Tips for Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Tips for hair loss during pregnancy

Many pregnant and nursing mothers complain that their hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out significantly during childbirth and after weaning. Do not panic! Your hair will definitely grow back and become beautiful again. To speed up this process, preventive measures are needed.

During pregnancy, you probably have enough free time and you can pay attention to your hair.

The most important factor influencing the condition of hair is nutrition. Make it a rule to eat foods rich in vitamins, especially group B (legumes, yeast, meat), silicon (oatmeal, toasted bread), sulfur (eggs, milk). Avoid a variety of spices, sweets, and canned foods.
The best way to effectively replenish the body with microelements and vitamins is biocalcium, developed specifically for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Add to this long walks in the fresh air, general hardening of the body. Adequate rest and sleep are very important.

To make your hair shiny, strong and voluminous, you can use herbal infusions (rinse, rub them into the hair roots). Washing your hair with rye bread, whey, chicken egg yolk, and herbal infusions is effective.

The most effective recipes for decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs used for washing and rinsing hair in order to strengthen it:

  1. Decoction of honeysuckle stems
  2. Tincture of nasturtium leaves and stinging nettle
  3. Decoction of willow bark and burdock roots
  4. Decoction of Canadian small petal
  5. A decoction of calamus rhizomes, burdock root, nettle leaves, calendula flowers and hop cones
  6. Decoction of willow or willow bark with burdock roots
  7. Decoction of calamus and burdock roots with hop cones
  8. Decoction of leaves of stinging nettle and coltsfoot
  9. Rub garlic juice and honey into the scalp
  10. Decoction of oak bark with onion peels

Nail problems

If during pregnancy the female body does not receive enough of some microelements, in particular calcium and potassium, problems with nails may arise. They will become thinner and brittle.


  1. Mineral intake
  2. Increasing the diet of foods with calcium (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.)
  3. Herbal tea made from chamomile, wheatgrass, alder and elderberry
  4. Lubricating nails with a mixture of vitamin A oil solution and lemon juice
  5. Baths of vegetable oil or seaweed infusion
  6. Massage the nail and surrounding area