Treatment of colds by temperament type

A cold, as you know, can manifest itself in different ways depending on the characteristics of the body. Let's look at what symptoms are characteristic of each type of temperament and how best to treat a cold in each specific case.

For phlegmatic people, a cold with accumulation of mucus, runny nose, sore throat, cough, chills and low temperature is typical. In this case, it is recommended to drink hot tea with spices, visit the sauna, consume more mustard and eliminate cooling foods. Short-term fasting or food restriction is also useful. A warm and dry room is required.

In melancholic people, a cold manifests itself in the form of a dry cough, hoarseness, and a small amount of mucus. Oil inhalations, soft herbs, decoctions, and warm drinks will help. You need a room with a temperature of about 23°C and a humidity above 50%.

Cholerics and sanguine people are characterized by a cold with high fever, sore throat, and redness of the face. Cooling herbs and avoiding spicy foods are recommended. The room temperature should not exceed 18°C; regular ventilation is necessary.

In all cases, it is important to follow a repeated preventive course 7-8 days after the onset of the disease. In severe cases, you should drink as much hot water as possible to promote intense sweating. Various herbal infusions, oils for inhalation, and compresses are also very useful. The most important thing is to take into account the characteristics of your body and avoid hypothermia. Then the cold will pass faster and with fewer consequences.