Top 7 Healthy Foods for Kidneys

The kidneys play an important role in cleansing our body of toxins, waste and harmful substances. Because of their vulnerability, it is important to follow a diet that will keep your kidneys healthy. In this article, we will look at the top 7 healthy foods for your kidneys that will help you maintain kidney health.

  1. Rose hip. This fruit is a real “cure” for many ailments and ailments. Rosehip strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, heart function and lowers blood pressure. Due to the high content of vitamin C, it improves immunity and is an excellent prevention of colds. Rose hips - a decoction normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and gall bladder.

  2. Apples and apple peels. For kidney health, periodically arrange fasting days, eating only apples and apple juice and peel. Eat at least a kilogram of apples, 3 glasses of juice and dried peels a day - this will help cleanse the kidneys, relieve inflammation and cure kidney stones.

  3. Fish. Due to the huge amount of useful substances contained in fish, this product has a beneficial effect on kidney function. Provides microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and easily digestible protein. To benefit your health and internal organs, it is better to add sea or ocean fish to your diet. You should not eat canned fish if you have kidney disease.

  4. Greenery. Regular consumption of greens will increase the level of vitamin A in the body. Thus, dill contains 4% essential oil, dissolves stones and soothes renal colic. Celery and fennel have similar medicinal properties.

  5. Watermelon. Watermelon helps cleanse and rinse the kidneys of sand, and its juice helps dissolve salts and remove them from the body.

  6. Bread made from rye flour. Wholemeal rye flour bread is rich in fiber and vitamins, which help speed up the digestive process. In addition, it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

  7. Pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin porridge, rich in vitamins, is used in many therapeutic diets and is also effective for kidney disease.

We must not forget that if you have kidney disease, you should exclude alcohol, strong tea, spicy, salty and fatty foods from your diet. It is also important to drink enough water to help the kidneys flush toxins and waste from the body.

In conclusion, proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining kidney health. Including the above foods in your diet will help you maintain kidney health, cleanse your body, and prevent many diseases. But do not forget that in case of serious kidney problems, it is important to consult a professional doctor who will help prescribe appropriate treatment and diet.