should be rinsed under running water and hung to drain and dry. If you put a brush down wet, bacteria will begin to accumulate in it, resulting in mold or an unpleasant odor. What’s worse is that during the next procedure, these microorganisms can get under the skin and develop inflammation.

Features of dry massage for stretch marks

Some people believe that stretch marks can be eliminated through massage. It is a myth. A stretch mark is the same as a scar, that is, a wound. It occurs with a sharp increase in weight, during which the skin stretches and the tissues crack from the inside.

After some time, a scar forms (only on the inside), and on the outside there is a light stripe, which is called a stretch mark. In this place the skin is tender and vulnerable. If you have stretch marks, you should not rub the skin with hard bristles; you need to use a soft brush and control the intensity of pressure.

With a massage, you can slightly even out the color and texture of the skin so that the stretch marks become less noticeable, but they will not go away. If brushing is done regularly, you can prevent the appearance of new stretch marks, because the upper layer of the epidermis becomes more elastic and elastic.

Features of massage during pregnancy

During pregnancy, such procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. One of the advantages of brushing is the normalization of intracellular water-salt balance, which during pregnancy is often disturbed and swelling of the limbs occurs.

For massage you need soft bristles. It is necessary to start the session from the feet with smooth movements, rising higher to the knees. This procedure will soothe pain in the legs and relieve swelling. You cannot massage under the knees and it is important to avoid the groin area, because it contains lymph nodes.

It is not recommended to touch the stomach, but brushing on the back and hips is possible. Such massages increase blood flow and have a positive effect on the expectant mother’s body and the development of the fetus. If you feel unwell or have adverse reactions, you should discard the brush.


During pregnancy, you need to use all kinds of oils and creams against stretch marks and to moisturize the skin.To avoid them, it is important to read the instructions for each drug for use by pregnant women. It is better to use olive oil - a natural fortified component.

How to enhance the effect of dry rubbing?

To enhance the effect after the massage, you need to take a contrast shower.

By alternating cold and hot water, you can achieve the following results:

  1. strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  2. improving blood circulation;
  3. enhancing the production of natural collagen and elastin, which are necessary to maintain skin elasticity;
  4. reduction of skin sagging.

In addition to reducing the intensity of cellulite, massage helps to reduce body volume and after 4-6 weeks you can notice that the waist and hips have become 3-7 centimeters smaller, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Duration and frequency of procedures

The frequency and duration of the session is selected individually. For some, a 5-minute massage before a shower is enough, while others like to rub the body for 15 minutes. It is important not to overdo it so as not to damage the skin, cause irritation, bruising and other adverse reactions.

The speed of the result does not depend on the duration of the session, so it is better to do everything according to the rules, observing time, intensity, frequency and duration.


On the abdomen and buttocks, the skin is dense and massages can be done daily, but on the face or arms it is better to limit massages every 1-2 days, so that possible microcracks in the skin or damage to the capillaries have time to heal and do not turn into bleeding, hematoma or rash.

When will the effect be visible?

Cellulite appears over a long period of time, subcutaneous fat accumulates, and humps form. Getting rid of cellulite is also a long and labor-intensive process. Immediately after the procedure you need to take a shower and you will notice that the skin has become much softer.

The first results after the massage can be seen after 4-6 weeks of regular use of the brush (on average 3 times a week). Such procedures must be done regularly. It’s difficult for the first few weeks, but then brushing becomes automatic before the shower, like brushing your teeth in the morning.

In the second stage of cellulite, you can get rid of it in 4 months, subject to regular massages and proper nutrition. It is also recommended to walk more and be in the fresh air more often, because oxygen also plays an important role in creating a beautiful figure and a smooth body.

Skin care after the session

Immediately after the massage, it is not recommended to go outside or wear warm clothes. You need to take a warm or contrast shower to wash away all the scales and cells that have separated after the procedure. It is not recommended to use scrubs while bathing, so as not to injure inflamed and chafed skin.


After a shower, you don't need to dry yourself with a towel. It is enough to gently blot the skin so as not to injure it, and apply any moisturizing or nourishing product.

What to do if your skin becomes irritated?

Dry brushing can cause irritation for a variety of reasons. For cellulite, some people use various creams and wraps in parallel with brushing, which can cause a rash or burning of the skin. It is important to make sure that the brush was the cause.

