Where will we do the waist?

The standards of beauty have changed at different times. Due to the variety of gastronomic delights, a woman needs more and more effort and work on herself to keep herself in great shape. Once again, denying yourself your favorite delicacy, you still try to “get to the bottom” of the truth, who came up with these notorious “90x60x90”.

How difficult it is to be a slim girl living in the 21st century. Either the time of antiquity or the Renaissance, when the standard of beauty was considered a woman who did not have the right to even a subtle hint of protruding ribs or collarbones! And it is unlikely that the buxom beauties of the paintings of the designated eras knew about the location of the adductor muscles or cared about the condition of their triceps; Surely, they also did not count the “cubes” on the stomach and did not care about the ratio of the waist to hips; and today's models would be considered physically unhealthy.

And it’s not so important what your weight is, what the volumes of various parts of your body are. After all, you can be attractive and irresistible not only in size 40 clothes. The secret of femininity lies in the correct ratio of waist and hips. There is an opinion (again far-fetched by someone) that the waist should be 80% of the hips. Of course, it is difficult to remove excess fat deposits from the waist, especially for women who are constitutionally prone to acquiring a “lifebuoy” (conventionally, this type of figure can be called an “apple” shape - fat deposits are mainly deposited in the abdomen and upper body, and not in the hips and buttocks, which visually resembles a “pear”).

But the situation can be changed due to stronger abdominal muscles. Try measuring your waist, then pull in your stomach (of course, this will only happen due to your abdominal muscles) and look at the smaller waist measurement. If the abdominal muscles are trained, then they are always in good shape, as a result of which the stomach is tightened. As a result, the waist size becomes smaller, despite the presence of fat folds (if they still remain after regular abdominal exercises).

So, today we offer you an original and effective exercise for the abdominal muscles. By doing it, you will feel not only the upper part of the muscle, but also the “lower” abs. But the feeling of different parts of the muscle will certainly depend on the severity of your lumbar deflection.

Lie on your back, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, and stretch your arms behind your head. If you feel a strong stretch in the muscles at the back of your thighs, you can bend your knees slightly. Inhale and as you exhale, lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, trying to keep your arms extended behind your head. And only after raising the body, continuing to perform the exercise, touch your legs with your hands. If your muscle strength is not enough to lift high and your hands cannot touch your feet, you can point your feet towards your hands. It is important to ensure that your lower back is always pressed. As you inhale, lower yourself to the starting position.

Since the exercise is not easy, start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the number to 20. Pay attention to the technique each time: do not lower your legs to the floor, keep your feet above your hips all the time; the lower back is pressed to the floor, in no case does it come off the support during abdominal exercises; Try not to press your chin to your chest - keep your neck in line with your back.

Always remember to control the sensations in your lower back. The burning sensation should only be in the abdominal muscles. If you feel pain in the lower back, check whether the technique is correct, or refuse this exercise. If you have a significant deflection of the lumbar spine, then you can place a rolled up towel under your lower back and follow your sensations when doing this.

We hope that this exercise will tone your muscles, as a result of which your stomach will no longer be saggy and your waist size will decrease. A