Everything We Know About Colds

A cold is a disease that almost all of us suffer several times during our lives. This is a very common condition that causes discomfort and can last for several days or weeks. Even though the cold is such a common illness, much of what we know about it may be wrong.

The cause of a cold is a virus, not simply a cold body. There are more than 200 types of viruses that can cause colds. Cooling the body does not cause illness, but it may increase the body's sensitivity to viral infection. Neither general health nor diet have a particular impact on susceptibility to colds. However, the immune system plays an important role in fighting the common cold. Fatigue or depression increase the risk of infection.

Colds are transmitted by airborne droplets, but a more common cause of infection is through mucous secretions carried by the hands. Immunity to the viruses that cause colds is variable and decreases over time. For the same reason, no effective vaccines have yet been created against colds.

Vitamin C does not have the expected protective effect against the common cold, but it does significantly relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process. In addition, the disease can be prevented if interferon is administered into the nose and upper respiratory tract in advance.

At the first signs of a cold - feverish body aches, headache, runny nose, cough, fever, etc., measures should be taken to suppress it. First of all, you need to drink half a glass of water, in which stir 5 drops of iodine. Then, if your feet are wet, rub them with vodka and put on dry stockings. Place several dry cups on your chest and back. Drink 2-3 cups of very hot tea with a mixture of ginger and honey. If there is no ginger, then drink something diaphoretic in the form of an infusion, like tea, for example, linden blossom, elderberry, raspberry, etc. Then wrap yourself up well and try to fall asleep.

Treating a cold is both simple and complex. A viral infection cannot be cured instantly, but it is possible to speed up the healing process. The main task during a cold is to provide the body with the correct diet, rest and hygiene. It is necessary to avoid contact with other people and public places so as not to infect others. It is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, nuts and seeds. You should not take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor, as they are not effective against viral infections and can be harmful to your health.

It is important to remember that a cold is a temporary illness that goes away on its own after a few days or weeks. However, if symptoms do not improve or worsen, you should contact your doctor for advice and possible treatment.