Nicole Kidman's Favorite Fitness Exercises

The figure of actress Nicole Kidman has always been the subject of her pride and the envy of other women. 46-year-old Kidman still looks great. A healthy diet and fitness helps the actress maintain her body in perfect shape. Let's look at the secrets of slimness from Nicole Kidman.

A beautiful body is part of the work of Hollywood beauties. Therefore, almost all training systems have long been tested by the actresses from the “Dream Factory”. Nicole Kidman trains according to the program from Jillian Michaels - a fitness trainer and TV presenter rolled into one.

Her “brainchild” was created specifically for those who combine fitness with diets, so the main secret of Miles’ program is a competent balance between consumed and expended energy. The training course consists of elements of tai bo, Pilates, yoga, plyometrics (athletic tricks) and strength exercises.

Tai-bo is a synthesis of aerobics and martial arts. This is one of the best ways to not only lose weight, but also shape your figure.

Pilates. This fitness system is practiced by many stars, including Nicole Kidman. All exercises must be performed smoothly and measuredly. Pilates is the exact opposite of dynamic tai bo.

Yoga is somewhat similar to Pilates, but has its own fundamental differences. Firstly, yoga is more of a spiritual practice. It is focused on stretching, while Pilates is still more designed to strengthen muscles.

Top 3 tips for effective fitness from Nicole Kidman:

  1. Include strength exercises in your workouts. They perfectly shape the figure, especially the buttocks and stomach.

  2. Combine aerobic exercise with strength exercises. This approach allows you not only to lose weight, but also to build muscles.

  3. Every week, arrange a workout for your own pleasure: ride a bike, dance, swim or run.

Thus, Nicole Kidman's program is based on a balanced combination of different types of fitness, which allows you to achieve impressive results. By following her advice, you can maintain a slim figure and great shape.