Aerobics for the face Carol Maggio book

Carol Maggio is one of the most authoritative experts on exercises for the facial muscles, the author of several books on this topic.

She has appeared on many TV shows dedicated to health and beauty on such TV channels as CNN, BBC, etc.

Name: Aerobics for skin and facial muscles
Author: Maggio Carol
Grade: 4.8 out of 5, 9 readers voted
Description: Here is a new set of exercises for step-by-step restoration of youth. With the help of the proposed program, you will be able to tone and strengthen your facial muscles. With these exercises, you can erase the years and wrinkles from your face without collagen, plastic surgery or laser surgery. K. Maggio guarantees the safety and maximum effectiveness of his fitness program.

There are not many things in the world that we can really control. However, we are able to monitor how we look and how we feel - if, of course, we are not lazy. Facial exercises are the key to looking and feeling good. This key opens the door to a world of other possibilities - an attractive appearance and, accordingly, a better feeling of oneself.

Collections: Ayurveda


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Rated 4 out of 5 stars from Altynay 05/06/2018 14:43

oksana lizina, register and everything will open up beautifully

but your book does not reach our hands, everything is blocked, what should we read?

5 years ago I purchased a disc with these exercises, I became exactly 10 years younger, and lost 15 kg. with moving, repairs, etc. I lost the disk, thank you for the book, I’ll study again, it’s the most effective thing I’ve ever tried.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars from Tatyana 09.22.2017 10:11

Super. Let's read! Let's exercise! Getting younger. )))

Rated 5 out of 5 stars from Lenuha 03.11.2015 12:52

Carol Maggio was 50 when she began developing her facial exercise system. Her discoveries are based on the works of Dr. Benz, who first told Americans about Facebook building. Carol systematized all the exercises and opened gymnastics courses for the face. She soon became more famous than her teacher, thanks in part to her spectacular appearance. Now she is approaching 70, and time has stood still for her. She looks the same as she did 20 years ago.

What is the role of exercises in a facelift?

Regular gymnastics of the facial muscles leads to the same results as plastic surgery. Only wrinkles are smoothed out not due to tissue tightening, but because the volume of the facial muscles increases. In fact, face building causes muscle spasm - from constant tension, they look something like after a botulinum toxin injection. Meanwhile, the load on the tissues should not be constant; most of the time they are in a passive state, and this is normal. Overexertion causes side effects, facial expressions are distorted, and nervousness appears. Women who oppose Maggio's exercise system say they have noticed involuntary, slightly nervous facial expressions on Carol herself.

What is Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics?

In addition to intense stress on the muscles, the Maggio system involves working with energy flows: it calls for mentally visualizing them and directing them to problem areas. To master a course in facial gymnastics, you need to master at least basic understanding of the human bioinformational field and energy charging skills. Without them, it will be unclear how to do individual exercises.

In the translation of her work, there is an instruction to perform all exercises by touching your fingers, which means that physical contact with the skin and muscles will be minimal. This is already at odds with the principles of face-building, with the help of which it is proposed to pump up the face. You do exercises, achieve a flow of lymph to the face and visible growth of muscle mass. How simple and clear everything is, and the result is obvious.

In Carol Maggio's system, physical activity is offered only to help the so-called mental work with energy flows. Simply copying the exercises offered in her book will not achieve results; you need to be aware of how each muscle works. Carol's book talks about this, you just need to delve into it and learn it. It would be easier to master the Maggio technique with a video course, but it is limited in distribution.

There is only one face-building trainer in Russia personally certified by Maggio - Muscovite Anastasia Burdyug.

Why do you need gymnastics?

Facial muscles cannot be pumped. At one end they are attached to the bones, at the other - to the skin or woven into neighboring muscles. Constant exercise will result in temporary improvement, but the aging process is inevitable. Over time, the spasmed muscles will begin to pull the skin along with them, first sagging areas will appear on the face, and then wrinkles. Carol's technique does not involve forceful load on the facial muscles and gives results for years to come.

Carol's recommendations help:

  1. tighten the skin and achieve a pronounced lifting effect;
  2. sculpture the oval of the face;
  3. give yourself the right facial features, a beautiful lip contour, a nose shape;
  4. get rid of wrinkles on the neck and double chin;
  5. remove jowls and sagging cheeks;
  6. smooth out age and facial wrinkles;
  7. strengthen the muscles of the orbital region and open your eyes;
  8. strengthen the lower eyelids and get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes.

Advice from Carol Maggio: before starting classes, take a profile and full-face photo so that you can later evaluate the benefits of gymnastics.

Gymnastics technique for the face Carol Maggio

Facial aerobics according to the Maggio system activates all 57 facial muscles. Not everyone is constantly involved, and those who are inactive need to be stimulated - this is why finger gymnastics was developed. While performing it, it is important to focus on the muscles that are working at the moment and monitor your breathing. At the same time, keep in mind a slide picture of what your new face will be like. After each exercise, Carol advises relaxing: inhale deeply through your nose and exhale sharply through tightly closed lips. The posture during aerobics should be collected: the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the hips and buttocks are tense - just don’t strain all the muscles on the body. Carol recommends doing gymnastics every other day, alternating exercises with facial massage. Moreover, it should be conducted in full courses. The results will be noticeable in 1.5–2 months.