In this case, it is recommended to change it to a softer one, or massage with less pressure on the surface of the epidermis. If this does not help, then it is better to abandon the course or seek help from a specialist.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video on how to massage with a dry brush

How to massage with a dry brush:

Cellulite is a serious cosmetic defect that makes many women feel complex about their appearance. Stagnation of adipose tissue turns the hips, buttocks and abdomen into a lumpy surface with lumps protruding outward. Creams do not always work, and not everyone has a positive attitude towards portable massagers, and they are quite expensive. And now it’s time to pay attention to a massage brush, which everyone can handle on their own.

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Operating principle

To carry out the procedure, you will need a regular anti-cellulite massage brush, which is sold in many stores. It's inexpensive, so your budget won't suffer.

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If you regularly treat the problem area of ​​the body with it, then the orange peel, if it does not disappear completely (complete elimination requires an integrated approach), then at least becomes less noticeable. And all because this procedure has not only a superficial effect on the skin. It launches processes that help get rid of this problem:

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  1. muscle pain and fatigue are relieved;
  2. blood circulation and lymph movement accelerates;
  3. cells receive sufficient nutrients;
  4. decomposition products accumulated in tissues are removed;
  5. metabolism is stimulated;
  6. the skin becomes elastic, firm, and taut in a youthful way;
  7. fat cells are broken down and removed from the body with improved lymph flow;
  8. stretch marks become almost invisible;
  9. swelling is eliminated;
  10. body volume decreases;
  11. skin cells begin to regenerate and renew themselves.

So it's time to go get a brush and learn how to massage. However, before purchasing, we strongly advise you to read the list of contraindications to avoid complications and side effects.

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Not everyone can use a massage brush against cellulite, since the processes triggered can put a strain on certain organs and systems. And if they, being initially not in order (in the presence of chronic or acute diseases), cannot cope with this load, this can seriously disrupt their functioning, which will lead to irreversible consequences. So be sure to follow the contraindications:

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  1. skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections, acne, psoriasis, furunculosis;
  2. infections in the acute stage;
  3. the presence of a large number of papillomas, moles, warts;
  4. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. oncology;
  6. pathologies of the heart and blood vessels: hemophilia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, thrombocytopenia, rosacea;
  7. damage to the skin: bruises, cuts, abrasions, ulcers, foci of inflammation;
  8. tendency to allergies;
  9. rehabilitation period after surgical interventions;
  10. presence of implants;
  11. thin, sensitive, easily vulnerable skin.

Many consider this anti-cellulite massage to be a harmless, superficial procedure that cannot harm health. An erroneous opinion often leads to complications and side effects. In such situations, there can be no talk of any result - accordingly, this is how negative reviews appear (at least most of them).

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Brush selection


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Despite the simplicity of the body brush, manufacturers are trying to produce different models. The assortment is quite wide, so before going to the store, familiarize yourself with the different types - this will help you make the right choice in accordance with your individual characteristics and preferences.

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  1. The basis

One of the best is considered a wooden massage brush, which has numerous advantages. This “tool” is environmentally friendly, durable, and easy to use. The shape of the handle doesn't matter. Choose it to suit you: it can be long or completely buried in the palm of your hand. Many are equipped with a strap for fastening.

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  1. Bristle

Of course, it is better to give preference to natural fibers (from boar bristles, for example), since artificial ones often cause allergies. The thickness of the bristly tufts should be at least 0.04 cm, length - 2 cm (this is the minimum).

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A massage with a brush that is too hard can seriously injure the skin, but a brush that is too soft will not have the desired effect. So the golden mean would be medium hardness. Ideal bristles do not prick or scratch the body and cause a noticeable rush of blood already on the fifth active glide. If the brush you purchased turns out to be hard, do not rush to throw it away: try soaking it in warm water for several hours and drying it - this will soften the bristles.

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For cellulite, you can use similar tools not only with bristles. Modern models are produced with hard “pimples” - so the brush can be wooden, plastic, rubber or silicone. Choose the material that will be more pleasant to the body and will not cause allergies.

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  1. Pen

On the one hand, brushes, located with the working surface in the palm of your hand, are very convenient because you can control every movement during massage. This allows you to treat the most problematic areas with special pressure. On the other hand, such models are inconvenient for massaging the back or hips from behind. For this, the best option is a long handle.

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When choosing an anti-cellulite massage brush, be sure to consider your skin type, because it will be the first to experience the effects. After all, your task is not only to eliminate the orange peel, but also to improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, treat your choice with maximum responsibility.

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Types of massage

Massage against cellulite can be carried out in two ways. Both are simple and quite effective. To make a choice, try both, evaluate your own feelings during and after the procedure, track the results (which is better and more noticeable) - and decide how you will do it in the future.

