Injuries Agricultural

Agricultural injuries

Agricultural injury rate is an indicator that reflects the number of injuries received by workers in the process of performing agricultural work. This indicator is calculated per 1000 workers and shows how safe working conditions are in agriculture.

Injuries in agriculture can be caused by various factors, such as careless handling of tools, poor work organization, lack of protective equipment, etc. Injuries can lead to serious consequences, such as loss of ability to work and even death of the worker.

To reduce the level of injuries in agriculture, it is necessary to take measures to improve working conditions, train workers in safe working methods, use protective equipment, etc. It is also important to regularly monitor the health status of workers and take measures to prevent injuries.

In general, agricultural injuries are a serious problem that can lead to negative consequences for workers and the country's economy as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it and ensure labor safety in agriculture.

**Agricultural injuries** - T., **related to the performance of** agricultural **work.** **Indicator** T. **s. calculated** per **100** thousand workers (or **1** thousand working days) or per **ha of sown area.**

Depending on the length of service of workers, a distinction is made between **primary traumatism** (up to 3 years) and **secondary** (more than 3 years). By **duration of work,** which plays an important role in the nature of injuries, we mean the average daily working time, determined by the number of working hours per day and shifts per week established by law. High-risk work (in railway transport, in industry with heavy metals, toxic chemicals, etc.) and work that is dangerous to human health, but harmful to any organ, is carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations. The duration of work is regulated by SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting”, “Noise”, “Dust control”, “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises”, as well as in the “List of heavy work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions”.

**factors** that determine the risk of injury include: **age and gender:** women have a higher mortality rate from work-related injuries due to physical weakness and excessive gracefulness of movements. The difference in labor safety indicators at various jobs also has an impact (women are more often employed in light-duty jobs);

**work experience;**

*peculiarities of work performance* (the more often the work methods are repeated, the less the possibility of injury);

individual typological characteristics of the worker: height, physique, character, emotional sphere. The more stable the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual, the higher the level of stress tolerance and, consequently, the level of health;

the degree of preliminary training, professional training of the worker; the degree of motivation for work, for a high result of its implementation and the degree of responsibility for the safety of the work performed (an unemployed person, for example, is at increased risk of injury due to social vulnerability and low motivation for safety); degree of job mastery. For example, during a long break from work, significant psychophysiological changes occur (imperfect motor memory), which negatively affects the degree of danger and injury risk. The psychological aspect K.K. Platonov also identified the 4th component in the structure of professionally trained personnel: this is the emotional and aesthetic component of the personality. Stimulation from others, expressed in encouragement, causes joy and satisfaction from creativity. In case of failures in solving problems or aggressive actions on the part of a communication partner, a person experiences negative emotions (anxiety), which can be neutralized by a harmonious leadership style (which is based on the recognition of the socio-psychological essence of the interaction between the leader and subordinates). At the same time, the “command tone” is lost, transforming into mutual disposition and respect among workers for each other. The coefficient of group potentials decreases, bringing to life the concept of “group moral climate”, which is an integral assessment of interpersonal relations in the work collective, where