The entire exercise is divided into three blocks:

  1. gymnastics for beginners;
  2. gymnastics for experienced;
  3. Carol's separate development is a short course for business women who cannot afford a lot of time for classes.

Video: gymnastics for beginners

Start with any exercise from the basic course and work it every day for 20 minutes. The basic block is designed for 6-7 weeks of training, then you can move on to the advanced level. It is better not to break the sequence of blocks.

Video: gymnastics for experienced

For skin care, choose suitable cosmetics, master different facial massage techniques (lymphatic drainage, vacuum, spoon massage, honey), adjust your diet and go in for sports.

Description of courses

The basic gymnastics complex for beginners includes 14 simple exercises, for advanced ones - 9 exercises for training different facial zones. It is convenient to perform gymnastics in front of a mirror - this makes it easier to track how accurately and according to the instructions you are doing it.

Exercise to enlarge your eyes

The basic level exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Take your starting position - sit or lie down.
  2. Fix your fingers: the middle fingers should be on the bridge of the nose, the index fingers should be on the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Squint your eyes, feel how your eyelids tense.
  4. Feel the muscles pulsate and slowly close your eyelids. Count to 40.
  5. Open your eyes and repeat the exercise.
  6. Do this 10 times in one approach.

A set of exercises to enlarge the eyes strengthens the orbicularis eyelid muscle

From the advanced level:

  1. Take the starting position - the exercise is best done while sitting.
  2. Place your middle and index fingers at your temples.
  3. Lightly pull the skin upward with them, feel how it stretches.
  4. Look straight ahead, fixing your gaze on one point.
  5. Without taking your eyes off the chosen object, raise your eyes upward, count to 10. Look forward, count to 10 again.
  6. Lower your eyes and mentally count to 10 too.

Make sure that your eyebrows do not move; when they move, this means you are pumping your forehead muscles.

Lower eyelid strengthening exercise

A simplified version of the lower eyelid exercise:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes.
  2. Close your eyelids tightly and count to 40.
  3. Open your eyes.
  4. Move your fingers to the inner corners of the eyes, fix.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly again and count to 30.
  6. Relax your muscles.

Lower eyelid exercise helps remove bags and dark circles under the eyes

For an advanced level, there is a complex exercise that helps remove swelling, strengthen the upper and lower eyelids, and slightly raise the corners of the eyes.

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, move your thumbs down, and cover your nose with the remaining three, like a “house.” The middle fingers are located between the eyebrows, the index fingers lightly press on the dimple at the inner corners of the eyes.
  2. Look up, hold your gaze.
  3. Squint your eyes, trying to pull your lower eyelid as high as possible.
  4. Remove your hands from your face and close your eyelids tightly.
  5. Count to 40.
  6. Relax your muscles.
  7. Repeat 15 times.

Nose shortening exercise

Carol Maggio says that the nose continues to grow with age, so it gradually becomes wider and droops. To avoid this, you need to constantly train your nasal muscle. The same exercise helps to correct the shape of the nose and reduce its size.

  1. Place your index finger on the tip of your nose and pull it up.
  2. Lower the nostrils as much as possible, feel how the wings of the nose tense.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then you can relax.
  4. Repeat the exercise 35 times.

Carol Maggio's exercise helps tighten the nasal muscle, which gets stretched over the years

For an advanced level, the exercise is modified:

  1. With one finger, you move the tip of your nose upward, but in doing so you strain not the wings of your nose, but your upper lip - you need to pull it back. Use your finger to continue pressing on the tip of your nose.
  2. Repeat the exercise 45 times.

Jaw strengthening exercise

The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, press your upper lip to the upper row of teeth.
  2. Place your lower lip behind your bottom row of teeth.
  3. Press your index finger to the middle of your chin.
  4. Open your mouth, then close it, without moving your jaw joints if possible. Feel the muscles at the corners of your lips tighten.
  5. Do this until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

Exercise strengthens the jaw muscles and orbicularis oris muscle

Gymnastics to strengthen the neck

The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

  1. Take the starting position lying down, it is better to do it on the floor.
  2. Place your middle fingers on the side of your neck and press them lightly.
  3. Slowly raise your head from the floor 4–5 cm.
  4. Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  5. Also slowly return to the starting position, relax.
  6. Repeat 20 times.

The exercise can be done without arms - they are extended along the torso. The rest of the execution procedure is the same. Repeat 35 times. While in position, turn your head to one side and then to the other so that your body remains motionless. Make 45 turns.

The exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin in this problem area.

Another exercise is designed for advanced people:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Cup your hands, pressing your wrists together.
  3. Place your wrists under your chin and clasp your neck with your palms on both sides.
  4. Try to pull your chin forward as far as possible, and use your hands to pull the skin back.
  5. Do 30 repetitions.

