Water against wrinkles

So, during previous testing, female volunteers were asked to drink one and a half liters of water a day for eight weeks, without changing their habits. Some drank regular drinking water, while others drank mineral water from the Lake District in north-west England. The latter contains salicin, obtained from willow bark, and is converted into salicylic acid during metabolism. This chemical compound can often be found in beauty products that help prevent acne.

Each participant was photographed before and after the experiment using Visia's proprietary comprehensive analysis system, which checks the length and depth of wrinkles, skin texture and the amount of sun damage. This allowed for a full comparison. Then the experiment showed that women who drank plain water had a 19% reduction in wrinkles. And among women who drank mineral water - by 24%.

In turn, an independent test conducted by the publication’s staff revealed that this theory is erroneous. Following the suggested diet did not lead to an improvement in the condition of the skin. According to Dr. Rita Rakus, improvement in skin condition as a result of drinking plenty of water is possible, but it will be so insignificant that there is no point in tormenting yourself by drinking one and a half liters a day if you don’t want to.

Drinking water has little to do with your skin's hydration levels. The only thing that keeps the skin hydrated is the outer layer of skin, which acts as a barrier. If it works normally and does not have any damage, then moisture will not leave the skin. Therefore, external moisturizing is more effective than internal one.

How to remove wrinkles no matter what areas of the skin they are on? How to fight against wrinkles radically - so that the skin of the whole body is protected from the formation of wrinkles? Is there a cheap anti-wrinkle product that can radically combat wrinkles?

In order to be young and beautiful for many years, you need to drink from 1.5 liters to 2.5 liters of water per day. If more, there may be swelling. But this is not an individual feature of the body. The main thing is at least 1.5 liters. Olive oil. It is rich in vitamins and microelements. Simply apply a thin layer to your face and neck. keep it like this for 15-20 minutes. You can do more - it’s natural oil, not chemicals. And then wash your face with warm water. Those who have acne will go away in 1-2 weeks, the skin will become silky, soft, pleasant. Wrinkles are visible. My great-aunt has been making this mask since she was 30 years old and at 50 she looked 35 at most. Taught my mom. She always said that chemistry does not rejuvenate the skin, but only ages it, and she never used any skin care cosmetics or various anti-wrinkle products. Only natural vegetables and fruits, olive oil and essential oils. The mask also helps to remove circles under the eyes, fatigue, penetrating deep into the skin, cleanses the pores.

There is such a remedy. And it has a truly radical effect against wrinkles. This is ordinary drinking water. The secret lies in the volume of its consumption by a person. Women especially need to accept this “in appearance”. It has long been known that about 20% of women do not consume enough fluid for the body. The fact that water can remove wrinkles was proven by 42-year-old Sarah Smith, a resident of England. Her experiment showed that it is enough to drink 3 liters of the most ordinary drinking water (on my own behalf, I would add that it should still be high-quality drinking water, not from the tap, but at least minimally purified from modern impurities). Although Sarah’s experiment with water was initially aimed at finding a remedy for headaches and solving digestive problems, water became an excellent remedy for wrinkles - various types of inflammation disappeared, circles under the eyes disappeared, the skin regained elasticity and smoothness as in youth. Throughout the experiment, Sarah did not resort to any diets or change her usual diet. Truly the most effective remedy is a natural remedy - water, of which 70% of our skin consists. In general, if you want to get rid of wrinkles, “just add water” ;).

Everyone knows that drinking plenty of fluids is good for your health. But not everyone knows what kind of water to drink and how much it is required to maintain balance in the body.

Everyone knows that drinking plenty of fluids is good for your health. But not everyone knows what kind of water to drink and how much it is required to maintain balance in the body.

Everyone has long known that drinking water is good for health, but even knowing this, not everyone does it. Our body consists of more than 70% water, but not everyone knows what kind of water and how much to drink in order to properly maintain this proportion. What kind of load does the kidneys experience if you drink more water than you should? What will happen to them if there is not enough fluid? These questions are answered by Andrey Stepanovich Akopyan, General Director of the Moscow Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, one of the country’s prominent andrological surgeons. Recognized specialist in the field of uroandrology.

— Andrey Stepanovich, a lot has been written about taking fluids and its benefits for the body, but I still wanted to ask this question to a doctor specializing in urology. How much fluid does a person need to drink and why do the kidneys need it?
— You need to drink a lot of fluids, because in addition to preventing kidney disease, it also prevents atherosclerosis. As for the kidneys, fluid is very important for the body to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Even if a person has a predisposition to urolithiasis, with normal-increased fluid intake he can avoid the disease.

— What is the daily fluid intake?
- If everything is in order with your health, then you need to drink from one and a half to three liters of fluid per day.

— Is it possible for a healthy person to drink four liters of liquid a day if he is thirsty?
— If you wish, you can drink five or six liters. It all depends on what kind of load a person carries and what he does. The more you exercise, the more fluids you need to flush out toxins from your body.

— Many women complain that when they drink the prescribed amount of water, dark circles appear under their eyes. Why is this happening?

- Firstly, if a person has diseased kidneys, then before drinking a lot of water, he should undergo an examination. Secondly, the appearance of circles under the eyes is not associated with increased fluid intake. Apparently, water is retained in the vessels. Edema occurs in a third of women at different periods. I will add that edema is not an age-related problem; it is more related to the exchange of the balance of female sex hormones. In this case, diuretics help.

— Why does fluid stagnate in the tissues and, as a result, weight increases?

- This happens due to the fact that there is not enough salt in the body, or the person has heart failure and the blood simply cannot flow out, it stagnates for mechanical reasons. You need to make an appointment for an initial diagnosis with a therapist. The doctor, seeing the state of the edema, will identify the cause. Swelling can also be different - cold, hot, with shortness of breath, without shortness of breath. The timing of edema when it develops is important. There are many causes of edema, but for some reason everyone blames it on water.

—What kind of water do you need for drinking?

Any water can be used. This doesn’t matter for the kidneys; the essence of the kidneys is to remove everything unnecessary. Of course, it is not advisable to drink Coca-Cola and other sodas, liquids with an aggressive environment. But if a child likes such drinks and drinks a lot, it cannot be prohibited. It is necessary to replace sweet soda, because it is harmful, with non-carbonated lemonade, cook compotes, fruit drinks, slip in tea. If a child wants to drink all the time, it means he does not have enough fluid. A child's kidney, if it does not have enough fluid, not only performs the filtration and absorption processes poorly, but also grows poorly. I'm not even saying that human aging itself is the first indicator of how filled the cell is with water. This is especially important for external aging in women, because early wrinkles are an indicator of dehydration in the body. If women knew this from childhood, many would be able to maintain their attractiveness longer. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding need especially a lot of fluids.

- And if you don’t want to drink at all, what then? Is it right to force yourself to drink?

- If you mark and look at how much fluid you drink per day, I don’t think it will be less. Tea, juices, soups, fruits - in general, this is what happens somewhere. Many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumber, and grapes, are almost 100 percent water. You can limit your milk intake because not everyone digests it. But kefir is absorbed better and can be drunk up to a liter per day. It is also good to make it a rule to drink different infusions of herbs, such as chamomile, rose hips, hawthorn, green tea. Of course, you don’t need to force yourself, but a variety of drinks helps you fulfill this necessary requirement.
It is believed that 1.5 liters of fluid per day is the norm; if less, the body begins to suffer and get sick. Thirst is not the first sign of dehydration, so when your mouth becomes dry or your head begins to feel dizzy, this is a real disaster.