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  1. Performed daily while you shower or bathe.
  2. 15 minutes before the procedure, you need to soak the brush in hot water - this will make it softer.
  3. Apply the gel to the problem area and foam it.
  4. Use a damp brush to move over it using sliding movements.
  5. Start with your feet, moving upward in circles - from your feet to your knees, and then to your hips and buttocks.
  6. Move to the stomach and waist, stroking them from bottom to top.
  7. Work your arms from wrist to shoulder.
  8. Give each area 5-10 minutes until you feel a noticeable tingling sensation in the skin.
  9. To speed up the result, pause for 5 minutes and repeat again.
  10. Take a contrast shower.
  11. Lubricate the body with cellulite cream.

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Many people consider dry massage more effective than wet massage, since it also allows you to work out muscle tissue.

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  1. Massage with a dry brush is carried out exclusively on dry skin. It is better to do this half an hour before taking a shower or bath, so that you can then wash off the separated dead cells from the body.
  2. All movements should be directed from bottom to top.
  3. The intensity of rubbing, session duration and pressure should be increased gradually with each subsequent procedure.
  4. Start with your feet.
  5. Move from bottom to top counterclockwise in circles, straight rubbing.
  6. Massage the thighs and buttocks especially intensively, with pressure, as this is where cellulite appears most noticeably.
  7. Reduce the pressure slightly in the abdominal area. Movements should be soft and done clockwise.
  8. Hand massage is carried out from the wrist to the shoulders with sliding movements.
  9. Take a bath or shower. If everything is done correctly, you should feel a slight tingling throughout your body.
  10. Wipe dry.
  11. Thickly lubricate the body with a moisturizing or anti-cellulite product.
  12. Duration - 10 minutes, frequency - daily.
  13. After 1-2 months, reduce the number of procedures to 2 times a week.

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Each method has its pros and cons, its supporters and critics. Only you can determine which one is best for your body. For comparison, you can do a dry massage for a month, and a wet massage for a month.

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Read also about massage for weight loss:

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Execution Rules

And finally, we learn how to properly use a massage brush at home. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, you need to know some nuances in its implementation. Otherwise, you may get a completely different result than you would like. Therefore, do not ignore recommendations from specialists.

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Massage lines

  1. The procedure should be comfortable. The skin after such a massage should only slightly blush, but not burn with fire.
  2. Massaging movements should be circular or straight and performed strictly from bottom to top, and not back and forth.
  3. The procedure is invigorating, so it is better to carry it out in the morning and no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  4. Cannot be combined with tanning.
  5. If there are lesions, papillomas or moles on the skin in the treated areas, do not touch them.
  6. Every week, the brush must be washed with soapy water and dried to avoid a musty smell.
  7. Do not massage the groin area, inner thighs, armpits and area under the knees.

There are many videos and detailed instructions on the Internet on how to do this massage correctly. If something is unclear, you can always look at these cheat sheets and correct your mistakes and shortcomings. Proper implementation of the procedure is a guarantee of excellent results.

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Side effects

Incorrect use of the brush can lead to the following adverse reactions:

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  1. burning sensation, pain - due to the fact that the brush is chosen very hard or you are pressing too hard on the skin;
  2. redness - you need to reduce the intensity of actions;
  3. scratches;
  4. spider veins - indicate capillary fragility and the onset of varicose veins, require immediate medical attention;
  5. bruises and bruises - it is worth more carefully studying the direction of the massage lines and carrying out all movements strictly along them, in addition, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a hematologist;
  6. rash, itching, swelling - symptoms of an allergy to the material of the villi;
  7. peeling is a common side effect after dry massage; to eliminate it, you need to use moisturizers after the procedure and wash with warm rather than hot water;
  8. inflammatory processes are the result of injury to the skin and the entry of harmful microorganisms into microcracks; for prevention, it is recommended to wash the brush regularly and replace it with another one every six months.

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Do not forget that you can get rid of cellulite forever by applying only an integrated approach to solving the problem. It includes not only massage, but also the use of special creams, wraps, proper nutrition and special exercises. You can combine all this - and your figure will acquire impeccable contours.

I bet many of you have heard about dry massage technique and even read an article about it somewhere (maybe on this page, because I wrote here), about what a useful practice this is with many advantages, but... they immediately conveniently forgot.

So today, here, I want to remind you about this skin care and even give convincing arguments about why you should do it.

This type of dry massage is gaining popularity. “Dry cleansing” of the skin is often offered in spa salons. But in fact, you can do it at home, by yourself, the main thing is to remember the diagram and buy a brush with natural bristles, or better yet two (and one of them should have a long handle).