Double chin exercise

The following basic level will help you get rid of a double chin and at the same time strengthen your neck muscles:

  1. Take your starting position while sitting.
  2. Raise your chin as high as possible.
  3. Purse your lips and stretch them into a smile (do not expose your teeth!).
  4. Place your hand at the base of your neck and pull the skin down.
  5. Turn your head to the left, fix the position and count to 10.
  6. Now turn to the right and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  7. Then raise your head up and do not move until you count to 10. Feel how your neck muscles tense.
  8. Relax your muscles.
  9. Do 40 reps.

Double chin exercise helps correct the shape of the face and remove wrinkles on the neck

For the pros, Carol Maggio suggests another exercise:

  1. Sit down, straighten your back and relax.
  2. Open and close your mouth several times, while carefully monitoring which facial muscles are working.
  3. Now open your mouth again.
  4. Tighten the corners of your lips and try to close your mouth only with their help, without using your lower jaw.

Contraindications for implementation

The safety of Carol Maggio’s technique was officially recognized by doctors from Europe and the USA. Facial gymnastics affects muscle fibers, lymph flow, the circulatory system and the nervous system. If a person is normal and does not experience any health problems, physical and mental stress will most likely be beneficial.

The Carol Maggio system helps correct facial asymmetry and get rid of wrinkles, but only in the absence of contraindications

There are few restrictions on performing facial gymnastics, but they exist:

  1. recently undergone facial surgery (a month before the start of classes and later);
  2. beauty injections if you did them 2 weeks before you started doing gymnastics and later. The load on the facial muscles neutralizes the effect of solutions injected under the skin;
  3. any damage to the facial nerve (inflammation, injury, paralysis);
  4. mechanical damage to the skin of the face (wounds, scars, ulcers).
  1. exacerbation of bacterial and viral diseases;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. unstable pressure.

Book by Carol Maggio in Russian

The original book by Carol Maggio was published in English. In translation, the book was called “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” (Moscow, Eksmo-Press, 2012. – 128 p.). This work sets out in detail the author's recommendations for performing each exercise, and there are few of them, which is why the book turned out to be small. The first section contains a complex for beginners (14 exercises), the second contains gymnastics for professionals (9 exercises). Each complex is divided into 5 blocks, which contain exercises for different muscle groups. The section “Exercises in the car” is highlighted.

The book “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is called not the most successful translation of Carol Maggio’s work, but in Russia it is the only one

It is not necessary to do the entire set of exercises every day. If your chin is bothering you, you can only work with exercises from the corresponding block. The book provides the basics of anatomy - the names of the muscles and explanations of what they are responsible for and which part of the face. For each exercise, the technique of execution is shown and comments are given on why exactly it is useful and what results can be expected. The text is accompanied by black and white photographs that clearly show the technique. At the end, general recommendations for skin care are given.

Reviews of facial gymnastics Carol Maggio

About "energy". Try the following before doing the exercises. Sit quietly in a Turkish position (or in a lotus, whoever knows how), with the palms of your hands folded at chest level so that there is free space inside between the centers of your palms. The back is straight, do not lower the chin, while the body is as relaxed as possible. Mentally imagine how energy gathers between your palms, try to feel the warmth. Then rub your palm against your palm harder. The hotter they rub, the better. And while your hands are “hot”, start doing the exercises. If they cool down too quickly, you can rub them some more.


So, what did this gymnastics give me? I haven’t been practicing it for too long yet, but I’ve already noticed positive results. No, my cheekbones haven’t turned into plump apples, but my skin tone has definitely improved. I like to feel my facial muscles and be able to control them.


In general, the complex is worthwhile, but here you need to either do everything very accurately and correctly, or watch some video lessons, or work with a trainer. In short, until you understand it thoroughly, it’s better not to overdo it. Do one exercise at a time and see what the result is. At the same time, under no circumstances should you stretch the skin or make any traumatic movements at all. Then there will be a result.


These exercises, like Dubinina’s exercises, are strength exercises. ALL strength exercises spasm the muscles. In general, in an amicable way, the muscles should not be spasmed, but, on the contrary, relaxed. Have you noticed the faces of the paralyzed? It is especially noticeable when one side is paralyzed - it is smooth. Botox injections are based on the same principle. But it also has its, to put it mildly, disadvantages. I ruined my face with Dubinina’s bosses, although they, it seems to me, are less aggressive than Maggio. I was painfully worried about the changes I saw in the mirror after the test. But please, read a lot of articles about facial muscles and the dangers of strength loads, about muscle spasms, about the mechanisms of aging - everything will become clear.


Thousands of photographs are posted online every day by women, offering to compare themselves before classes and after a month or year of working on their face. They are asked hundreds of questions about their age under these posts. Facial gymnastics works! So Carol fully deserves the title of the world's best facial fitness specialist, which was awarded to her by the British magazine Harpers & Queen. Carol Maggio's gymnastics in this publication was named one of the hundred best ways to maintain youth.