Arcuate knee ligament

In our country, the concept of “knee ligament” has recently been popularized. It does not mean any specific part of the human body, but a group of muscles. Why are they useful and how to train in their absence - read on.

What is a knee ligament

The knee is a complex joint of several bones and soft tissues that connects the femur and tibia, forming the lower limbs. A ligament is a group of fibers located between bones. The main function of the ligaments is to allow the leg to flex or extend during movement, preventing it from excessively extending or twisting.

When ligaments are weak, it can cause pain when walking or running. The lower limbs appear stiff, slow and clumsy. When the knee ligament is weakened, it becomes loose and does not provide the necessary support to the joints. Therefore, most people with painful knees suffer because the muscles are not strong enough.

Causes of weak knee ligaments

Dryness: As we age, ligaments become increasingly stiff and hardened. This occurs because fluid is lost from the joints, reducing the ligaments' ability to be flexible. This process is susceptible to increasing aging, causing "stiff knee" in older people. Most often, this knee occurs due to dehydration or aging. Treating a Painful Knee There are several ways to treat a painful or injured knee, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the condition. Various methods include physical therapy, orthopedic devices, and even surgery. Stretches A physical therapist may prescribe a series of stretches to help relieve painful symptoms. Stretching increases blood flow to the knee area and helps reduce inflammation in the affected area of ​​the muscle. Beneficial exercises include leg curls, leg extensions, and leg raises. There is also the "frog" method, which involves raising the front of the aerial part of the knee for 2 minutes while lying on your back. If the condition of the knee allows, the patient must force the soft tissues to slowly get used to everyday movements and correctly position the joints during movement. Each exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. Treatment is a long process, so you need to perform the exercises persistently, every day, for a week. Surgery In many cases, surgery is performed on the knee ligaments. It allows you to get rid of various types of structural disabilities caused by disorders of cartilage tissue and ligaments. Other Methods There are dozens of other methods for treating knee pain. Here are some of them: Ointments and compresses: they can quickly relieve pain and relieve inflammation, but they do not cure curvature.