Video exercises against wrinkles under the eyes

At the age of 20, it seems that wrinkles and other age-related troubles appear in women well past 40. Crow’s feet can appear under the eyes, persistent swelling or bags can appear by the age of 25. This is due to the way of life, the special vulnerability of the most delicate area. You can prevent early aging and reduce its extent in adulthood with the help of proper care. Cosmetics are not the only thing you can do. There is a special method of exercise - face building for the eyes. Gymnastics will help strengthen the muscles of the orbital and nearby areas, preventing the premature appearance of problems.

Characteristics and features of the technique

Facebuilding for the eyes is one of the areas of facial fitness. Special gymnastics, developed by the German Reinhold Benz, helps strengthen the muscle frame, remove imperfections, and form the correct facial contours. Regular gymnastics has a beneficial effect on your appearance. Developed and toned muscles support contours and prevent the skin from sagging.

The name of the technique “facebuilding” was created by analogy with the term “bodybuilding”, meaning the targeted formation of body curves by building muscle mass. Gymnastics for the face works on a similar principle. Special exercises are guaranteed to strengthen natural contours and create the desired shape.

Gymnastics is based on alternating exercises that intensely strain the muscles with periods of muscle relaxation. Each group is processed separately.

Attention! A daily approach to training will provide a tightening effect without surgical intervention. Achieving a guaranteed result is associated with an integrated approach to facial exercises.

Beneficial effect of training

It will not be possible to completely reverse the aging process with the help of face building, but it will be possible to significantly slow down the passage of time in external manifestations. Gymnastics can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles or delay their occurrence. Generally, Thanks to Facebook building the following effects are achieved:

  1. muscle tone improves, which affects the smoothing of wrinkles
  2. the flow of lymph and blood accelerates, activating all internal processes
  3. metabolism in tissues is normalized, reducing swelling and “bruising”.

Regular gymnastics improves your appearance. The skin looks healthy, elastic, fresh. By doing face-building exercises, you can improve your vision, which depends on the condition of your muscles. By eliminating drooping eyelids, visual correction of the incision and width of the eyes is achieved. The look becomes more expressive.

Exercise program

To achieve different effects, you will need to perform complex training. To better understand the approach, it is advisable to study the location and principle of operation of the muscles of the facial zone. The quantity and intensity of gymnastics exercises are selected in a targeted manner.

Mandatory warm-up

To prevent unwanted consequences, each active session is preceded by a calm muscle warm-up. Carry out the following actions:

  1. “Butterfly wing stroke”: blinking your eyes from slow to fast (30 seconds).
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction (3-4 times).
  3. They close their eyes: alternate between light and strong.

Important point! In addition to the warm-up, which warms up the muscles, before starting the main warm-up complex, it is recommended to complete a single exercise by relaxing the muscles and lightly blinking (butterfly).

For puffiness and bags under the eyes

To achieve a “visible” effect, the exercise is performed in the morning. The best option is in the first hour after waking up.

  1. Close your eyes tightly.
  2. Place your fingers on your cheekbones (you need to feel the movement of your eyes).
  3. They work with the pupils: they lift up with the eyes tightly closed.

The action is like trying to look up despite the veil of the eyelids. When performing gymnastics, you need to ensure that your eyes are still closed. The result of initial training can be pain in the organ. This feeling gradually goes away as the muscles are trained. At least 5 repetitions are performed at a time. Performing a series of 10–15 movements is guaranteed to help against bags and swelling.

For wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes

There are different options for preventing crow's feet around the eyes. Those that are easiest to reproduce are selected. It is better to carry out gymnastics from the paws in 2 sessions: in the morning after waking up, before going to bed in the evening. The universal option is as follows:

  1. The pads of the index fingers are applied to the upper eyelids at the outer corner of the eyes.
  2. Pull the skin slightly towards the temples.
  3. Cover your eyes, forcefully connecting the upper and lower eyelids.

Exercises require up to 60 repetitions. Regular exercise will help reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevent their formation.

To enlarge the eyes

The visual enlargement of the eyes is facilitated by preventing the sagging of the upper eyelid. Actions must be taken to train the muscles that support it. Carol Maggio's gymnastics are ideal for this:

  1. The middle fingers are placed in the space between the eyebrows, the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes.
  2. Squint slightly, moving the lower eyelid upward.

The actions are repeated at least 10 times. At the end of the approach, a delayed squint is performed: the lower eyelid is held in a raised position for 30–40 seconds.

Video: eye exercises from Carol Maggio.

For edema

The “Shiva's Look” exercise, performed after waking up, will help you quickly get rid of unnatural puffiness and swelling. The steps are simple:

  1. Perform a zigzag movement of the gaze.
  2. The eyes move from top to bottom.
  3. They try to visually draw a line in the viewing area.

It is necessary to repeat the “drawing” up to 10–20 times.

