Air baths

Air baths are a dosed cooling effect of air on a partially or completely naked human body. This is one of the types of aerotherapy.

When taking air baths, the skin cools under the influence of cool air. This leads to the expansion of skin capillaries, increased blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Air baths have a tonic and hardening effect on the body. They increase immunity and resistance to colds. They also help improve performance and endurance.

Depending on the air temperature, air baths are divided into cool, indifferent and cold. The duration of the procedure gradually increases from 2-5 minutes to 30 minutes.

Currently, special attention is paid to the treatment of patients with various diseases and health disorders using physical factors, one of which is air-thermal energy. Physical factors have a complex effect on the human body, providing both local and general (reflex) effects. The use of these methods helps restore the physiological reactions of the body after exposure to the disease,