Signs and symptoms of mushroom poisoning

The most dangerous can be poisoning from toadstool and related species of mushrooms that are mistakenly eaten instead of russula or champignons.
The first manifestations of poisoning may occur after a few hours, sometimes after 24 hours. Sudden abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness, cramps, decreased body temperature. At the end of the first day, acute renal failure occurs.
In case of fly agaric poisoning, the same symptoms are observed as in case of poisoning with toadstool, but they occur almost immediately after eating the mushrooms: severe salivation and lacrimation, dizziness, motor agitation, confusion.
When poisoned by false honey mushrooms, signs of acute intestinal disorder appear after 30 minutes.
In case of mushroom poisoning, first aid is also provided for oral poisoning. The remains of mushrooms should be saved for laboratory research.