Recommendations for performing gymnastics

A single gymnastics approach is performed according to the principle:

  1. warm-up
  2. active series of muscle work
  3. relaxation.

Before starting classes, be sure to cleanse your skin. It is advisable to improve your breathing by alternately exhaling volumetrically through your mouth and taking deep breaths through your nose. Gently warms up the muscles. After gymnastics, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and apply a suitable cream.

Note! It is advisable to perform most exercises in the evening, shortly before bedtime. This way, tense muscles will be able to fully relax. If necessary, the one-day session is divided into 2 parts.

The degree of muscle involvement and the intensity of the load are increased gradually. Relaxed muscles should not tense unexpectedly. The complex is selected individually. Complications and introduction of new exercises are based on the level of training.

Efficiency depends entirely on the regularity of exercise. An intensive course of exercise lasts at least 3 months. Correction of the eye area usually takes 2–5 months. Daily involvement - at least 5 times a week. The best option is to train seven days a week.

Features of face building after blepharoplasty

Surgical intervention in the eye area of ​​a cosmetic nature is not a reason to refuse face-building in this area. Gymnastics is one of the necessary procedures that facilitate postoperative recovery after blepharoplasty.

Exercise will strengthen muscles, help remove excess fluid faster, and prevent stagnation. Puffiness, swelling, bruising, and the risk of postoperative complications are reduced.

Start training one day after surgery. A set of restorative activities will be recommended by the surgeon. You should not perform your usual exercise sessions unless they have been approved by your doctor. In the process of performing muscle movements, overexertion is unacceptable. Repeat the exercises no more than 5-6 times. Movements are carried out at a slow pace. Physiotherapy and massage according to indications can speed up the recovery process.


By strictly following the useful recommendations for performing training and evenly distributing the load, gymnastics does not foretell any undesirable consequences. It is recommended to abandon the technology in the following cases:

  1. increased blood pressure (chronic disorder or isolated case)
  2. the presence of pathologies of the facial nerve
  3. previous operations (recovery period)
  4. Botox injections.

To get the expected effect It is important not to overload the body. The alternation of exercises is accompanied by a short relaxing break. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in muscle spasms.

Facebook building is recognized as one of the ways to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. The technique is not considered difficult and can be performed independently. Charging does not require much time and effort.

Useful video

We correct the eye area with face-building exercises from Evgenia Baglyk.

Massage is especially useful for prolonged strain on the eyes, because then the skin around them gets tired. It is imperative to take breaks from work to relax and rest. Then exercises for wrinkles around the eyes will also be useful let’s take a closer look at the process of its implementation.

Gymnastics for the eyes

To prevent sagging of the skin and increase its elasticity, along with massage, it is possible to use special exercises against wrinkles around the eyes. After all, complex therapy will be much more effective. First, let's look at the general recommendations for this.

Recommendations for eye gymnastics

First of all, you need to approach the exercises with a good mood and a sincere desire to get a good result. Nothing should interfere with completing the course, so the time should be chosen accordingly. This requires only 15-20 minutes a day. If gymnastics is not performed every day, the result will not be so obvious, and the exercises will only be of a preventive nature.

Before starting classes, you need to wash your hands, keep your fingers warm, then clean your face with cosmetics. This condition is necessary to avoid dirt from entering the pores. You will also need to apply an anti-aging product after classes.

It is recommended to perform facial exercises for wrinkles around the eyes in front of a mirror so that you sit straight and look straight at it. It will show whether the exercises are performed correctly and the changes that occur in the skin, whether wrinkles are smoothed out. Don’t forget that each person’s facial features are individual, so when you monitor facial expressions during gymnastics, you can see whether this exercise helps or not. It is imperative to ensure that the face is relaxed, unless the conditions of the task require the opposite.

To see for yourself the progress in rejuvenation, use a camera and record from different angles at the same time the number and depth of wrinkles at rest, for example, on Sundays. It is important to do this from the same distance and with the same lighting for proper analysis. If the wrinkles have not gone away, then it is necessary to reconsider the course of exercises, as well as the cosmetics used during this period. Perhaps the composition of the cream contributes to dryness of the skin and interferes with smoothing.

Exercises for the area around the eyes

The main difficulty in doing the exercise for wrinkles around the eyes is to maintain a calm state of the muscles, in a relaxed manner without any facial expressions. You may even have to support your eyebrows with your fingers at first in order to do everything correctly with your eyes. First, you need to practice sitting in a calm state with relaxed muscles. You need to do each exercise 10 times.

  1. We inhale through our nose and at the same time open our eyes wide (the eyebrows remain motionless), hold for 3-5 seconds, exhale and return to the starting position.
  2. In the same state, we blink quickly, open our eyes and close them. For variety, we round the lips, moving them forward a little, and continue to do the same blinking.
  3. We open our mouth well and look up, while blinking quickly for one minute without breaks. But this may not work the first time, so we train and gradually increase the time for completing the task to the specified period. You need to do it in 3 approaches.
  4. We close our eyes, place our index fingers on the corners of the eyelids and press the lower eyelids with the upper ones until we feel the muscles move. Then we relax our eyes.
  5. We place our fingers on the bones under the eyes and hold them, at this time we raise our gaze to the ceiling and close our eyes using the lower eyelids. Next, relax your eyes.