Our body consists of cells, and a cell, as you know, must breathe, eat, and then get rid of toxins. The blood that is in the capillaries helps her in this (mostly, about 80% here). With age, the capillary network becomes thinner, it is “clogged” with waste and, of course, the blood flow worsens, and stagnation forms in some areas. The consequences of all this: cells do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, metabolic processes are disrupted, and toxins accumulate. And saggy, dry skin appears on the outside. And when we say dry, look at your feet or hands, many have “dandruff” or “ash” here)), especially in winter.

Using a soft dry brush will smooth skin and will remove these dead cells, toxins as well improves blood circulation.

How to properly do dry massage with a brush?

This is done directly before shower on dry body, we don’t wet anything. We take a soft natural brush (to make it faster, you can use two) and, starting from the legs (and don’t forget about the feet), rub with long movements up the legs. We work each area of ​​the body 10 times. We direct the brush along the knee in a circular motion. 10 times.

It sounds like it’s going to take a long time, but in fact, it’s all done once and for all)). We do it quickly, and it takes about everything 5 minutes. It's not a lot, right? Can we afford it?

Then the hips with the same movements. Buttocks - in a circular motion, using two brushes is more convenient. From the lower back - to the sides, forward. Higher up the back, under the armpits, it is better to treat this area with a long-handled brush.

Now we move on to the hands, turn the palms, massage them on both sides with a brush. 10 times. Forearm – 10 times, process in a circle, the entire area, with the same long upward movements, to the elbow. Next, actually, the elbow itself, in a circular motion. We raise our hand and move the brush along the shoulder to the armpit. Shoulder - in a circular motion. From the neck down. From the shoulder to the center of the neckline. Abdomen - in circular movements.

Or see the diagram below for those who prefer it more clearly. Movement along the arrows, in these directions we bring everything to the lymph nodes, thus we move the accumulated toxins, while not touching the lymph nodes themselves.

There is no need to press hard, soft and smooth movements are better, at least at the very beginning, when the skin is just getting used to it. Strong pressure can only be applied to the soles of the feet (thicker skin here) and palms.

After the massage, take a shower, so we will wash off the dry skin (flakes). Then apply something natural to the dried skin, either lotion or oil, whatever you have, this will help moisturize.

Don't forget that dead skin cells remain on the brush, so wash it regularly.

This is only my third week of using this massage method and I can say that it is incredibly invigorating. There is nothing complicated, it takes little time. I started with very light pressure and increased it a little over time. Already in the first few days, I noticed that the skin, especially on my legs (lower legs), became less dry and softer. It seemed to me that these old tiny flakes of skin were sliding off my body with every movement, and in return new, healthy ones appeared)). And, between us girls, those pesky little ingrown hairs that tend to appear on my calves are gone. Personally, I love dry brushing, it really leaves my skin feeling smooth, satiny and energized, but try it for yourself and see what happens to you.

Are there any contraindications?

❎ This mainly applies to people with inflamed skin or skin disease (psoriasis, eczema).

❎ Any open wounds or rashes, cuts, infections.

Now is the time for arguments that will convince you to use such body care.

So, the advantages:

✳ Stimulation of the lymphatic system

Regular self-massage with a brush stimulates normal lymph flow in the body and helps the body naturally remove toxins.

✳ Natural exfoliation of the skin. Detoxification

Dead skin cells are actually removed, resulting in smooth and soft skin. And by brushing your skin, you help your body release toxins through sweat. The bristles touching the skin open the pores. This makes it easier for the body to sweat. And along with sweat, toxins are released.

✳ Help with cellulite

Proponents of dry massage claim that cellulite, if present, is reduced. And if it is not there, then the massage technique with a dry brush is an excellent preventive measure.

✳ Increased energy and vigor

❤ As I wrote above, this procedure invigorates me very much, you know, such a natural charge of energy, experts say that this is due to improved blood circulation. In the morning - that's it.

But if I don’t have time in the morning, I do it before the evening shower, it even relaxes me, which is not bad before bed. Ha, somehow contradictory, right? But this is actually true. In any case, you will set your own optimal time.

❤ In my opinion, it is very good for health!

Well, and finally, for you to read and definitely do, I found a video for you. After watching it, you will definitely want to try to perform a dry massage, because Elena Pyatibrat shows it with such ease, and also has a loud and infectious laugh, I am sure she will conquer you. And if I hadn’t already done such a technique, and I came across this video, I would have started without hesitation. After all, to look like Elena in her 60s... In general, there is something to strive for...

Will you try this?

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