Strategies, tricks and exercises to become even more beautiful

Beauty is a terrible force that strikes the enemy to the very heart. If this is your goal, and you are ready to work on yourself and improve yourself, then a set of exercises will come in handy for you. Let's work on our legs, buttocks, chest and stomach.


STRATEGY: Avoid baths that are too hot. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, otherwise over time it will lead to sagging and loss of elasticity of the skin. You can help tired feet with a light massage using a tonic lotion or foot gel. Don't forget to apply moisturizer to your feet.

EXERCISES: The calf muscles and the area behind the knees are often neglected in training. But they are the ones who are “responsible” for the slimness of the legs. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your left leg so that your shin is parallel to the floor. Keeping it suspended, lift your pelvis using the strength of your right leg. The result should be a straight inclined line from the knee of the supporting leg to the shoulder. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Tricks: The surest way to visually lengthen your legs is with high heels. They give your calves a slimmer, more defined look and make you feel sexier.


STRATEGY: The first condition for beautiful buttocks is smooth skin. Every morning before your shower, spend two minutes scrubbing your body with a stiff brush. If time allows, exfoliate, and after a shower, apply a cream that has a tightening and restorative effect.

EXERCISES: You can make your butt firm with the help of the well-known but rather difficult “pistol” exercise. Squat down, resting on both feet (not on your toes!). Then lift one leg off the floor and keep it in an extended position. Tightening your gluteal, anterior thigh and calf muscles, slowly rise up on one leg. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each leg.

Tricks: You can give your butt the desired shape with the help of special lifting underwear.


STRATEGY: Let's be realistic: besides plastic surgery, there are no other ways to radically change the volume and shape of the bust. But a cold shower gives the skin tone, and special products applied afterwards strengthen and tighten the breasts. We love Gel Buste from Clarins and Body Creator from Shiseido.

EXERCISES: To “lift” your chest, you need to strengthen and tighten your pectoral muscles. Do push-ups regularly while on your knees. The weight of the body should be on the hands. If it’s difficult, try doing push-ups while standing – against the wall. To begin with, do at least 10 push-ups, then gradually increase their number to 30. If you succeed, you can move on to real push-ups - with emphasis on your toes.

Tricks: Wearing the right bra can make all the difference. It will not only lift the breasts and visually correct their shape, but also prevent sagging and help avoid stretch marks.


STRATEGY: Usually we pay attention to those parts of the hands that we ourselves see... And we completely forget about the back surface. Blood circulation in this area is weak, and to increase it, you need to massage the back and inner surface of the shoulders with a tightening product, such as Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting Body Creme from Estґee Lauder.

EXERCISES: In a standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward. Raise your arms out to your sides to shoulder level, bending your elbows. Then straighten them above your head. Do this exercise as slowly as possible, controlling every movement, and try to repeat it 15-20 times.

Tricks: When you wear an open top, use our secret. Apply a light line with pale gold concealer or loose powder in front