Verbreek Syndrome

Verbryck syndrome. (Verbryke - lat.), hereditary progressive heterochromatic degeneration of the retina with complete blindness [j.r.verbryke, English. 23, 4.V.|. Going back to the work of the American ophthalmologist *Vershbaik - see*, who, since 1926, observed in himself and his patients some changes in the retina, corresponding to the histological description of Harry's disease. It was first accepted as a special variant of PD, but later it was not only singled out among others as a separate syndrome, but also, by analogy with PD, was included in the scheme of the main hereditary types of eye degeneration.

Etiology unknown. All patients had common ancestors and lived in the same area. A small number of men are noted. Transmission through the male line is typical, **however, autostypy can occur**. According to the family complex of observations, there is no indication of the presence of similar manifestations in the past. In general, according to the clinical picture and data from studies of retinal biopsies, the *B.* form is closer to PD with an earlier onset of the process. Ptosis is characteristic. Dichromasia manifests itself in varying degrees. Xanthopsia, if observed, is not so pronounced. The cornea is matte, possibly xerotic, the pupil with symptoms