Performing exercises against wrinkles around the eyes not only helps eliminate skin aging, but also maintains muscle tone to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and improves metabolism. In addition, do not forget about basic nutrition of the skin, adherence to a daily routine and proper nutrition. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to smile, then how can you enjoy healthy and elastic facial skin that is free of wrinkles?

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, which is why wrinkles appear on it first. Not everyone can afford cosmetic procedures, and the results may not always be satisfactory. Exercises to tighten the skin around the eyes are a good way to maintain a youthful and fresh face using natural means.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The most common skin problems around the eyes:

  1. Crow's feet are small wrinkles emanating from the outer corners of the eyes. They can appear after 25 years in emotional girls with developed facial expressions.
  2. Circles and bags under the eyes are also a common problem that many women want to get rid of.
  3. Drooping of the upper eyelid is a problem for women aged 40-50 years.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes help smooth out this area, restore its elasticity, remove swelling and bags, which allows you to look younger. It is important to do them regularly, then the effect will become noticeable.

There are many techniques for facial gymnastics. Most popular:

  1. Gymnastics using the Carol Maggio method
  2. Facebook building from Evgenia Baglyk
  3. Face forming by Benita Cantieti.

Each has its own characteristics, and there are similar techniques. Try doing eyelid exercises from different schools and choose what suits you best.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes Carol Maggio

Using her technique, 57 facial muscles are worked and after 2-3 weeks it becomes more youthful and toned. Maximum results are promised after 2 months of regular training. Maggio has two exercises for the eyes:

  1. Enlarged eyes. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows and your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Squint your eyes, lifting your lower eyelid upward. Repeat the movement ten times, holding the last squint for a count of 40.
  2. Strengthening the area under the eyes, reducing swelling. Place your middle and index fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, pressing gently on them. Raise your gaze upward, as high as possible, squinting your lower eyelid, but without closing your eyes. Repeat the gymnastics ten times, holding the last movement for a count of 40.

When performing this gymnastics, your fingers should feel a pulsation.

Facebook building for eyes from Evgenia Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk has many videos on her YouTube channel in which she talks and shows how to do facial gymnastics correctly. Below are exercises for the eyelid area.

  1. “Shiva's Gaze” - helps strengthen the internal muscles of the eyes, eliminate swelling and swelling. It is especially good to do it in the morning. Its essence is to perform zigzag movements with the eyes from top to bottom and back, repeat 10-20 times.
  2. Strengthening the upper eyelid. Place your middle and index fingers on the inner and outer corners of your eyes and close your eyes tightly. Your fingers should feel a pulsation. You need to perform the movement ten times.
  3. Strengthening the lower eyelid. Gymnastics helps remove bags and swelling and make the area under the eyes uniform. We position our fingers as in the second exercise. We direct our gaze upward, tightening the lower eyelid, and repeat this ten times.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage of the area under the eyes. With your eyes closed, you need to roll your pupils up. After you feel the tension, gently place your fingertips under your lower eyelids without pulling them back and continue the exercise. Your fingers should feel the movement of your eyeballs.
  5. Bulging of the eyes - straightens the orbicularis muscle, reduces its tension and the appearance of crow's feet. With your gaze straight ahead, open your eyes wide.
  6. Tightening the outer corners of the eyes. We place our palms in the middle of the forehead, turning them slightly to fix the lateral areas of the forehead. In this position, raise the outer corners of the eyebrows. The main task: to move the temporal zones, while the center of the forehead remains motionless.

All these exercises are in the following video:


Faceforming” from Benita Cantieti is not like other facial gymnastics techniques. Before starting to do gymnastics, Benita advises using finger pressure on different areas of the head to activate the facial muscles. If you have learned to move your ears, then you have achieved this goal.

Gymnastics from Benita Cantieti for the eye area:

  1. For bags under the eyes. We close our eyes and relax them. We carefully place the fingertips on the infraorbital bone. We make light pushes upward with the lower eyelid. We repeat the movement 60 times.

  1. Smoothing eyelids. We place the tips of the index fingers on top of the eyelids from the outside and slightly stretch the skin towards the temples. In this position, press the upper eyelid onto the lower eyelid 60 times. Such gymnastics is an ambulance in the fight against crow's feet.

  1. Eye opening. Place your middle and index fingers on the outer corners of your eyebrows. Gently pull the outer corners of your eyes towards your temples. Repeat the exercise 60 times.

By regularly doing exercises for wrinkles around the eyes, you will begin to notice positive changes: your eyes will become more open, wrinkles and swelling will decrease.
