Do-it-yourself wall bars - nothing could be easier!

The Scott bench, the Smith machine, the Hack machine and many other machines and devices of modern fitness and bodybuilding were named after them. creators, designers, spiritual inspirers and mentors...

Likewise, solely thanks to its developers, wooden gymnastic ladder, or in common parlance - the wall, proposed for the first time by Swedish medical scientists to perform a set of corrective exercises, these days is often called Swedish.

In fact, the device is “outlandishly” simple, and can be elementary manufactured even at home. Well, let's try to find out how a wall bars can be made with your own hands if you have the right source material...

Gymnastic wall and its design:

To make the stairs, two wooden sidewall posts with holes and 18 crossbars are used, which are inserted into these holes. Metal tubes can also be used as horizontal crossbars. The distance between the axes of the crossbars is 240 mm. Wooden racks are attached to the wall of the room using corners and screws.

The benefits of a gymnastic wall

A large number of crossbars allows you to perform various exercises and movements at any height that clearly corresponds to the individual physical characteristics of those involved. The muscles of the upper extremities and shoulder girdle, abdominals and back develop well, the flexibility of the lumbar spine increases, the pectoral muscles and muscles of the lower extremities become more elastic.

Gymnastic bracket

The exercise machine is designed to stretch the muscles of the chest. It is attached to a gymnastic ladder or to a wall at such a height that the practitioner’s feet do not reach the floor. A recess made from above and running along the projectile avoids its contact with the spine.

Grasping with your hands, while hanging on a bracket, alternate abductions, bending, raising straight legs, holding them in the “angle” position, lifting the pelvis up, performing a “birch” stance, etc. are performed.

This simple welded structure can be made on your own from ordinary water and gas pipes. The device is hung on a vertical support. Depending on the height of the location, it can be used as a bar for hanging pull-ups or as a projectile for performing exercises while lying on the floor, while sitting on a bar, etc. The sufficiently large width allows you to use all kinds of hand grips, both extremely narrow and maximally wide...

The hanging crossbar is also used for hanging other sports equipment - punching bag, blocks, ropes, rings, benches and other structural sports elements.

Hinged beams

In fact, as in the case of the crossbar, this apparatus is attached to a vertical structure and serves to perform the corresponding exercises - all kinds of push-ups with various grips in the usual version or with additional weights. This device is also successfully used for vertical lifts and leg swings...

Hanging sports bench

This element allows one or both of its sides to be rigidly fixed to any of the crossbars of the gymnastic ladder. This gives the athlete the widest range for choosing angles of inclination of the bench relative to the horizontal. This device is mainly used for pumping the press, both its upper and lower parts. The Incline Bench allows you to perform body bends and leg raises in all conceivable and inconceivable variations.

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