Athletic gymnastics for women

In the modern world, plagued by such social phenomena as obesity, physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable environment and other negative factors, fitness for women became the very straw of a drowning man, giving the opportunity to representatives fair sex stay beautiful, slim, sexy and desirable...

Fitness for women, girls and girls

In this article we will touch upon issues of organizing and conducting fitness workouts for women. How should representatives of the fair sex approach training correctly? What is the difference between women's training process compared to men's? What are the distinctive features of women's training? We will also list the main anatomical and physiological differences between male and female organisms, give a lot useful tips on planning and organizing classes, selecting equipment and working weights, and also touch on other important points...

Features of women's training

When doing strength exercises, you should consider a number of morphofunctional features, since the limbs of the weaker sex are shorter, but the spine is longer than that of men. While the leg muscles and abdominal muscles are quite strong, the muscles of the arms and the entire upper shoulder girdle are relatively poorly developed. The density and size of bone mass in women is significantly less, and flexibility and mobility in the joints and spine, elasticity of ligaments and muscles is higher than in men. Lung capacity is also lower. And the heart is smaller in size, the rhythm of breathing and heart contractions is more frequent. In fact, women have a longer period of recovery of heart rate, as well as arterial blood pressure, following physical activity. Also, a higher indicator of these parameters is at rest. The nervous system is characterized by great reactivity and excitability.

Females are usually smaller and lighter than males. They manage to reach the peak of their strength capabilities two to four years earlier. The absolute muscle weight of the average female body is on average lower - 23 kg (for men it is -35 kg). At the same time, as a percentage, the amount of muscle from the total body weight is only 30-35% (this figure for men: 42-47%). The strength of the fairer sex on average is only 60-80% of the strength of men, and for those involved in strength and athletic training, this difference is even more significant.

Fitness workouts for women

In classes with female contingent weight of shells it is necessary to select much smaller ones, and an increase in the number and load intensity do more smoothThan men. The selection of exercises and their effects on muscle groups differ slightly from the general standard rules for using classical exercises with weights. It should be borne in mind that ladies, when performing strength exercises, usually do not strive to develop maximum muscle strength, but are concerned about improving general physical fitness, improving health, harmonious physical development, and achieving beautiful forms.

Special exercise machines in combination with dumbbells, barbells and dynamic exercises (sports and outdoor games, aerobics) help transform figure, get rid of excess weight.

To combat excess weight, it is necessary to perform energy-intensive exercises: walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc. Local reduction of body fat occurs as a result of stretching exercises. In stretched muscles, the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue decreases, and thus the total volume of mass of a certain part of the body decreases - for example, when bending forward and backward. The exercises are performed both dynamic and static - the stronger the muscle tension, the better the result. The combination also leads to high results stretching with athletic exercises - strength training with cyclic aerobics. After a 10-minute intensive warm-up, vigorous dance movements are performed, which should be periodically replaced by three to four strength exercises, each of which lasts for 50 seconds (like a circuit training), after which vigorous dance aerobics continues (for a time: 2-3 minutes ). Then the stage of the power complex is connected again and so on in a circle. With this training regimen, a) the cardiovascular and b) muscular systems are simultaneously hardened, and a constantly high intensity of the load is consistently maintained throughout the entire session. However, this technique requires those involved to adhere to a rather strict training regime, which requires certain preliminary preparation.

Considering all of the above features of women's training, beginners in athletic gymnastics are offered the following set of exercises:

  1. Standing, turn your head left and right - 10-15 in each direction. Perform smoothly, 3 x 15 times.
  2. Lying horizontally on a bench, press with dumbbells or a barbell, 3x6 times.
  3. Sitting, without back support, lifting dumbbells for biceps, 3x6 times.
  4. Standing, raising dumbbells from the shoulder, 3x9 times.
  5. Lying on a horizontal bench, head at the edge of the plane. Smoothly lower your arms with dumbbells behind your head, while simultaneously bending them at the elbows (“pull-over”), 3 x 10 times.
  6. Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned out, a bar up to 5 cm high under your heels, and a barbell in your arms raised up. Exhale - squat with full amplitude, do not bend your back. The exercise can be performed with dumbbells. 6 x 6-15 times.
  7. Standing, the bar of the barbell is in a position on the shoulders behind the head. Half squats, 3 x 15 reps.
  8. Sitting on a bench, place the barbell on your shoulders behind your head. Half forward bends, 3x8 times.
  9. Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in your hands near your hips. Smooth turns of the body left and right, 3 x 5-12 times.
  10. Standing, holding dumbbells (barbell disk) weighing 2.5 - 5 kg above your head. Rotating the torso clockwise and counterclockwise, 6-7×5 times.
  11. Standing, holding dumbbells in your arms down. Alternately lifting each leg onto the toe, 3 x 15 times.
  12. Lying on the floor, raising straight legs up behind your head at an average pace, 3 x 8 - 12 times.

Representatives of the fair sex should do exercises in three approaches with varying numbers of repetitions. Those who want to lose weight repeat them 25-30 times, increase muscle volume - 8-10, strengthen muscles - 10-12 times.

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