The main thing is regularity and a positive attitude!

Winter, cold, post-holiday recovery... I desperately don’t want to go to the fitness club. But despite everything, I want to restore my slim figure. What to do and where to look for a compromise? It would be nice if the load was the same as in the fitness club, and at home, without wasting time on the road and preparing for classes. The solution is universally simple. Create a home fitness club right in your room.

A home fitness center, according to experts, can fit into 5 sq.m. The main thing is to determine what equipment you will use in your training. A trainer at your nearest fitness club will help you determine your home workout goals and select the necessary equipment. Methods, directions and frequency of exercises are selected individually.

The main advantages of studying at home:

  1. they can be done every day, without days off or breaks
  2. no need to waste time getting to the fitness club
  3. a good method for increasing self-control
  4. It’s much more convenient to work out at home than in a fitness club
  5. even if you don't wake up in a particularly positive mood, it will easily rise
  6. the ability to mix and perform your favorite exercises from various fitness programs

Selecting inventory

Now on the shelves of sports stores there is a fairly wide selection of exercise machines and other sports equipment. The main thing is not to get lost in the jungle of modern sports equipment and competently select what you need for your home fitness room.

Dumbbells are great for aerobics. This is a tool that allows you to keep yourself in good physical shape by performing simple physical exercises. A set of dumbbells that are attached to both arms and legs will help enhance the effect of strength training. It is best to choose collapsible dumbbells. They are assembled like a construction set. Depending on the load you choose, the weight will vary from 1 to 5 kg.

For example, standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered, stomach pulled in. As you exhale, bend to the left and slowly pull your left arm down. Return to the starting position. Now repeat with your right hand. Perform 15 times in each direction.

A hoop is a sports equipment that helps to take care of the slimness and flexibility of the waist; it is liked by a huge number of girls; it is interesting and easy to use. In the last century, hoops were only iron, hollow inside. Nowadays, the choice of hoops is enormous, depending on your physical fitness and personal requirements. You can choose either a folding one, compact and easy to use, or a massage one, containing massage suction cups that knead and remove all excess from the abdominal area.

It is not necessary to spin a hoop for 15 minutes in a row, especially if you are not used to it, it is still a bit difficult; 3-4 times a day for 1-2 minutes is quite enough, combining this activity with watching TV or listening to a pleasant rhythmic melody. A decrease in waist size occurs due to the fact that adipose tissue is massaged, kneaded and burned, while the tone of the abdominal muscles increases. The special massage effect is achieved due to the weight and elasticity of the exercise machine.

A great exercise for your back muscles - stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the hoop on your stomach and grab the other side with both hands. On the count of “one,” pull the hoop towards you, and on the count of “two,” release it. When performing this exercise, the abdominal muscles are massaged at the same time.

Jump rope. It can be used in 3 types of training:

  1. cardio training: various jumping ropes forward, backward, with high knees and nine more different jumps;

  2. strength training: diversify simple body lifts from a lying position by placing a jump rope behind your back, extend your arms with its ends forward and begin lifting;

  3. stretching

According to experts, in 15 minutes of fast and intense jumping